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On SOI change the game can't make up which SOI the vessel is in, so it rapidly switches back and forth

The Aziz

Bug Report

Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: win10 | CPU: i710700k | GPU: rtx2060 | RAM32gb


Unclear how that happened. The one thing I did was to right click at the trajectory on SOI boundary and "Warp here". The ship then warped there but on the boundary wouldn't move any further. The orbital parameters were changing but not the position. And the flight camera was going crazy. Even got a hint of some rock for a about 5 frames. Timewarping again solved it.


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Edited by DibzNr
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Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: None | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600 6-core Processor | GPU: NVIDEA GeForce RTX 3060 | RAM15.91GB


This save file was made on a modded game.  After removing all non-essential mods the bug persists.

  1. Load the save
  2. Timewarp closer to EVE encounter
  3. Set EVE as target and point to target with SAS
  4. Timewarp to the exact moment of SOI change in the map
  5. Wait for timewarp to stop automatically as you get close to the SOI change. 
  6. Wait for the magic to happen
  7. The game is now officially confused and will keep putting you in Eve SOI and back to Kerbol SOI very fast.
  8. Timewarp a bit further to get out of the "Danger zone", the game now recognising you to be in Eve SOI

Recording with mods: 

Recording without non-essential mods in attachments


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Edited by DibzNr
Removed Eve specification in title as this happens everywhere
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