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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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  KhaosCorp said:
Why is everyone so scared of the water in KSP lol!
Simply, because there are many glitches in association with "water" in KSP. No real, good working boat parts. No possibility to build pipelines. The game may freak out if you get deeper then 200 meters and so on.
  KhaosCorp said:
At best you can use the debug function to reset the deposits
How exactly can i do that?
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Debug in enabled in the settings.cfg by adding the line 'Debug = True', but its kinda hit or miss atm (see issue tracker on Majiirs github), this info is in the wiki iirc.

Water is really not that glitchy, its underwater that has issues..if the root of the craft is above surface it typicaly will have no issues.

And from all my testing there is absolutly nothing going on at 200meters depth. At around 600+ meters things get bit hairy, but its not as big a deal as people make out. Ive drilled on both Kerbin and Laythe in depths of over 600meters with ZERO issues at all.

no good boat parts? WHAT? BoatParts from Infinite dice is rather stable. Not as intensive, the pontoon from Firespitter pack work great for making boats. Also, off-shore drilling does not have to be done by boat...all of my laythe drilling craft are airships....only thing that so much as touches the water is the drill.

Even with only Stock+Kethane parts this can be done...though the craft would have to be massive and oddly to displace enough for full kethane tanks...

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Ok, this is a little silly at this point...

I have ran through the last few pages and have seen 3 people ask what the heck is the issue with the drilling animation playing OVER and OVER and OVER and never stopping...

Someone answer the question for god sakes...I'd like an answer myself as it makes playing with the large drill...annoying..

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  PhsycoTimmay said:
Ok, this is a little silly at this point...

I have ran through the last few pages and have seen 3 people ask what the heck is the issue with the drilling animation playing OVER and OVER and OVER and never stopping...

Someone answer the question for god sakes...I'd like an answer myself as it makes playing with the large drill...annoying..

Go back a few more pages and you find this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/23979-Kethane-Pack-0-8-Art-pass-terrain-conforming-grid-and-miscellaneous-improvements/page318?p=704502#post704502

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  Psycix said:
Why not present a hotfix instead of having to answer dozens of people that ask the same question?

This was also answered a few pages back with the fix...Majiir said he wanted to wait a bit before pushing out a hotfix...since it was so recent to update.

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But why? Without putting the fix in the first post it is pretty much guaranteed to have people miss out on the info, resulting in unneeded bug reports in this thread and general user inconvenience.

  Bobhendly said:
Actually, I find the looping drill animation useful in figuring out how to place the drill.

You remind me of this XKCD:


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  Jasmir said:
Hi there, i've a gameplay question:

Since the generator managed to put nearly _all_ Kethane-Deposits under water on laythe, i want to change that:

Preferred way: A new random Deposit-run, but only for Laythe. How do i make that?

2nd choice: How can i move a Deposit to a explicit location?

When you add Debug = True to the kethane settings.cfg make sure it also has ShowOverlay = True in it. The debug version of the kethane window is also a bit buggy where it often won't display correctly.

I got it to work once so I poked it to reset Kerbin until I got a good deposit all around KSC. Then I quit and deleted the debug line in the settings.cfg To do Laythe you'll have to be in control of a ship orbiting Laythe then go to the map view.

If the debug window won't show right, you'll have to restart the game and hopefully it'll decide to work. If not, keep restarting. I had to restart it quite a few times until it worked.

No problems with the normal Kethane window. :)

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  johnsonwax said:

Brilliant, Thank you very much!

More pages than I was willing to go back lol! Think I made it to the 320's before I gave up :P

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I'm working on a plugin that uses Kethane at the core, It's going to be centered around Helium3, both as a fuel and as a power source, and, when money gets incorporated into the game, potential income. I've managed to get the resource distribution to work, but I'm running into two issues. The first one is that that current update of kethane you have out (0.8) keeps causing a bug where buttons stop responding properly in the tracking center screen. I removed all of my content and the bug was still there. I'm not sure if I caused it, but in the end, only completely removing kethane fixed it, so something inside the kethane mod's current build has the capability of breaking in that way, I just don't know what triggers it to happen.

Second, meshes. I'd love to make my own meshes instead of piggybacking off what other people make, but I don't know the first thing about making them, are there any good tutorials out there I could get?

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  Tanya Sapien said:
I'm working on a plugin that uses Kethane at the core, It's going to be centered around Helium3, both as a fuel and as a power source, and, when money gets incorporated into the game, potential income. I've managed to get the resource distribution to work, but I'm running into two issues. The first one is that that current update of kethane you have out (0.8) keeps causing a bug where buttons stop responding properly in the tracking center screen. I removed all of my content and the bug was still there. I'm not sure if I caused it, but in the end, only completely removing kethane fixed it, so something inside the kethane mod's current build has the capability of breaking in that way, I just don't know what triggers it to happen.

Second, meshes. I'd love to make my own meshes instead of piggybacking off what other people make, but I don't know the first thing about making them, are there any good tutorials out there I could get?

Whilst playing KSP, I had a simmilar bug inside the VAB, where the launch button and half he save button didn't react to my mouse, as is there was a 'dead zone' in the top-right corner. Others have had this bug in both the VAB and the SPH, and I don't think it's to do with Kethane. Maybe try a new install completely-that seems to work.

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Hello Kethaners, I got a question, So I have the science tree all unlocked and kethane installed, but I cant get the parts to load up in career mode, what do I do? I see the kethane grid, but no parts. Thanks for your help.

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  RabidMonkey said:
With Majir's blessing, my attempt at a balanced Tech Tree integration via ModuleManager:


















Just copy/paste this into a .cfg file under GameData (I use GameData/Kethane/Kethane_techtree.cfg), and you should be good to go for career mode.

Can you kind of go into more detail how to do this please, just copy and paste it into any cfg file?

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  Xzabath said:
Can you kind of go into more detail how to do this please, just copy and paste it into any cfg file?
Paste the text into a new file using your text editor of choice, then save it as [whatever].cfg somewhere under GameData. The [whatever] can be any name you like - the important parts are the .cfg extension and the fact that it is somewhere under GameData.
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  Xzabath said:
Can you kind of go into more detail how to do this please, just copy and paste it into any cfg file?
  RabidMonkey said:
Paste the text into a new file using your text editor of choice, then save it as [whatever].cfg somewhere under GameData. The [whatever] can be any name you like - the important parts are the .cfg extension and the fact that it is somewhere under GameData.

You also need the modulemanager dll, which you may have already. It'll be in the root of your GameData folder and is named ModuleManager.dll.

If you don't have it, you can download it from its forum post.

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  SandMan13 said:
Is there any way to get this integrated into the tech tree right now? I know you guys said it was being worked on but I'd like to be able to put all the parts in one or two nodes so I can start up some kethane factories in my career mode.
Start by reading the post immediately above yours.
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  SandMan13 said:
That's actually not what I wanted. There is no explanation on how to set up my own kethane tech tree from those posts. I can use someone else's but not make my own. Which is wanted if you read my post.

Take the text quoted a couple posts above that (the one that looks like code) and modify each part to be placed in whatever tech tree node you want it in. You need to know what each part is named (it should be pretty obvious) and what each tech tree node is named (I don't have that. I've been avoiding learning too much about the internals until I unlock it all for myself).

  C3PO said:
Not everyone knows how to execute a dll file.

You don't execute a DLL file. You place it in your \GameData\ folder. Anybody who installs mods should know how to do that.

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