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What Could You Do With a 3 Yottaton Bomb?


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Just curious?

If a nation on earth was gifted one by scifi aliens (who are going to sit back and watch from high orbit while they eat popcorn), just how destructive is that?

What could you do with a 3 yottaton energy level bomb?

I aware they stopped making nukes more powerful because a lot of blast energy is wasted knocking air out into space rather than destroying the target.

Yet once you are in yottaton territory, I think matters start to change... right?

Is a yottaton the kind of bomb that rearranges the shape of continents?

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Your first challenge would be to get it anywhere. Even if it ran on pure annihilation, it would still weigh billions of tons. Although it probably wouldn't matter much where on the planet you set it off.

By the way, why 3 yottatons in the first place? Why not 1 or 2 or 5 or a more round number?

Edited by Codraroll
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Well yes, Yottaton level bombs are enough to dramatically rearrange continents.

I’m doing this on a phone with a notepad app, some not entirely sober mental arithmetic, and a lot of web searching - so I may well have screwed up my powers of ten somewhere along the way - but I reckon a 3 Yottaton bomb is enough to make 50 bomblets, each of which is sufficient to completely dismantle the Earth.

As in, send each of its constituent atoms to escape velocity so that they can never coalesce again under gravity.

Or probably enough to make star sized mounds of popcorn if you wanted a light snack for everyone on the bridge of your death star.

@Codraroll The three is useful here. 1 megaton is about 4x10^15 J, so multiplying by three lets us round up to the next power of ten.

You know - in case dismantling 5 Earths wasn’t enough.



Edited by KSK
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53 minutes ago, KSK said:

Seriously though, yotta is a ridiculous scale to be working in. For comparison, the Sun weighs about 2 million yottagrams.

Completely unrelated, but this whole thread was inspired by a joke thread about the Outsiderverse and reponses to it below:




The phrase Yottachad got me wondering about a yottabomb lol.


Originally it was all about Gigachad lol.


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You'd be insane to have a bomb that large anywhere near a civilised star system. 3 yottatons (3x10¹⁸ Megatons) is a quantity of tnt equivalent to ~500 earth masses and more than a year's solar output in all directions (7.9x10¹⁵ Megatons).

Like KSK says ,this is enough energy that (if efficiently transferred) could permanently disassemble the earth over 50 times.

If the blast were to last a minute, the bomb would shine 30 million times brighter than the sun (mostly at sterilisating gamma wavelengths). If you detonated it at a pluto's orbital distance, it would still be 5000 times brighter than an earth day for a Pluto located diametrically opposite.

If it detonated anywhere within a solar system that system would be sterilised.

Some *gift*.

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5 hours ago, darthgently said:

We could Orion-propel the Sun into the Andromeda galaxy because we don't want to wait for Andromeda to arrive in due time.  Time is money

I had a look at this yesterday, but I think a 3 yottaton bomb is still several orders of magnitude (10^32) below the kinetic energy of the sun around the galaxy (10^40), and less than the orbital kinetic energy of Jupiter (10^35) or Saturn (10^34), so it's still a little less than a solar system scale Orion propulsion device.

It's within shouting distance of the energy required to liberate all of Neptune from its gravitational binding energy (10^33) but not quite.

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1 hour ago, RCgothic said:

I had a look at this yesterday, but I think a 3 yottaton bomb is still several orders of magnitude (10^32) below the kinetic energy of the sun around the galaxy (10^40), and less than the orbital kinetic energy of Jupiter (10^35) or Saturn (10^34), so it's still a little less than a solar system scale Orion propulsion device.

It's within shouting distance of the energy required to liberate all of Neptune from its gravitational binding energy (10^33) but not quite.

Of course we'd have to raise the apoapsis of Sol's galactic orbit over time until escape velocity was reached.  This would take many yottaton bombs.  As the Orion drive is meant to use explosions  in sequence.   If limited to a single bomb then we could save it for when Earth is threatened by collision with a Neptune sized rogue planet

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18 hours ago, darthgently said:

We could Orion-propel the Sun into the Andromeda galaxy because we don't want to wait for Andromeda to arrive in due time.  Time is money

Forget about Dyson spheres and other such namby-pamby concepts. Real spacefarers deconstruct their star systems to build pusher plates for yottabomb powered Orion drives...

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