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Kethane Pack 0.9.2 - New cinematic trailer! - 1.0 compatibility update


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You could probably use KAS to build a floating platform over the deposit and then lower a weighted drill down to the ocean floor for mining purposes. Obviously this wouldn't work in very deep water, but I've seen it done before somewhere on the forums. Not exactly an oil rig, since it floats, but it would do the job. And you could make it mobile.

Hm...I'm getting ideas for an ocean-going mining ship for Laythe...

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You don't need to move any of the parts to the parts folders? or anything else for that matter?

- there's no specific label for which folder the parts go

Download the .zip file. Extract it. Drill down to the Kethane folder and drop that into your /Kerbal Space Program/GameData folder. Done.

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You don't need to move any of the parts to the parts folders? or anything else for that matter?

- there's no specific label for which folder the parts go

Hi Avera9eJoe, You are probably overthinking it because Squad made it incredibly simple. Basically each plugin has it's own folder under GameData, in the KSP directory. For example, In your GameData folder, you will see Squad. This is the folder where the default game items are. You don't have to worry about what's inside the Squad folder. For plugin install purposes, you can ignore that.

This plugin will have a Kethane folder. The Kethane folder has subfolders too, but you don't have to worry about those, just drop the Kethane folder, along with all the subfolders and files, into Gamedata. Now you have Squad & Kethane. If you get KAS, the Kerbal Attachement System, it's the same process. Just drop the KAS folder in to GameData, and now the GameData folder contains Squad, Kethane, & Kas. Make sure you don't end up with this path:

Wrong: Kerbal Space Program/GameData/GameData/Kethane/*

Correct: Kerbal Space Program/GameData/Kethane/*

Most mods install this way. Others sometimes include ship's as well, and these get dropped into your Kerbal Space Program/Ships folder. Either Ships/SPH (hanger - Planes) or Ships/VAB (Vehicle Assembly Building - Rockets). Occasionally a Mod will need to put a file in the root GameData folder, such as ModuleManager, but that should be evident in the zip file structure of the Mod.


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Can we get some way to harvest kethane from water?

Id love to see kethane rig designs.


Using modified KAS winches I have mined Kethane on Kerbin to depths of 1.2km. On Laythe to depths of 750(ish)meters. Tried on Eve but I mucked up the landing to deliver the mining airship.... As was mentioned before if your gonna explore offshore drilling its best to stay at or above a depth of 600meters. Go deeper for sure, just be sure you quicksave before ya do!

Other mods that help this goal: Boatparts, Firespitter, HooliganAirships

It seems far faster and more resource effective to offshore mine via boat or airship...submersibles did not do good in testing at all.

My current offshore setups is large hydrofoil using Firespitter pontoon, this is used for on Kerbin. Airship do all otherworldy offshore mining.

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Back up-thread a ways is the fix. There's a small edit to a .cfg file you have to make, then you can replace that file in the zip so it'll be fixed should you need to extract the mod again.

Fixes and info like this should be edited into the first post.

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Using modified KAS winches I have mined Kethane on Kerbin to depths of 1.2km. On Laythe to depths of 750(ish)meters. Tried on Eve but I mucked up the landing to deliver the mining airship.... As was mentioned before if your gonna explore offshore drilling its best to stay at or above a depth of 600meters. Go deeper for sure, just be sure you quicksave before ya do!

Other mods that help this goal: Boatparts, Firespitter, HooliganAirships

It seems far faster and more resource effective to offshore mine via boat or airship...submersibles did not do good in testing at all.

My current offshore setups is large hydrofoil using Firespitter pontoon, this is used for on Kerbin. Airship do all otherworldy offshore mining.

Were your winch modifications just config edits, or something else simple? If so, could you reveal what you changed, either here or in the KAS thread? A module manager cfg would be greatly appreciated in the case of config edits.

Edited by Ogamaga
forgot module manager
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Were your winch modifications just config edits, or something else simple? If so, could you reveal what you changed, either here or in the KAS thread? A module manager cfg would be greatly appreciated in the case of config edits.

Just go in and change both the winch length and the winch speed (or else it takes an eternity to rewind). Before the KAS update, my winches were set to 200m, which I then proceeded to abuse the 'climb the VAB with KAS' challenge with.

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Is anyone else having this issue? The latest build seems to have this problem where the large drilling unit constantly activates and deactivates. Not just in the VAB/SPH, but also when on the pad/runway or in flight...

Yes, that has already been reported a couple of times.

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Back up-thread a ways is the fix. There's a small edit to a .cfg file you have to make, then you can replace that file in the zip so it'll be fixed should you need to extract the mod again.

Fixes and info like this should be edited into the first post.

Whoops. It looks like Keptin changed the animation names without telling me. Open the part config (GameData/Kethane/Parts/kethane_heavyDrill/part.cfg) and find these lines:

name = KethaneDrillAnimator
DeployAnimation = heavyDrill_deploy
DrillAnimation = heavyDrill_drilling

Change the animation names so it looks like this:

name = KethaneDrillAnimator
DeployAnimation = idle
DrillAnimation = idle0

I'll have this patched in the next update, but I want to wait a bit before pushing out a hotfix.

No need to re-extract. I mean, you definitely can, but it's not necessary; just change the .cfg that's already nested in your Kethane folder and restart KSP.

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No need to re-extract. I mean, you definitely can, but it's not necessary; just change the .cfg that's already nested in your Kethane folder and restart KSP.

You actually dont need to restart KSP for simple config edits like this (most the time). Go to space center scene and press 'f12' select the 'database' tab, and hit 'reload' button near top of that tab. This will cause the game to reload all models, textures, and configs (pretty sure thats all it does).

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Hey guys, since updating to Kethane 0.8 and KSP 0.22, I am not able to see the geodesic grid or hear my scanners beeping. I am also using the Extraplanetary Launchpads mod and MechJeb in addition to a couple of parts packs. Has anyone else had this issue? Perhaps by stroke of luck someone has already figured it out :D I'll continue testing in the meantime and see if I can figure out why :(

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For those who want this mod intigrated into career mode, I made a quick and dirty part.cfg edit for myself. I used the stock tree as a base and tried to space out the techs so there would be a kind of progression to it. For example: you get the radial drill at tier 5 adv construction and the 2 smallest kethane tanks in the tier 5 fuel systems tech, but you don't get the sensor tech till tier 6 exploration tech. This is just my opinion of what it should look like, haven't playtested it yet to see if it works well, so Ill probably change it later. If anyone wants my edits ill gladly post them if its ok with the mod dev.

@Majiir am I ok to post these edits here for others to use?

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For those who want this mod intigrated into career mode, I made a quick and dirty part.cfg edit for myself. I used the stock tree as a base and tried to space out the techs so there would be a kind of progression to it. For example: you get the radial drill at tier 5 adv construction and the 2 smallest kethane tanks in the tier 5 fuel systems tech, but you don't get the sensor tech till tier 6 exploration tech. This is just my opinion of what it should look like, haven't playtested it yet to see if it works well, so Ill probably change it later. If anyone wants my edits ill gladly post them if its ok with the mod dev.

@Majiir am I ok to post these edits here for others to use?

One would hope it would be, but who knows?

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I'll repost this idea from the KAS thread here, because it's equally relevant here.

How about a set of KAS-compatible Kethane parts? Specifically, a set of a scanner, drill, and converter, collectively small and lightweight enough to be packed into two small KAS containers, and assembled and activated on EVA.

The chiefest problem with this, as I've found, is that Kethane parts cannot be activated from EVA, requiring a control part. Well, that and the fact that the kethane converter might have trouble with feeding fuel through a pipe. But the lack of EVA functionality is the main hurdle. If it were added, the other problems could be theoretically resolved with relative ease.

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For those who want this mod intigrated into career mode, I made a quick and dirty part.cfg edit for myself. I used the stock tree as a base and tried to space out the techs so there would be a kind of progression to it. For example: you get the radial drill at tier 5 adv construction and the 2 smallest kethane tanks in the tier 5 fuel systems tech, but you don't get the sensor tech till tier 6 exploration tech. This is just my opinion of what it should look like, haven't playtested it yet to see if it works well, so Ill probably change it later. If anyone wants my edits ill gladly post them if its ok with the mod dev.

@Majiir am I ok to post these edits here for others to use?

You may post config edits for tech tree integration in the form of a ModuleManager config file. Please do not post entire modified configs. Cheers.

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I installed Module Manager once. It was more of a pain than manually configuring my mods, and actually caused a bunch of problems that were only fixed by clearing out all mods and reinstalling them manually. It's possible that all those problems were my fault but frankly I'm not willing to try again to find out.

I'll just wait until something official comes out, or if I get to the point in my career where I need the parts I'll just throw them all in the tier 0 node.

Is there a reason you're not releasing an official tech-tree-ready version of the parts.cfg? "I can't be bothered to" is a perfectly acceptable and valid reason, considering all the work you've done so far we can't really blame you. I'm just curious and knowing would affect whether or not I wait or just throw everything in tier 0 and be done with it. Is an "official" release coming eventually or never?

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I installed Module Manager once. It was more of a pain than manually configuring my mods, and actually caused a bunch of problems that were only fixed by clearing out all mods and reinstalling them manually. It's possible that all those problems were my fault but frankly I'm not willing to try again to find out.

Just to be clear here, in this context ModuleManager is a DLL written by Ialdaboth and maintained by Sarbian which allows you to use a simple configuration file to modify the part definitions of anything in your game without having to hand-edit the parts, so the tweaks can safely persist across installations of updates to the mods that you are tweaking. It also means that several mods can make changed that they wish to, to stock parts for example, without there being any clashes or over-writes to the parts.

It is NOT an application that manages what mods you have installed, which I believe is what you are referring to.

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Is there a reason you're not releasing an official tech-tree-ready version of the parts.cfg?


I'm just curious and knowing would affect whether or not I wait or just throw everything in tier 0 and be done with it. Is an "official" release coming eventually or never?

I may eventually, but don't hold your breath. I encourage people to post MM configs. I'm working on a number of things for KSP and I'm relatively busy otherwise, so career mode support is a low priority. (Why? Career mode has no endgame. Mods are all about endgame.)

If I can get to working on Kethane in the next few days, my first priority will be solving the performance issues with the map screen.

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