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Hue Utility for Mimicking Authentic Natural Skin (H.U.M.A.N.S.) [v1.1.0 for KSP2 v0.2.0]


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Hue Utility for Mimicking Authentic Natural Skin


Customize your kerbal human attributes any way you like.


Spacedock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3477/H.U.M.A.N.S.

Source: https://github.com/Falki-git/HUMANS

Authors: Falki



Customize individual kerbal attributes

  • Change: first and last name, skin color, hair style, hair color, suit color and nationality
  • Pick between various shades of human or kerbal skin colors



Pick a culture and nationality

  • At the start of the campaign pick one of the cultural presets: American, European, Chinese, Russian or Kerbalkind
  • Each culture preset carries a chance (weight) that a certain nationality and skin type will be assigned to the kerbal. Around 50 nationalities are present currently.
  • After the nationality is assigned kerbals are given random first and last names from the pool of names for that nationality
  • Each culture gives a default suit color to all kerbals



Define your own cultures, nationalities, skin colors...

  • Every parameter that H.U.M.A.N.S. is using is loaded from .json files that can be found in ..Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\Humans\data\
  • You can edit those json files to define your own cultures, nationality weights, suit colors or any other parameter
  • Maybe you want to create your own kerbal fantasy culture? Or tweak nationality weights to increase the chance for your own nation? Or add first and last names that you feel are missing?
  • NOTE: github PRs are very much welcome to add new nationalities and first and last names




  • If Custom Flags mod is installed, this mod adds 4 new flags: USA, EU, Chinese, Russian




  • It's highly recommended to use CKAN to download H.U.M.A.N.S. (and any other mod really) as it will take care of mod placement and installing dependencies
  • Grab the latest version of ckan.exe from here: https://github.com/KSP-CKAN/CKAN/releases
  • Open CKAN and point to the location of your KSP2_x64.exe (commonly located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2)
  • Select Humans from the list and click on Apply changes


  • Install BepInEx + SpaceWarp + UITK for KSP2 (see Dependency chapter)
  • Grab H.U.M.A.N.S. .zip file from SpaceDock
  • Extract the contents of the .zip into your KSP2 installation folder (commonly located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2)
  • Mod folder will be placed in ..\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\



  • While in KSC open the mod window by clicking its entry in the APP BAR
  • Note: due to KSC mod buttons being broken currently, the only way to open the GUI is with a keybind CTRL + H






Edited by Falki
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Guess I’ll be playing human space program 2 soon.:happy:

(This would actually be great if used along with KSP2: Odyssey which is a counterpart of the RSS in KSP1. Maybe Kerbal games are realistic with mods, even for the young KSP2)

Edited by Alpha_star
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SpaceWarp 1.5.0 has been released, so it's no longer neccessary to get a prerelease version manually. You can get SpaceWarp via usual methods (CKAN or SpaceDock).

Hopefully H.U.M.A.N.S. will be added to CKAN soon, also.   H.U.M.A.N.S. is also added to CKAN.

Edited by Falki
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  • 4 weeks later...

That's great to hear! Yes, I wanted to make everything completely customizable. Even skin and hair colors could be rewritten in json files so your Kerman States for example could have their own shades of greenish skin colors. Glad to hear you're enjoying it :)

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Oh this is so, so beautiful.

I am sad to report a few bugs, however:

1. The game locks up on the loading screen, at "Loading Kerbal roster data"
2. If it doesn't,  then when I place Kerbals in pods and new Kerbals are generated, the new Kerbals are frequently completely missing their 'mugshot' picture.

I will try and get you a screenshot of bug #2 if I can ever get past bug #1 again.

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  • 1 month later...

v1.1.0 Keybind, new hair styles, fixed portrait

  • Added keybind CTRL+H to open the GUI in KSC scene. Since APP button in the KSC scene broke with the KSP2 v0.2.0 patch, a keybind is added as a temporary fix
  • Added 7 new hair styles (F&M)
  • Fixed portrait aspect ratio which changed with KSP2 v0.1.5 + minor UI fixes due to Unity upgrade last patch
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  • 3 weeks later...
14 minutes ago, Moon Goddess said:

is it possible with this to just have Kerbals but with random last names like you give the humans?   I hate them all being Kerman, always have.

At the moment, no. If Kerbalkind culture is selected, then everything remains as it is, and then you can rename them individually if you want and set any other attribute.

We might change this in the future.

Edited by Falki
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2 hours ago, Infinite Aerospace said:

This is a cool little mod, how come I've never noticed this before!

It's got a lot of nice things that aren't apparent at first glance. We recently talked about rebranding it to something else and refocus it on kerbal customizations. We'll see how that'll go :)

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19 hours ago, Moon Goddess said:

I thought I'd be able to do it with this mod, but maybe I'm wrong, couldn't figure it out... is it possible with this to just have Kerbals but with random last names like you give the humans?   I hate them all being Kerman, always have.

@Moon Goddess,  I was thinking more about your wish to have regular Kerbals but just with random names. And of course it's possible, I don't know why I didn't think about this immediatelly. This mods pulls all its data from json files that define cultures, nations, names, skin presets. It's just a matter of tweaking them to get what you want.

I've added an example of a new "KerbalsWithNames" culture, set the skin type to "Kerbal" and set a few nations from which the random name generator can pull names. And that's it.

I've added this to "..\BepInEx\plugins\Humans\data\culture_presets.json":

    "Name": "KerbalsWithNames",
    "PicturePath": "",
    "NationalityWeights": {
        "USA" : 100,
        "France" : 50,
        "Germany" : 50,
        "Great Britain" : 50,
	"Italy" : 50,
    "SkinColorTypeWeights": {
        "Kerbal" : 100

You can download the finished json file from this link and overwrite this file "..\BepInEx\plugins\Humans\data\culture_presets.json". When you enter a new campaign you'll be greeted with a culture select screen and you can select the "KerbalsWithNames" culture. If you're bothered with having real nations and flags, you can further tweak them inside nation_presets.json.




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