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Beyond Jool [Planet Pack] [1.12.x]

Mr. Kerbin

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Beyond Jool


What lies beyond the green giant?  Download on SpaceDock and GitHub!

EVE* and Scatterer support!

Savefile destrucion-proof!**

*Not volumetric support. Yet.

**Should be. Hey, it worked with me. Please back-up your save file.

Since the dawn of spaceflight, kerbals knew of 5 planets and 2 dwarf planets. Moho, Eve, Kerbin, Duna, Dres, Jool, and Eeloo. The Kerman Telescope, however, has found new bodies in the Kerbol System.

Beyond Jool is a planet mod I've been wanting to make since I bought the game. Last year, I finally did something with it.

The "version history" is here.



Added Sarkin.


Added Lull.


Fixed Sarkin lighting.


Fixed Lull fading.


Added Sushut.


Added Rage.


Added Pebble.


Gave Sushut atmosphere.


Removed Pebble (for now) and retextured Sushut.


Gave Sushut AtmosphereFromGround node and added Sapp and Kotta.


Made Kotta oblate. (Thanks Lt_Duckweed!)

Extended Sapp's rings a bit. 


Fixed a crack in Sushut, because I had two VertexHeightMaps.

Made rings see through.


Readded Pebble, now named as Tom


Retextured Sushut AGAIN :sticktongue:


Retextured Tom. 


Removed Rage and added Eeloo as a optional moon.


Revamped Lull, beefed up Sushut, and retextured Sarkin .


Added a new gas giant, Anune, and gave it a moon. Also added Pluto analog.


Sushut is now Tyrant, with rings and an oxygen ocean. Tyrant now is twice the size of Kerbin, with 4.1 geeASL and 20 ATM. Moach, Kotta, and Sarkin were retextured. Anune created into independent folder. Speaking of Anune, it has a moon named Arachnid, with an oxygen atmosphere. Sarkin has two new moons, Eneck and Aron, Enceladus and Mimas analogs. Aron is perfect for nice views! Two new dwarf planets, Dakota and Hamis, Sedna and Haumea analogs. Charon analog, Chau, and MPE compatibility.


Gave Anune a new moon, and shifted out its orbit. Same with the dwarf planets. Arachnid now has an atmosphere of pure nitrogen. Also, craters! Some science defs and biomes. Retextured Kotta into an actual vacuum world. Tyrant got a nerf, now only 3.82 geeASL, and with an atmosphere of 0.02 ATM. The new Eve, Volatus, orbiting... Tyrant!?!?! With 3 ATM and less G force than Moho, have fun exploring the explodium seas and flying easily, assuming you have propellers! Sarkin retexture! Again! Hamis has a moon, Moach retexture, Aron and Eneck were merged, EVE and Scatterer support.


Beefed up Sarkin, now 7575 km in radius, and 4.11 geeASL (g force at sea level), The eighth planet, or ninth if using AnuneExpansion, Elross joins the party. One moon, Mrokrok, Anune shrunk, Merrink and Merza retextured, Tyrant rings are GONE, Volatus actually looks correct in Scaled Space, Silan compatbillty, Dakota removed for now.


Aron, Moach, and Kotta have been biomed.

Moach, retextured.


ALL BODIES HAVE BIOMES!!11!1!1!!!! (except AnuneExpansion but oh well), Plad and Hamis recolored, Moach has been tidally locked.


All bodies that had biomes now have them fixed, Sarkin has EVE clouds, Dakota is back, with biomes, and Volatus is a lot more like Titan.


New moon of Elross, Bongbong

Quick planet descriptions.


  Rage : Can you feel the heat yet?

Sarkin : Gigantic gas giant larger than Jool.

          Aron : Best views in the Kerbol System!

          Moach : A frozen moon forgotten by time.

          Kotta : You spin me right round, baby right round.

          Tyrant : Exactly as the name suggests.

                          Volatus: Tyrant's little brother. Orbiting Tyrant.

                          Hope: Moon of a moon!

           Sapp : Captured dwarf.

Anune : A gas giant in the outer kerbolar system.

           Merrink : Cute little moon, stretched by Anune

           Merza : Icy little moon.

           Arachnid: You know, like from Dune!

Plad : The cooler Eeloo.

            Chau: Charon is cool, right?


             Haki: Just really here to make Hamis less lonely.

Elross : Eighth planet shepherding the edge of the Robau Cliff

              Mrokrok: Moon of Elross captured long, long ago.

              Bongbong: Also moon of Elross captured. That’s all that’s going for it, really.

Dakota : Dwarf planet barely hanging on at the edge of Kerbol.

Link here.



And also CKAN!
Beyond Jool is compatible with

SpaceDust. (Needs SpaceDust Unbound)

Minor Planets Expansion


Distant Object Enhancement

Research Bodies

Kopernicus Expansion

Here's a little map of where things are as suggested by @Kimera Industries


@Kimera Industries also very nicely made a grand tour path, exploring Jool-Sarkin-Plad-Elross (yes the orbits are slightly different from the map, but that because of 1.3.0 updated that)

Grand Tour Path

And the  post.

And a challenge thread!



Plans here.


science defs. 
Volumetric Clouds! (IN PROGRESS for a future update)

Anune and Solru binary + biomes + more moons(IN PROGRESS for a future update)

Something more? (IN PROGRESS for a future update)

To install, download Kopernicus and dependancies into the Gamedata subfolder. Then insert the following folders from the zip file into Gamedata: 001_DuckweedUtils, Beyond Jool, 000_NiakoUtils.

To install Eeloo as moon of Sarkin, go into zip file, into to Extras, then drop Eeloo.cfg  into the BeyondJool folder.

To install Eeloo as a dwarf planet, go into zip file, into to Extras, then drop Eeloo2.cfg  into the BeyondJool folder.

To install Anune, go into zip file, find AnuneExpansion, then drop the AnuneExpansion  file into the BeyondJool folder.





Beyond Jool-Extras are here. (not to be confused with the folder mentioned above)


BJ-Close Encounters adds a new planet very close to the Sun, Rage.

BJ-CE download here.

BJ-Dres Belt adds more bodies in the Dres area.

Dres Belt Download

BJ-More Muns adds more bodies to  Anune and Sarkin,  like ring shepards,  far out asteroids, and in Anune’s case,  analogs for the moons of Uranus. 









Special thanks to @Sushut , @FTLparachute and @Lt_Duckweed for helping with the mod, @Exo's Lab, and @Kevin_kerman for hosting BJ on his GitHub and…

for something more?

Feedback and bug reports are greatly appreciated!

Beyond Jool is currently under a MIT license.

Edited by Mr. Kerbin
goes bing bong bing bing bong
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13 hours ago, Mr. Kerbin said:

Okay, I need help.. with this. The moon Kotta is not being oblate, even though I followed a tutorial using (and yes I have the right mod) @Lt_Duckweeds VertexHeightOblateAdvanced mod. I put it in the Mods subnode of the PQS node.

Pics here.

  Hide contents


When I zoom out too much, this happens.


Things explode on teleportation.


And the map view doesn't  notice.

The node in question.

          oblateMode = UniformEquipotential
          energyMode = High
          radius = 280000
          geeASL = 0.25
          period = 4000
          enabled = True
                  order = 99

And the entire config here

  Reveal hidden contents

        name = Kotta
        cacheFile = BeyondJool/Cache/Kotta.bin
            name = Mun
            removeAllPQSMods = True
             displayName = Kotta^N
             description = Kotta is the third major moon of Sarkin. Its only major feature are its many valleys and canyons. Otherwise, it's just another moon.
             radius = 280000
             geeASL = 0.25
             rotates = true
             rotationPeriod = 4000
             tidallyLocked = False
             isHomeWorld = false
                 landedDataValue = 12
                 inSpaceLowDataValue = 9
                 inSpaceHighDataValue = 9
                 recoveryValue = 9
                 spaceAtitudeThershold = 60000

           referenceBody = Sarkin
           semiMajorAxis = 249700000
           eccentricity = 0.078
           inclination = 3.6
           longitudeOfAscendingNode = 45
           argumentOfPeriapsis = 2
           meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 19.56
           epoch = 0
           color = RGBA(100,100,100,200)
            type = Vacuum
            fadeStart = 100000
            fadeEnd = 125000
               texture = BeyondJool/Textures/PluginData/KottaColor.dds
               normals = BeyondJool/Textures/PluginData/KottaNormal.dds
               color = 1,1,1,1
               specColor = 0,0,0,0
               shininess = 0
           minLevel = 2
           maxLevel = 10
           minDetailDistance = 8
           maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
           fadeStart = 125000
           fadeEnd = 150000
           deactivateAltitude = 200750
           mapMaxHeight = 9000
           materialType = AtmosphericTriplanarZoomRotation
          bounceCombine = Multiply
          frictionCombine = Maximum
          bounciness = 0
          staticFriction = 0.9
          dynamicFriction = 0.9
           factor = 10
           factorBlendWidth = 0.1
           factorRotation = 180
           saturation = 1.2
           contrast = 1
           tintColor = 1,1,1,0
           specularColor = 0.110294104,0.110294104,0.110294104,0.200000003
           albedoBrightness = 1.5
           steepPower = 2
           steepTexStart = 50000
           steepTexEnd = 1000000
           steepTex = BUILTIN/terrain_rock00
           steepTexScale = 1,1
           steepTexOffset = 0,0
           steepBumpMap = BUILTIN/Cliff (Layered Rock)_NRM
           steepBumpMapScale = 1,1
           steepBumpMapOffset = 0,0
           steepNearTiling = 125
           steepTiling = 50
           lowTex = BUILTIN/gillyMedTerrain_diffuse
           lowTexScale = 1,1
           lowTexOffset = 0,0
           lowTiling = 100000
           midTex = BUILTIN/gillyMedTerrain_diffuse
           midTexScale = 1,1
           midTexOffset = 0,0
           midTiling = 150000
           midBumpMap = BUILTIN/gillyMedTerrain_nrm
           midBumpMapScale = 1,1
           midBumpMapOffset = 0,0
           midBumpTiling = 150000
           highTex = BUILTIN/gillyMedTerrain_diffuse
           highTexScale = 1,1
           highTexOffset = 0,0
           highTiling = 100000
           lowStart = -1
           lowEnd = -1
           highStart = 1
           highEnd = 1
           planetOpacity = 1
            saturation = 1
            contrast = 1.83
            tintColor = 1,1,1,0
            texTiling = 1000
            texPower = 0.5
            multiPower = 0.3
            groundTexStart = 20000
            groundTexEnd = 60000
            multiFactor = 0.5
            mainTex = BUILTIN/SandyGround
                mainTexScale = 1,1
            mainTexOffset = 0,0
        planetOpacity = 1
          oblateMode = UniformEquipotential
          energyMode = High
          radius = 280000
          geeASL = 0.25
          period = 4000
          enabled = True
                  order = 99
              map = BeyondJool/Textures/PluginData/KottaHeight.dds
              deformity = 7000
              offset = 0
              scaleDeformityByRadius = False
              enabled = True
              order = 100
                  map = BeyondJool/Textures/PluginData/KottaHeight.dds
                  deformity = 7000
                  offset = 0
                  scaleDeformityByRadius = False
                  enabled = True
                  order = 100
                  noiseType = Billow
                  deformity = 75
                  frequency = 100
                  persistence = 0.55
                  seed = 122
                  lacunarity = 2
                  octaves = 12
                  enabled = true
                  order = 104
                  map = BeyondJool/Textures/PluginData/KottaColor.dds
                  order = 200
                  enabled = True
               altitudeBlend = 0
               altitudeFrequency = 1
               altitudeOctaves = 1
               altitudePersistance = 1
               altitudeSeed = 1
               createColors = True
               createScatter = True
               latitudeBlend = 0
               latitudeFrequency = 1
               latitudeOctaves = 1
               latitudePersistance = 1
               latitudeSeed = 1
               longitudeBlend = 0
               longitudeFrequency = 1
               longitudeOctaves = 1
               longitudePersistance = 1
               longitudeSeed = 1
               useHeightMap = False
           vHeightMax = 10000
           order = 999999
           enabled = True
              name = Base
              alterApparentHeight = 0
              alterRealHeight = 0
              color = 0,0,0,0
              coverageBlend = 0
              coverageFrequency = 1
              coverageOctaves = 1
              coveragePersistance = 1
              coverageSeed = 123
              latDelta = 1
              latitudeDouble = False
              lonDelta = 1
              minimumRealHeight = 0
              noiseBlend = 0
              noiseColor = 0,0,0,0
              noiseFrequency = 1
              noiseOctaves = 1
              noisePersistance = 1
              noiseSeed = 321
              delete = False
                  startStart = 0
                  startEnd = 0
                  endStart = 1
                  endEnd = 1
                  startStart = 0
                  startEnd = 0
                  endStart = 1
                  endEnd = 1
                  startStart = 0
                  startEnd = 0
                  endStart = 1
                  endEnd = 1



Couple of things:  the scaled space mesh for your planet (which is used in map view, or when far away or zoomed out in standard view) is stored in the cache file at BeyondJool/Cache/Kotta.bin.

Anytime you change the PQS (such as by adding the oblate PQS mod) you must delete the cache file, so that Kopernicus will generate a new one.

Secondly, your current period is too low.
Using this google doc https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QSUjAmyAIACKAFSL_C8qv5GxYc4YTB1eDBRP4TTUl5A/edit?usp=sharing, I input your body's radius and the shortest possible stable period is 6877 seconds.  Any  faster than this, and the body, if it were actually being physically simulated, would tear itself apart.

Edited by Lt_Duckweed
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6 minutes ago, JoshTheKerbal said:

I released the review on my channel!

Saw it, and yes, Rage is planned for a revamp (in a different mod) because it is just a noiseball. Planning to add lava oceans, but your tutorial ended with nothing on the map screen(my result). Perhaps just a Cache problem. And I suppose I could revamp Sarkin (I do like the colors tho)

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Well, the poll is over. It seems you would like another giant gas planet. Moons planned are : Io analog, Iapetus analog, and maybe Titan analog? (who said analog moons have to be around their analog planets?) Titan analog might go to Sarkin though.

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9 minutes ago, Kimera Industries said:

As a side note, what did you do with Eeloo?

Nothing. However, the option to move it as a moon of Sarkin is there. To quote my self-

"To install Eeloo as moon of Sarkin, go into zip file, into to extra, then into to Config.  Finally, move Eeloo.cfg into like so. (file path) BeyondJool/Configs/Eeloo.cfg"

I did this because some people probably have Eeloo bases, relays, the like.

15 minutes ago, Kimera Industries said:

Actually, I feel I would prefer this to the Outer Planets Mod. It's not too much to handle and you get the experience of visiting Saturn combined with Uranus/Neptune.

Also, yeah. Sometimes with solar systems I feel there are too many bodies. Chances are,  there are so many bodies, you'll never visit them all, unless you're doing a grand tour or something. However, the amount of them would make it that much harder.


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3 minutes ago, Mr. Kerbin said:


Nothing. However, the option to move it as a moon of Sarkin is there. To quote my self-

"To install Eeloo as moon of Sarkin, go into zip file, into to extra, then into to Config.  Finally, move Eeloo.cfg into like so. (file path) BeyondJool/Configs/Eeloo.cfg"

I did this because some people probably have Eeloo bases, relays, the like.

Also, yeah. Sometimes with solar systems I feel there are too many bodies. Chances are,  there are so many bodies, you'll never visit them all, unless you're doing a grand tour or something. However, the amount of them would make it that much harder.


Man I can't tell you how much I stress about not being able to visit every body. That's why if I ever go interstellar, one or two systems will be my max.

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Update Failed and Frozen Worlds


Changelog here-

  • Lull is no longer a boring old moon. It is now Moach, and "... may have once been a living world." It's perfect for low gravity stunts! Plus, it has oxygen! Although, you, uh may still want a suit with half of Kerbin's atmospheric pressure, and a chilly 83 degrees Kelvin. (-190 degrees Celsius, or -310 degrees  Fahrenheit) 
  • Sushut went and got upgraded to Level 999 in RAID: Shadow Legends, now with a 725 km radius, 15 ATM atmosphere (your engines are now trash) AND a G force of 1.8. Rotors are probably necessary for a ascent to orbit .
  • Sarkin and Kotta got retextured.

And it's all yours to explore,  as it's all available on SpaceDock!

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Update "The Robau Belt"

Change log below.

- Added a new giant gas world, Anune. It has rings and is very Uranus-like.

- Gave it one moon, Merza.

- Added the new Pluto, Plad! Currently, it is lonely. However, I plan to add a Haumea, and Sedna analog. 

Available on SpaceDock now! 

Edited by Mr. Kerbin
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By "Make Sarkin (moons) more like Saturn's?", I mean,

-Add Mimas and Enceladus analogs.

-Possibly use Moach as a Iapetus analog. (send into high orbit)

-Redo Kotta (still oblate) to have the color scheme and placement of Dione/Tethys 

-Sapp is in Rhea-like placement and has thinner rings.

Edited by Mr. Kerbin
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Well, the poll is over. It seems that the one guy says yes, so the Sarkin System will be rearranged.

New page!


The one guy was me, myself, and I.



Edited by Mr. Kerbin
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