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  Logan.Darklighter said:

In fact, I'm seriously thinking of combining that idea - with this test concept below - the S.H.A.D.O. Munbase.


When I work those bugs out of that concept - THEN I'll post a craft file for it. :D

Get us a working UFO from the eponymous show, ASAP.

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A proud day indeed! Our first STS launch in over 8 months! The USSZS Hancock II Blasts off the pad and into history.


All systems nominal.


In a comfortable 80x99 oribit


This was the first launch, so the payload was just a fuel tank as ballast. But it proves at least 5 tons can be carried to LKO.






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My latest Gemini, version XIII already. Prettier than ever before and ofcourse a two seater :) One slight problem with the 2nd stage of the Titan II was that my Gemini Space craft is to wide for a small tank and not wide enough for a bigger one so I had to play around with some fairings to make it look pretty(but not realistic). Flies pretty easy and more enough fuel to get into a 200x200 orbit.


gemini with the titan rocket


gemini space craft


Buz Kerdrin doing some science at the back of the craft

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  WooDzor said:

That looks almost like newspaper quality photos.... almost.....real.... I am impressed, VERY impressed... they could pass for the real thing... almost.


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My new DSV Explorer Class Ship (haven't unlocked the alcubierre drive yet, but i like rings :D). Only for 2 Kerbals, but it is small, sleek and fast!

This beast boasts nearly 30k dV in its Fusion Drive section (because waiting for launch windows is for pussys) and an additional 7k dV in the Lander with its Antimatter powered Thermal Rockets. Two of those are on their way to Moho and Tylo as we speak, to land and bring home some sweet sweet science!



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  Logan.Darklighter said:
John Cleese: "And now for something completely different!"

So part of the Wayland Eagle pack is a classic style landing/launch pad from Moonbase Alpha. When the pack came out about half a year ago I played around with the idea of making the launchpad into a rover so that it could be lifted to the Mun, then driven around and parked on level ground for an Eagle to land on.

But then Kerbtown came out.

So I imagine that the the Eagle launchpad part doesn't actually NEED to be launched to the moon and driven around, considering that the Kerbtown plug-in will make building a "Munbase Alpha" on the mun possible and we won't need to lug stuff up there to build something that gigantic (and game-breaking).

But I decided to do it ANYWAY. Just for the hell of it! :D

First - I re-sized it so it's proportionally accurate to the Eagle (and easier to land on). (Needs to be re-sized to 1.0 in case you're curious)

Then I did something similar to what I did before with the rover experiments - I added the lights (B9 lights this time - they look awesome.) With internal fuel tanks, a robust undercarriage with rover wheels, landing struts to deploy once I found a level spot to park it a generator and batteries for electricity etc. And since the Eagle VTOL engines work now without needing any special hookups or to be attached directly to an Eagle truss - I put a lot of engines underneath for lifting it to Kerbin Orbit and then to the Mun. And strutted the thing with B9 struts to hold it all together and clipped into the main launchpad part.

Overall I really overbuilt the damn thing WAY too much.

I'm not going to bother with a craft file for now - partly because of the Kerbtown issue making the thing unnecessary in the first place. Partly because it's a monster at nearly 200 parts that reduces framerate to annoying levels. And partly because... well that's getting ahead of myself. More later.

For now though. I got the thing out onto the runway, confirmed that it drove around alright, then decided to lift off. I figured that this really wasn't going to work and that I'd get a spectacular explosion out of it, but hey - that could be fun too.

So - the undercarriage worked. But that's no great surprise. (I did mention I SERIOUSLY overbuilt this?)


Landing legs check. Yup. Solid.




It's at this point that I discovered a rather serious flaw in my design. Apparently I'd installed the probe upside down and my attempts at changing pitch and angle were making things worse. I ultimately wound up losing control and flipping over like a plate.

BUT... I'd gained enough altitude and enough time to both figure out what was wrong and attempt a save...







Needless to say - I got it into a stable orbit (being careful to take into account the "backwards" piloting I'd have to do). Then got it into a Hohman transfer orbit to the Mun, then de-orbited and got down to a low altitude to look around for a landing site.



That looked reasonably flat enough to land on. When I got close though it was angled more than I thought. No worries. That's what being able to DRIVE the thing is for!



Eventually I found a good spot of level ground and de-ployed the landing legs and lights. Then switched over to Eagle 1 (already up on the Mun) piloted by none other than Jebediah himself to go land on the thing.





Ta-daaa! :D


Now as I said before, this is utterly impractical as it stands. The framerate and part count issues and the redundant nature of this thing I've already mentioned.


I have an IDEA. A cunning plan.

That whole undercarriage assembly is pretty extensive. It's big enough really to qualify as a base unto itself with some re-design.

So... I'm thinking of taking that whole section and re-designing it. Making it viable as a small Munbase. Kethane cracking station perhaps. Comm towers. Living blocks - the works. Launchable via integral engines and perhaps a supplementary launch stack.

Then fit the launch pad on TOP of the thing with a small fuel tank and some VTOL engines and probe body. Just enough to lift it off the top of the base once de-coupled and then set it down next to the base and then link it via docking port.

In fact, I'm seriously thinking of combining that idea - with this test concept below - the S.H.A.D.O. Munbase.


When I work those bugs out of that concept - THEN I'll post a craft file for it. :D

Holy cow. Frickin awesome mate.

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Took a tour of the Duna system 2 days ago


botched the landing on Duna


Took a tour of the Eve system yesterday

Gilly is a pain in the rear-end


well doesn't THIS look familiar...


this little probe was launched with a turbojet ascent stage... One single stock liquid fuel tank, 8 turbojets, and 12 radial turbofans from B9, and it kicked the apoapsis up to 35Km... not bad for something that is less than half the normal size of my ascent stages!

I plan on trying to keep the design for most of my (unmanned) interplanetery exploration. I need to make a few more adjustments, and then I can probably get to Jool and Moho with it.

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