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CameraController - Next

Rudolf Meier

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CameraController - Next

Did you ever want to move the camera freely? Rotate it without restrictions? And look to your vessels or space stations from angles that KSP doesn't allow you to do?

Well, then use CameraController - Next!


How it works

After installing CameraController - Next you can activate/deactivate it by pressing the / button.

When active, the you can move the camera as usual, but without maximum positions. This means, that you can e.g. rotate the camera with the arrow keys around the full 360°.

Additional to this you can move the camera when pressing the right shift button (and use the arrow keys, right mouse button or the mouse wheel). And you can rotate the pivot axis in two directions when pressing the right control key (and use the arrow keys or right mouse button).

Instead of pressing right shift/right control, you can also use the back/fwd buttons of the mouse to drag or rotate the camera. For high precision movements, press the * key on the numpad.

If you want to use the mouse for those movements, you can do so by pressing the "back" and "fwd" buttons on your mouse while dragging.

The best way to find out what you can do is by trying it. In short: Normal camera operations are a bit different and right shift and right control provides additional functionality.


Supported KSP Version

Works with 1.12 and later. The latest version is compiled agains 1.12.3


How To Get It

this mod is CKAN-Indexed-green.svg

Download: https://github.com/meirumeiru/CameraController-Next/releases

Source: https://github.com/meirumeiru/CameraController-Next

License: GPL-3.0

Edited by Rudolf Meier
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