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Higher or Lower Resolution than Native (or 1080p) is Causing Part Advanced Info Test to Get Smaller or Bigger (Bigger can Cause Crash or Massive Memory Leak)


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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Linux Ubuntu 20.04.6 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3400G | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti | RAM16GB

System Specs:



Description:  The extra info provided for parts seems to be displaying incorrectly.  The size of the text seems extremely large causing nearly all of the text to be rendered off screen.  Often the text area where the text would get displayed is blank as well.


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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 home 64 bit | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 6-core processor | GPU: Radeon RX 580 | RAM16 GB






Severity: High

Frequency: Low


1. Press shift on a part in the VAB, notice that the additional info text is all whack (I assume this is related to crash for later reasons).


2. Spam shift on methane fuel tanks (which dont have additional info), notice that nothing happens. 

3. Hover your mouse over certain engines (which all do have additional info), game eventually freezes, try to close it and fail, try to escape by openning a second version of ksp2, only for your fullscreen game to become windowed and now you're in the whack dimension and have to restart your computer. Cry


Only certain parts seem to have whacky additional text, all engines, clamps, electrical generators, parachutes, RCS, stabilizers, and lights. The size of this whacky text also varies whenever opened, closing then reopenning will lead to different sizes of whacky text . Additionally, only a small subset of parts appear capable of triggering a crash. All lights and the clamp wont trigger a crash for example, while the goliath jet engine reliably will. 

Additionally, for all electric generators, viewing one electrical generator will cause the next generator you view to have larger additional text. This will continue on consecutively until your game crashes. My current theory as to how this bug works is that some parts are capable of generating additional text so large that it crashes your game.





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I went into more info in the crash thread, but to sum up what I discussed there about this bug (which seems to be a dependent of the crash bug). Only certain parts seem to have this whacky additional text, these are all engines, clamps, electrical generators, parachutes, RCS, stabilizers, and lights. The size of this whacky text also varies whenever opened, closing then reopenning will lead to different sizes of whacky text . 

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My text size seems consistent (2560x1440p - 100% scaling) - BUT - They don't always seems to display.

I would have, for instance, a solar panel showing deployable, but not showing any properties, like EC generation.

For parts with more complex properties, some might show on one mouseover, but flicking quickly between parts others might show while the original text dissapears.

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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Intel i9-9750H | GPU: RTX3060 | RAM32GB


Similar to the bug reported about the same details being significantly oversized - I've been running into the opposite issue where the "View More" details are missing - or less frequently too small (see images).

Not sure how to reproduce - appears to happen at random.

UI scaling is set to 80% so that could be related to the shrinking effect instead of the oversized effect.


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Seeing this here too. The one difference is the text is always normal size or smaller (sometimes to the point of not being visible) - never larger than normal.

Processor    12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF   3.60 GHz
Installed RAM    64.0 GB (63.8 GB usable)
Edition    Windows 11 Home
Version    22H2


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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win 11 | CPU: ryzen9 7950X | GPU: RTX 4080 16GB | RAMDDR5


Easily replicated by:
Set resolution to 1600 x 900
Open VAB
Look at any part's advanced information

Look again

This doesn't happen in 1920 x 1080


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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel i9 9900K | GPU: Nvidia 3070ti | RAM32GB


Steps to Replicate:

  1. Change resolution to something less than native.
  2. Go into the VAB
  3. Go to Engines in the parts menu
  4. Mouse over an engine
  5. Press Left Shift
  6. Move Mouse off and on and off and on until the memory leak occurs

Some of the time it will just crash to desktop before the memory leak occurs.

Video Evidence:
Timestamped for easier navigation.
0:00-0:10 is triggering the bug,
0:10-0:18 is skippable 
0:18             the task bar is on screen to show memory leak happening.

Found this while testing @spaceman42069 's bug report

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Reported Version: v0.1.4 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 Pro | CPU: i7-5820K | GPU: RX6750 XT | RAM16Gb

While you build a ship, the text with advanced information about the parts becomes smaller each time you view a part.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Reported Version: v0.1.4.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win 11 22H2 | CPU: i9-13900KF | GPU: RTX 3080 Ti | RAM32.0 GB


No fuel usage, no nothing.

Tried restarting game, no effect.

Hadn't played in a couple weeks, this is a brand new install on a fresh Windows install, so no older files/saves to influence it.

I did a search through bug reports, didn't see this, but if I'm duplicating please link me to the proper thread.



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At first Windows was 3840x2160, KSP2 at 2560x1440.

Set Windows to match KSP2 and rebooted, no diff.

Have noticed the small letters, usually the first engine I check will have them, once I go to a different engine, they all show blank, including the original tiny letter one when I go back to it.

This is in engines only, all other shift info panels are fine.


P.S. I actually typed, "Anth, if I'm duplicating,  please link me to the proper thread,"  lol, but changed it, since I wasn't sure who was gonna review it.

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8 hours ago, Filed.Teeth said:

At first Windows was 3840x2160, KSP2 at 2560x1440.

Being anything else other than the native resolution has caused issues with that area in the VAB.
I wonder if KSP2 knows that even when you set both windows and KSP2 to 1440p

8 hours ago, Filed.Teeth said:

Have noticed the small letters, usually the first engine I check will have them, once I go to a different engine, they all show blank, including the original tiny letter one when I go back to it.

This is in engines only, all other shift info panels are fine.

Good to know. Thanks.

8 hours ago, Filed.Teeth said:

P.S. I actually typed, "Anth, if I'm duplicating,  please link me to the proper thread,"  lol, but changed it, since I wasn't sure who was gonna review it.

If you do look for duplicates, I recommend doing a few searches in the archive as well as the main public area.

I wouldn't do anything more than maybe 5 minutes of searching though. If an original bug report is missed after a short search, so be it.

I don't want people spending so much time looking for existing bug reports that they lose motivation to report the bugs themselves.


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This seems to work if I set my game to 1920x1080 -> My Screen and windows is at 2560x1440p.

If I run it at more than 1920x1080 the text gets smaller every time I mouse over the next thing.

If I run it at lower that 1920x1080 it actually get larger, and soon enough the game locks up.

Oddly enough this does not seem to affect all items, but nothing except a game restart fixes it.

Since I don't have these numbers memorized, I've pretty much stopped building anything interesting and am awaiting the next patch.

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Reported Version: v0.1.4.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win 10 | CPU: R5 5600x | GPU: 3070 | RAM32GB


In the VAB if you mouse over a part and open the extended menu it appears very small. If you go to a different part it will appear even smaller. Finally, around the 3rd or 4th time it will be gone, and you can not see any information in the extended info panel. I seems to be reset every "Campaign" save.

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