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Kerbal Space Election '12


Which candidate do YOU support?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Which candidate do YOU support?

    • Jebediah Kerman
    • Bill Kerman
    • Bob Kerman

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With the election in the U.S. coming around, i figured i'd make a thread asking which KSP character you guys would choose as your Country's/Providence/City-State's leader.

For nostalgia and familiarity purposes, we'll stick with Jeb, Bob, and Bill.

Detailed descriptions of each candidate:

Jebediah Kerman is a member of the Destruction Party. His campaign slogan is: "I'll take the problems, and destroy them into oblivion, just like i do with my spacecraft every day". He Gets an average expert rating of 7.5 out of 10, and gets an average Kerbin demographic poll rating of 8 out of 10. His supporters say that " He's familiar with his kind of politics, so that's why we're picking him."

Bill Kerman is a member of the Safety Party. His campaign slogan is: "Well, I'll be safe and not let anything happen. Thats the Bill way!". He gets an average expert rating of 4 out of 10, and gets an average Kerbin demographic poll rating of 6 out of 10. His supporters say that "he'll play it safe and not waste money. After all, he freaks out when he loses a dollar out his car."

Bob Kerman is an Independent. His campaign slogan is: "I might put dangrous stuff through, or maybe i wont. It just depends on whether there was a spacecrash that day." He gets an average expert rating of 6 out of 10, and gets an average Kerbin demographic poll rating of 6 out of 10. His supporters say that "He bases decisions off of actions, so his politics are strong."

So what do you think? Why are you picking who you picked? Pick an option up above, and tell why you're picking them down below.

The polls will close December 10th, 2012, and the winner will be announced, along with fancy-shmancy graphs, charts, and data.

Thank you for voting!


::ELECTION UPDATE:: The polls are in full swing and we are having a great variety of votes. There is also some campaign art being developed by Voters, and we are having a very colorful race. We have had a total of 149 voters as of 10/14/2012, 19:22 EDT.

Edited by Flymetothemun
A Campaign Update
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I have to go with Bob. While Jeb is a go-getter, he is too reckless for my taste, and Nova may have a point for where he was born. Gonna have to check that birth certificate.

While Bob is terrified during his job, he still manages to get himself into it and has the brains to make something out of what is discovered. I like to think Bob had something to do with the larger parachute being produced.

Bill seems indecisive to me, and quite possibly is in a catatonic state through the most of any mission. Not quite a person we should have in a position of leadership.

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Jeb would be the guy to always count on. But I feel his descisions are too arbitrary. Never has a mission been sucessfully aborted with Jeb at the throttle.

Since I'm a hipster, I cast my vote for Wildorf Kerman. He's made it through just about every failiure that happens at my space program, crawling out of the debris every time. I feel he can project his life on the Kerbal economy, and dig us out of the hole George Kerman caused!


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Jeb is just reckless in my opinion, and Bob, although an accomplished test pilot, doesn't really have the IQ to get into politics. Bill, being a duty-minded kerbonaut and the first to set foot on the Mun, is my choice. Bill 2012!

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Voted for Bill. The guy screams a lot in flight with Jeb because he has brains and realises the potential for catastrophic consequences! Jeb's the man to put his hand up for dangerous and not much chance of living missions, but Bill's the guy you need to make the money making decision's. Plus, I think deep down Bill wants to see Jeb scream! So reckless mission's will always be a part of Bill's presendency:)

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