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I wanted some small open top rovers to play around with on the Mun. So I built three and strapped them around my next manned mission.


Once they decouple from the lander they can be piloted by Kerbals. After I leave the Mun they will still function as unmanned rovers so I can head out in three different directions.


Edited by Mode7
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Following the invention of coloured rectangles of cloth, Jebediah took it upon himself to put one on the Mun at all costs safety was a secondary (or perhaps tertiary) priority. Indeed, shortly after landing it looked as though he may never return. Too much fuel had been spent in the landing, and he was unable to make the journey home! But Jebediah, being Jebediah, was not concerned. He had completed his mission, and now it was up to Bill and Bob to figure thing out from here.


Only a day and a half later, the specially-designed M1X1-KM-L Jeb Retrieval Craft had landed a mere 2 km away. Jeb hooked up his RCS and flew for the first half, admiring the magnificent desolation around him. He then skidded on his face for the rest of the trip, having not been paying attention to the rising ground.


On arriving at his saviour's ship (which was strangely lacking in landing gear), he was told by Bill to "Take a seat anywhere." Jeb, of course, did exactly that. Bill merely sighed, not even having to glance out the window to know why he had lost communications with KSC.


Fortunately, Jeb was wearing his custom-made pure asbestos space suit, so he wasn't worried by re-entry. The parachute trip down to the surface reminded him of that one time he tied his lawn chair to a weather balloon.



Safely back on the surface, as the two pose for a mission-successful photo, Jeb hangs back to hide the fact he ripped off the antenna getting out of his seat.


Where can I get that antenna and recorder?

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Let me tell you a story... a tragic story, of the most ambitious project the Kerbals ever took up... Project Leviathan.

Project Leviathan was one Kerbal's dream... Jeb, Kerbal Space Program's best pilot. He dreamed of a massive colony ship, carrying 50 brave Kerbals, one that would reach the very stars. And grow, and create new Kerbal empires across the universe. And so project Leviathan was born.

After 3 years, 524 interns, one heavy lifter, and 52 1/2 cases of root beer later, a small prototype Mk I Leviathan sat in low Kerbin orbit. Carrying 36 Kerbals and two pilots (Jeb and Bill), weighing approximately 120 tons, this craft was to fly to the Mun, then Minmus, then come back and rendevous with the Mk XII Skybreaker Orbital Station for refit and to receive final upgrades, like solid boosters and struts. Here we see the mild-mannered Gus Kerman inspecting Leviathan's solar arrays.


But of course, being a Kerbal operation, something went wrong during the inspection.


Gus sneezed in his helmet, and the Leviathan's solar arrays all inexplicably and spontaneously exploded and the craft went hurtling into the atmosphere. Here we see the mighty Jeb pointing the craft retrograde, counting on a dangerous lithobraking maneuver on saving the 35 colonists (Gus is still floating in space) and his terrified copilot beside him, and hoping that the batteries would hold enough energy to keep the controls powered.


But it's no use. The center of mass and the Leviathan's aerodynamics spin the craft around, and it nosedives straight at the ground. Realizing that he wouldn't be able to save the colonists, and seeing Bill frozen in pant-wetting fear beside him, Jeb quickly leaps to the hatch, preparing to hurl himself out right before impact, counting on Kerbin's strange physics to save him. 150 meters up, Jeb throws himself clear, and goes flying out at high speed, as the Leviathan dashes itself on the ground a kilometer behind him.


The aftermath: 14 colonists KIA, Bill KIA, Gus lost in space, and Jeb looking like a boss standing alone over the empty plains. Amazingly the large 20-Kerbal wheel survived, along with various trusses and a probe core connected to it. But of course this mission was a success, as any landing you can walk away from is a good landing.


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