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It's still a WIP, but the Columbia class is pretty much ready to fly. The ship seen here is just the prototype and she has a fuel flow problem which has since been corrected in the VAB.


Quite a reasonably sized ship, and sat somewhere around 500 parts so the framerate isn't appalling!




Weapons test on the boosters that carried her up.


Looks kinda reminiscent of another ship from this angle, doesn't it? :wink:

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First time landing a space plane on Minmus! A made an SSTM! Forgot solar, forgot sideways RCS, made the engine too weak (next time I use a Mainsail). But all stock, no mods except KER... and most importantly, I made it! Career game on normal mode, btw. Valentina and Bill are here to pick up some passengers and science (and refueling, at the rigs in the back - pink text).

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