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Craft Being destroyed near the Mun's surface during time warp


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Reported Version: v0.1.3 | Mods: SORRY and Lux's flames | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i7-8700k | GPU: AMD Radeon RX 580 | RAM16GB


I was flying on a collision course to the Mun directly from Kerbin. The height was about 10000m above "sea level" and I was at 5x time warp. I disengaged time warp and ignited my "Labradoodle" engine at 2% of the thurst, then re-engaging time warp, shortly after which my craft suddenly disassembled into pieces and was destroyed. 


Edited by Anth12
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8 hours ago, Alpha_star said:

I was flying on a collision course to the Mun directly from Kerbin. The height was about 10000m above "sea level" and I was at 5x time warp. I disengaged time warp and ignited my "Labradoodle" engine at 2% of the thurst, then re-engaging time warp, shortly after which my craft suddenly disassembled into pieces and was destroyed. 

This will hopefully be fixed for
Probably related to one of the bug reports within the following post:


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