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The Elcano Challenge: Ground-Based Circumnavigation (5th)

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15 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

why modded? pol is a stock moon, and i didn't use any mod in that game

Error on my part, is all. (In general it would help me out if each claim said explicitly modded or not, my memory is not all it could be...)

Were your OPM/Whirligigs modded other than the planet mod?

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16 hours ago, Poppa Wheelie said:

I finished a polar circumnavigation of Duna in KSP2.  No parts mods, and no mods that change the physics engine, or science gathering, etc.  But I did use quality of life mods.

Nice to see more KSP2 action, and I can't help but feel the rover looks more elegant compared to even a similar design in KSP1. You write "the Elcano just took too long and required too much personal attention while running it" - I infer it was heavier going than in KSP1 - is that so, and how much?

(Also marked up king's modded planet submissions as stock/modded, apologies if I've got that wrong _again_, and found that somewhere in the mists of time Sharpy's Duna thread link had been lost; restored it).

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5 hours ago, damerell said:

I infer it was heavier going than in KSP1 - is that so, and how much?

Yes, it was more difficult for me than my KSP1 Duna Elcano.  The biggest problem was the "finger flick" bug.  Here's how I described that bug in my Mission Report:

And, yes, I experienced what I call the "finger flick" bug consistently and repeatedly throughout the whole journey.  This is the bug where, with no input on my part, the kraken flicks a giant tentacle and knocks my rover to the right or left, sometimes spinning it out of control, sometimes messing up a tricky ascent or descent.  This bug has already been reported by others through the bug reporting process.  What a pain!

Without this bug, there were long stretches of terrain where I could have just paid half attention and accelerated back up to speed periodically.  With this bug I was constantly stopping spinouts and overcorrections - constantly putting myself back on course.

There were also a couple of places where the terrain itself was more difficult than the route I took in KSP1.  The poles were definitely more tricky.  I also had a few sections where the ground made my wheels wobble like I was riding over cobble stones, and it bounced the vehicle up and down and slowed speed to practically nothing.  Very difficult to drive through these areas, and especially to climb.  And visually these areas looked like any other hilly area.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Added @king of nowhere's Tylo to the scoreboard. I found it was a pretty interesting read, quite different from my experience of Tylo other than it being an excessively long way.  I wonder if that's down to Kerbal Foundries versus stock wheels? I've also been fixing the old links and putting in the old challenge administrators' comments... at a glacial pace, but eventually I hope the first post will be more use to would-be circumnavigators.

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3 hours ago, damerell said:

Added @king of nowhere's Tylo to the scoreboard. I found it was a pretty interesting read, quite different from my experience of Tylo other than it being an excessively long way.  I wonder if that's down to Kerbal Foundries versus stock wheels?

I checked your circumnavigation; I see you generally kept a speed between 30 and 40 m/s; you took a couple days longer while having less detours. I could have kept the same speed and be perfectly safe, except it would have been more boring. as i stated, tylo tricks you with some very flat terrain, only to put up some obstacles once your guard is down. it wouldn't be dangerous by itself, it's the reckless driving it encourages.

there was also the occasional hitting of a surface feature; they did mix up with the regular boulders, as such i sometimes missed them. i didn't see them in your run, maybe you lack breaking ground?

i have no idea of kerbal foundries wheels have different behavior, that may have contributed. if they had some kind of authomatic speed limit, that would have helped immensely.

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I didn't have Breaking Ground installed at the time; apparently I own it by virtue of having bought KSP in the pre-Steam days.

Kerbal Foundries wheels use a different wheel physics model, KSPWheel.

They do have a maximum speed, but not in a helpful way; they break if they are run too fast for too long. They don't provide torque at that speed, so they won't break themselves, but you have to watch it downhill. I used a kOS script to brake as necessary.

However, it's the physics model that comes to mind - earlier Tylo circumnavigators noted weird glitches that just shoved them up into the sky, and I had none of that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Vall too. This will be my last one for a while, if not ever. I considered getting the master circumnavigator, but I'm not driven enough to circumnavigate the missing planets. Actually, I started a Mun circumnavigation months ago, but I gave up one quarter of the way. Same for a Tekto circumnavigation. The thing is, I've been playing this game 4 years, I've done all I really wanted to do, I haven't found any new interesting challenge to try after

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  • 2 weeks later...

I got the timelapse done for my undersea Elcano :D
Just after an uhhhhhh, 8 month break-

Most of the timelapse is played back at 50x speed (the max that Shotcut would allow), with some of the more "interesting" sections slowed down slightly - mainly the beginning of the journey, crossing the land bridge, visiting Kerbin's deepest point, and the end of the journey.

I did my best to edit out any quick loads, of which there were several, just to make the journey and the viewing experience feel more continuous. I do still have the raw footage with all quick loads included if that's necessary though.

The video is also quite low resolution - which wasn't on purpose, my OBS just hadn't been set up correctly, but it's probably for the best, as even at 640x400 all of the footage is still taking up 127 GB.

In any case, category should be Stock; I think it was judged that this would likely qualify as a sea-based circumnavigation, but that was also in the last iteration of the challenge, so maybe it'll get judged differently now.

Final run time is 68 hours and 40 minutes (70 hours and 10 minutes of footage).

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Also, I have started a new circumnavigation - this time of the Mun! Nothing wacky about this one, just a normal drive. Just over 2 hours into it thus far.



Also question, do flag mods disqualify a run from being considered "Stock"? It's totally fine if they do, just wanna check before I slap a custom flag into something in the future.

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Muncano update, just over 5 hours in now.  Started off pretty cautious with the driving speed, going at like 15-20 m/s, but now I'm hitting 30-35 fairly comfortably. Going much more quickly than the Kerbin circumnavigation :)

Neither Padorf nor I are fans of driving in the dark-



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On 5/18/2024 at 11:09 PM, Ianwubby said:

Also question, do flag mods disqualify a run from being considered "Stock"? It's totally fine if they do, just wanna check before I slap a custom flag into something in the future.

No, flag mods are fine.

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Muncano complete! Final time is 13 hours 46 minutes. Ended up driving about half of the distance with a broken front-right tire because Padorf apparently couldn't fix it, so I need to figure that out for the future. I also recorded this for a timelapse, I'm not sure how well it'll turn out though because this drive involved a lot more zooming in and out and turning the camera and such which might end up looking real bad sped up, so I guess we'll just have to see.


Path around the Mun:


And a view of the Kerbin elcano path in the distance-


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Excellent. I'm in another country, but I'm back inside the week and I shall get you on the scoreboard as soon as possible - and, unless I'm mistaken, congratulations on the first sea bottom circumnavigation.

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On 5/22/2024 at 4:52 PM, damerell said:

congratulations on the first sea bottom circumnavigation.

Thank you!

Also, the Muncano timelapse is up; it's thankfully relatively watchable, except for the nighttime portion of the drive, which you can barely make out anything on.

(Don't worry, Padorf was later retrieved from the Mun and brought safely back to Kerbin)

Eyeing Minmus right now, with an upgraded rover design. I imagine I can get that over and done with very quickly.

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Minmus elcano complete as well :)

Final time is a lovely 3 hours 51 minutes. I'll be getting a timelapse of this up as well pretty soon, I know this isn't a lot of pictures to go off of.


Flag path (kinda hard to make out):


Approximate route (traveling from east to west; each flag is represented by a little circle, and signifies ~30 minutes of driving):


I'm not sure what I might wanna go for next; I've got potentially controversial ideas for Eve, and Gilly could be nice to tackle along with that, but maybe Duna/Ike would be a nicer pair for me to start with.

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