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Got some infrastructure on/around Duna today, the first of which to arrive was the good old Inquisitor probe.


A week later, a surface base module arrived in preparation for a manned mission.



This base is actually pretty damn close to where I had a base back in 0.19/0.20. Unfortunately, the terrain was better looking back then; Duna is now endlessly hummocky, whereas this region was actually relatively flat and in greater contrast to the brighter red highland areas. That also made it good for spaceplane landings, which I'm still gonna attempt, but it's going to be a lot more difficult to set down safely. I miss the old Duna :(

Closer to home, however, we cleaned up a few more contracts on Minmus.


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Flying around on Minmus and completing contracts with a very economical lander / hopper. One Ion Engine is enough for the very light (1.12 t) vehicle.


Meanwhile on the Mun, there was a malfunction during a landing procedure and *dontknowname* Kerman had to bail. He hit the ground pretty hard, the lander itself even harder.


Not much later, two Kerbonauts returned on Kerbin and were happy to breath in fresh air again ... !


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I finally figured out how to get the Mako about as close to what I wanted as it likely will ever be without some kind of dedicated modeling mod, and it's actually FUNCTIONAL! With a proper TURRET with both a main gun and coaxial anti-personnel weaponry!

Got a download link for that mako?

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My quad-sat launcher burning to transfer orbit


Two sats already in orbit, two to go. Launcher is standing by for deorbit burn (failed due to LOX evaporating on the way there :()


The last one is being released


A postcard from spaaaaaace!


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