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Launch Automation? What Am I Missing?

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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I can't find any ability to automate launch into LEO in KSP2.

I am running Flight Plan, K2-D2, Manuever Node Controller, Node Manager, Space Warp, and UITK for KSP 2 as my mods. Have I just not learned my mods well enough yet because there is a solution in there?

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The K2-D2 mod has a 'fly gravity turn' mode. I’ve only tried it with fairly simple craft, but for those it made orbit reasonably well. Compared to similar functionality in KSP1, I think both MechJeb and BetterGravityTurn were more efficient at launching, but it’s a matter of degree, not a huge difference.

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I found K2-D2 launcher to work decently well. It has one issue with high TWR on later part of the launch as they start getting speed fast around 30 km it will not compensate for this and you will end up with an 1 km/s circulation burn who is inefficient and dangerous if second stage has to do part of the burn and it has low twr.

Solution is to lower the go flat attitude or just disable it and fly manual. 

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