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I see you were watching Scott's stream last night. :D

Indeed I was! :D


I see this was one of the first crafts you loaded up as well! :D

New ASAS is crazy good, I flew it all the way across Kerbafrica and the adjacent ocean with no troubles! :cool:

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I was quite happy that after converting my save to 0.21 the stuff that would likely be under the new terrain was placed on top of it instead of just exploding. Nice job indeed.


Here's a look down on the new island runway, after taking off with the plane I had parked there before.



Landing at the new KSC.


The second space center is still there and well.


It looks like the glitchy noclipped surface was removed and the buildings placed directly on the terrain now.


Looks like a monolith next to the KSC2 radar dish? Was this always there?

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Sapphire, what on earth is that green thing on top of that rocket.

not the organic one, the liquid-y one.

It's the greenhouse module that's been floating around this thread for the last month or so. Here you go. There's a version on the Spaceport somewhere too, if memory serves.

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