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The original Mk. 1 Command pod with a service module? Gimme. :D

The SM and decoupler are Supernovy's, the engine and RCS pods are from KW, and the hi-gain antenna is Telemachus. Enjoy! :cool:

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actually, its a WAY WAY WAY over built crew return vehicle for a space station that is only 250km above kerbin's surface. BUT, the idea in its construction, was to make a general purpose crew return vehicle that could theoretically service any point in the Kerbol System with only small modifications depending on final destination. I had to scale that monstrosity back after 3 failed attempts to convince it that launching to the EAST is what I needed to do lol. Also, it is still orbiting after just arriving.

The final product as it leaves the pad, in orbit, yes, I over did the batteries, has nearly 13k electrical charge, AND it has 4 gigantor solar panels, AND final product docked to said station:




Edited by AlamoVampire
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This the tale of "Jimmy" the refueling rover. It's the very first part of my very first Laythe Colony and the heaviest thing I ever landed on the Joolian moon.

The next mission will be an unmanned shakedown mission of "Billy" the Crew Shuttle that will make scheduled trips between the surface of Layhte and the Low Laythe Orbit space station still under construction for crew rotation.

"Jimmy" is needed to refuel "Billy" on this shakedown mission, so that´s the reason "Jimmy" got to go first.

A lonely but vital mission!

Lift-off! "Jimmy" is backwards, upside down and accelerating hard towards LKO.


Next up is the Heavy Interplanetary Transfer Stage (H.I.T.S) that will push "Jimmy" towards the Joolian system.


In an 200x200km orbit the two entities meet for the first time. A gentle kiss turns into a solid embrace for the 6 months long journey.... And yes, soulless machines can become a bit poetic.


As Kerbals don't do no stickin' math we top-up the fuel tanks using our very trusty and old LKO tanker, this gives the best chance of actually reaching Layhte.


It's GO time!! The 8 NIRVA engines start to push our combined craft further away from Kerbin.


Coasting towards the end of Kerbin's SOI after which deep space maneuvers will lower the Periapsis at Jool.


Deep space maneuvers completed and we are now on a very nice trajectory. Time to pull out the whiskey and playing cards!


"Jimmy" testing out the new heat resistant rubber on the rover wheels while aerobreaking at Jool. The Periapsis was put at 114km and that actually put us right on an encounter with Layhte. The Gods of Orbital Mechanics were good to us today!


With Laythe, Tylo and Vall in the background we perform a small burn to get an 15km Periapsis at Laythe with the aim of getting into a 150x150km orbit after aero-capture and aero-braking.


Wwwwweeeeeee, it's landing time!! A small probe found a beautifull beach on the west coast of one of the larger islands and this is were we are going to build our colony..


Drogue shutes out and we're aiming directly at our intended landing spot, yay!


All chutes out and looking good, our shadow in sight and ready to engage the landing engines for the last time.


Getting the speed down to around 2m/s for a gentle touchdown..


Tango Delta Nominal!


Yes, this looks like an excellent location for a colony!



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Darn that flag pole;


In other news;

Performing a denial of service attack on KSC science centre;


This is the 2nd variant of this craft. The first one had 8 probes (but they didn't have all the sensors), this has 6 (fully loaded) probes and a load of "science disks". Science disks are basically a battery sandwiched between two docking ports and garnished with sensors. The manned lander from this craft will pick up 1 or 2 science disks and go down to the surface and take readings (which won't be transmitted). Then it returns and replaces the sci-disks, and grabs a couple more and some more fuel and goes back down to a different biome on Mun. The section holding the sci disks can be detached and shunted into a sub orbital path round Kerbin and will the parachute to safety (that's the plan anyway).

One of the probes launched from that ship showing off the power of overkill SAS for hill landings.


These probes can actually "walk" (tumble might be a better word) at about 5 ms across flat land or down hills. Their light enough that the SAS can flip them along, so long as they land on their legs their fine. Who needs wheels!

and the Duna bound variant of the same basic probe, only this one looks grumpy;


Edited by katateochi
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Holy crap, the last pic...

The thing looks as if it had a face, and wanted to say "This Spacecraft frowns upon your shenanigans" xD

I think it was pissed to be told it was going on a solo mission while its brethren got to travel together.

Katateochi, I swear you are obsessed with robots

You might be onto something there!


Wait, what? I'm seriously confused, did you move KSC or something? Where's the shoreline gone...and the ground texture is all differenty!

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