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Problems with waterfall + stock waterfall effects

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Hello. I have recently started digging down the hole of modding, specifficaly, waterfall; as I fell in love with it after watching a few videos. I then realized that I liked the stock waterfall effects mod the most, and then installed B9 cuz dependencies.

Most engines are not working

The working engines are the following:

  • Mamooth and vector
  • Rhino
  • Dart
  • Skipper and mainsail
  • R.A.P.I.E.R (both modes)
  • Terrier and poodle
  • Twinboar

All other engines still have stock plumes







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On 3/13/2024 at 3:49 PM, Jeb x Valentina said:

undrowning post

Pls help. I can'0t stand having both plume packs at the same time

Can you send a KSP.log file and a screenshot of your game data folder?

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On 3/21/2024 at 5:38 PM, Jeb x Valentina said:

at last, support

Sure :) 

The log (idk why I'm uploading on github) JebVal/Waterfall-troubleshoot-JebVal:



On 3/25/2024 at 9:21 AM, AtomicTech said:

@linuxgurugamer, can you help me with this?

I don't quite follow.  

Waterfall Core works, but adding Stock Waterfall Effects doesnt?

Also, @Jeb x Valentina it would be nice if you uploaded the craft file for that, would save us time trying to replicate what you are seeing

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Ok, I made a quick test.

I added a T30 Reliant, a T45 Swival and a Skipper.  According to the initial post, the T30 and T45 do not work, the Skipper does.

I attached two pictures here, the first is just the Stock engines, the second with Stock Waterfall installed.

Based on this, I don't see any problem.  You need to be more specific.  Try reproducing what I did here and see what happens.

Also, delete the files:

  • ModuleManager.ConfigCache
  • ModuleManager.ConfigSHA
  • ModuleManager. Physics
  • ModuleManager.TechTree

I've never seen any issue, but I have heard of people who solved their problems with this


Stock Waterfall.png

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Posted (edited)

Ok, I already uploaded the craft at KerbalX - waterfall test

As for actual testing, expect it a bit later, since I'll be a bit busy today

Meanwhile, here are a few clearer screenshots of the problem:


Terrier works, panther doesn't


Whiplash doesn't work, but aerospike does

Edited by Jeb x Valentina
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Posted (edited)
On 3/26/2024 at 5:39 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Based on this, I don't see any problem.  You need to be more specific.  Try reproducing what I did here and see what happens.

I did the test, this happened


The skipper has its glorious plume, but the reliant and swivel don't


I then tried deleting the MM cache files, relaunched, loaded the craft again, and nervously hit the Z key


Nothing changed


My guess is I must've screwed something up while installing. However, I don't want to reinstall. If it helps, this is the output on the waterfall editor:


Only the skipper effects show, which really adds up to the issue.


On a craft with only non-plume engines (i.e a spark, which doesn't work for me currently) it outputs this:


It simply can't see that it' meant to add a waterfall plume to the engine.


Any non-reinstall solution based on this would be appreciated. Thanks.



Edited by Jeb x Valentina
typo lol
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On 3/28/2024 at 5:44 PM, Jeb x Valentina said:

Any non-reinstall solution based on this would be appreciated. Thanks.

You probably did mess something up.  Did you install by hand or with CKAN?

I'm going to guess it was by hand

You can try deleting all the mods, make sure that there isn't anything in the Gsmedata other than the Squad folders, ans then I stall usimgCKAN.

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21 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

You probably did mess something up.  Did you install by hand or with CKAN?

By hand.


I guess I'll try to install manually one last time

If it fails, I'll use CKAN. I just don't like it cuz this will likely be the only mod I'll ever use


Thanks for the support tho :) 

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@linuxgurugamer it worked!


Clearly, the O-10 and Dawn are working!



RCS also works now


And after turning infinite fuel on...


All engines are working perfectly. Beautiful



I like how the orange plumes match SRBs


tysm for the help, and I suppose you can mark this as resolved and call a mod to lock it

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