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Today i thought it would be good to say goodbye to my "Part Heavy Garbage in LKO" (was planned as a ion-powered interplanetary freighter, but with +400 Parts and 111mm/s² it wasnt capable of going anywhere).

Ofcourse we deorbited it at night so the kerbals dont panic.




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Holy CRAP that looks epic! You did this at night to keep them from panicking?

Man, if I were groundside when that came overhead at night, I would immediately find religion and start praying for salvation from the impending apocalypse.

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Hello, I am new to the game and the forum. I have been playing for about 2 weeks now (when I can get any time on the cpu at all) and I LOOOOVE it but I think everyone here understands what I mean. These images are to commemorate the lauching of 0.2 and the rocket-seet (I bet whe all did that)




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First flight of 0.20. Deployed the lander from Kerbin using the same Orbiter I've been using. This was the 18th successful flight in it

Edited by Sabor
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My first flag planting, set by bob himself, the name is a tribute for him.

Why is there such a pronounced mosaic on the ground texture? Is that low graphics settings, or is this part of a new texture processing method?

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Why is there such a pronounced mosaic on the ground texture? Is that low graphics settings, or is this part of a new texture processing method?

Low settings, I think. Strange that the parts and sky aren't point-filtered though.

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