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A very simple game in which Mr. x names a place and Mr. y names another place which starts with the last letter of the previous place.

Also, here in India, it is common practice to start with the last letter of the word atlas so 'S'.


a - Singapore
b - Ethiopia
c - Australia
and so on...


1. Names of Continents, Countries, States/Provinces, Counties/Districts, Cities, Towns, Villages, etc. Only earthly names allowed

2. No vague places, for example, America (not the country, that would be United States of America.), A random McDonald's, etc.

3. This might sound weird but I would recommend sending proof that the place you name actually exists. I know a friend who names a place called Middlesex. It was hella weird.

4. If a place is well known, no proof is needed.


Let the game begin! I will let the first replier name the first place. Good Luck!

Edited by Spikemaster
New rule I swear this is the last
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South asia country



@Spikemaster might i request a rule addendum? If a location is well known like the Yucatan Peninsula where the Chicxulub impact crater is or Nepal that proof of its existence isnt needed, but if like Natewa Bay as I used as our first location being rather Obscure in the South Pacific thats when proof like the coords I gave serve as proof (other proofs work too)


Edited by AlamoVampire
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4 hours ago, AlamoVampire said:

If a location is well known like the Yucatan Peninsula where the Chicxulub impact crater is or Nepal that proof of its existence isnt needed, but if like Natewa Bay as I used as our first location being rather Obscure in the South Pacific thats when proof like the coords I gave serve as proof (other proofs work too)


OK, will do

Nagaland, state of India


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