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Out of curiosity, what kind of transfer stage do you have for that thing? I've never found an elegant way to transport spaceplanes.


i might put the plane on top the fuel depot, then put like 4 Nukes on it...

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It's time for a Sky Lab, which I'm calling "Space Lab." Also note Jeb off to the left observing the launch from a "safe distance."


During this, I decided to see what happened to the first stage, and I honestly feel sorry for anyone who got their house crushed under this...


But regardless, Space Lab is now in orbit! Please ignore that useless piece of junk floating off to the side there.


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Anyone know what B9 had in mind when he designed this building? Looks like it could be some kind of laser amplification hall to me, with mirrors to bend the laser around right angles.


Looks like a wind tunnel to me...


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*edit* This one might even have been the reference for the model:


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Edited by Awaras
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It was time to go where no Kerbal had gone before (in my Career save)...Land on the Mun.

Here's Jeb burning to the Mun in Kerbin orbit.


Successful landing! Jeb is the First Kerbal on the Mun!


Saw this mountain in the distance and found it interesting. time to explore!


Standing at the edge of the crater with Mount Kranner in the background


Meanwhile...the KSC launches the first NSDS (Not So Deep Space) Mission! A scientific probe to be delivered into interplanetary space. Here it is leaving the Kerbin SOI.



After a while of burning, I managed to bring its periapsis down to near Moho's orbit and began to do SCIENCE! I really love my solar panel configuration.


After months on the Mun, Jeb comes home...or close to home, He didn't have quite enough fuel to make it back to Kerbin. He's stuck in an eliptical orbit with a 200km periapsis. Rescue mission time!


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