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Does anyone know when landed state bug will be fixed?


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I've built Apollo style lander and CM/CSM the only problem is that when me Kerbal wants to liftoff from mun to dock with CM/CSM the upper stage is still listed as landed and orbital patched conics doesn't appear and there is no orbital patch shown.

I think I will uninstall KSP2 from my SDD and install Sims 4 and go back to KSP1.0 because KSP2 is annoying, or maybe they already fix it?


I wonder when there will be a hot fix that would fix it?

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Yes, game tend to auto-save then you land so loading last save is likely to solve this, you might have to redo science you did. I usually save before takeoff.  
On an low gravity world like Minmus you could just land again and then next time its probably fixed. 

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9 hours ago, magnemoe said:

Yes, game tend to auto-save then you land so loading last save is likely to solve this, you might have to redo science you did. I usually save before takeoff.  
On an low gravity world like Minmus you could just land again and then next time its probably fixed. 

Alie, it can't be that this type of triple-A game has these types of bugs that make the game basically completely unplayable, yes, I know it's Early Access, but the devs should finally do something about it!

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A workaround to this that works pretty consistently is (assuming your descent stage still has some fuel), throttle up the descent stage to get off the ground, cut the engine, and then immediately stage and fire the ascent engine. Lifting the lander just a few meters even allows it to be listed as flying instead of landed, so the ascent stage trajectory shows. 

Alternatively, you can stage, fire ascent engine, save, and then edit the save file. Search for the craft name and change its situation from landed to orbiting. Both are annoying, but work fine until the bug's fixed.

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Hardly unplayable. I've encountered the bug only once or twice in several dozen landings and take offs. Sure it's annoying when it happens, but it's rare enough to not be game breaking. I have far bigger issues with interplanetary ships shaking themselves to pieces that I'd sooner like to see prioritized.

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11 hours ago, Superfluous J said:

No one knows when it will be fixed.

If you install the Community Fixes mod, then quicksave/quickload, or save/exit/reload should fix that instance of the lines disappearing.


I've installed that mod with all dependencies, still nothing :( 




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