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Firespitter propeller plane and helicopter parts v7.1 (May 5th) for KSP 1.0


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  Gotcha said:
yep... it seems to be that, a conflict with other mod, cause i reinstall ksp from the begining just installing firespitter and work fine. I need to discover what mod is conflicting with.

edit: none of those things i says was the problem... the real problem was the memory that KSP supports. Because of my mods that exceeds memory that KSP support.

In which case, you will most likely need rbray89's Active Texture Management add-on.

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Or you attempt the KSP 64bit workaround that's discussed here:


It's not without its faults and sources of error, but it seems to work for many. For me it was salvation, finally allowing full res textures again (KSP can actually look beautiful :) ) and reinstating a lot of lovely part mods that I had to "slash" to skim slightly below the memory limit, always worrying and monitoring memory limits until the inevitable next crash comes. Now I have the luxury of just not caring what memory my mods need :) .

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  Senshi said:
Or you attempt the KSP 64bit workaround that's discussed here:


It's not without its faults and sources of error, but it seems to work for many. For me it was salvation, finally allowing full res textures again (KSP can actually look beautiful :) ) and reinstating a lot of lovely part mods that I had to "slash" to skim slightly below the memory limit, always worrying and monitoring memory limits until the inevitable next crash comes. Now I have the luxury of just not caring what memory my mods need :) .

Yeap i found this post and i gave it another chance... but still giving me problems. Not the plugin, the plugin seems to be ok, but the rest of folder, if i run my ksp, crash... i would have to try it by one at a time (folder), y see what is the real porblem. Duno.

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  Albert VDS said:
@Snjo: The fuel switch module only misses one last thing. Some tanks start off empty, so maybe something like resourceStartAmount = 0;0;125;600 would be handy to configure which fuel has which starting amount.

Assigned it to a 7.1 issue

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@snjo: I just though about your utility module vs main FS module, what do you think about split FS and anim/tex & mesh swticher, as the last 3 features are not directly related to FS and FS is not related to them, it just use them.

I know it will be more work to keep both plug-in working instead of one, but you can update more often/fix bug only in one, keeping the other working, without for example holding a feature or a fix in one side while working on the other side (fixing a big bug in mesh switcher for example, preventing releasing a crazy new FS release or the opposite)

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  Justin Kerbice said:
@snjo: I just though about your utility module vs main FS module, what do you think about split FS and anim/tex & mesh swticher, as the last 3 features are not directly related to FS and FS is not related to them, it just use them.

It's awkward to work in two solutions back and forth, or to compile to two dlls from one solution, and it increases the possibilities for user errors due to dlls missing or duplicated. If firespitter.dll references the FStools.dll, and that is missing, there's an instant meltdown without people knowing why. And it would need to reference it because other modules use the same parsing tools as the switcher modules.

Also, to you, those switcher modules may be the one take away from FS, but for other people it will be FSanimateGeneric, FSwheel or some other stand alone tool. There is nowhere to draw that magic line.

The switchers are in flux right now because I am still in the initial dev phase, as you can tell by them only having been in pre-releases. After v7.0, they should remain fairly unchanged, just like how FSanimateGeneric has seen only a very few updates in the last year (like implementing sound effects). The plan is to release v7.0 this weekend, as soon as I clean up some parts. Most of the code issues have been fixed. Others are being pushed to v7.1

There is no harm in having unused code in a dll distributed with your project, but you are of course free to extract the classes, rename them and compile them into your own dll.

edit: BTW, whitespace is now allowed in values separated by semicolons and commas in the switchers. Makes it easier to spot your errors :)

Edited by Snjo
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Snjo, I like your FStextureswitcher very much. Is there an option to let it look in a folder and choose all the available textures automatically instead of having to add every one in the part.config? That would be grand!

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  Azimech said:
Snjo, I like your FStextureswitcher very much. Is there an option to let it look in a folder and choose all the available textures automatically instead of having to add every one in the part.config? That would be grand!

While I'm sure it's quite possible, there are too many variables in play, like folders with combinations of diffuse and normal maps, number or order of files changing, etc. that I'd rather keep it as hard references.

You are of course free to modify the code for your own purposes.

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  Madrias said:
Raxo2222, yeah, you should be able to if you build lightly enough. Eve's a gravity well and you're going to need every ounce of power to get out of Eve's atmosphere.

I want to use them only to land and launch like helicopter, and fly like spaceplane, when not trying to land on water.

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@snjo: I get an idea for improving FSTextureSwitcher (2 ? maybe) module:

=> link

I mean, link FSTS modules of n parts together so changing tex for part A, will change it too for parts B, C, D, ... all the parts making a "chain" with their links.

To explain it more and why it could be useful, imagine you have a mod containing 5 parts, named A,B,C,D and E in this example.

All 5 parts use FSTS module to allow users to switch from a set of 10 textures, and all 5 are designed to be use more or less together (at least 2-3 of them like fuselage, wings, fuel tanks, command pod), and all 10 paint jobs are consistent which each other, meaning they are not supposed to be mixed (ex: 10 different camo schemes).

So, if a user want to use texture 10 with 5 parts at once, he/she will have to switch, one at a time, textures for all parts, leading to 45 clicks (1 click to change from tex 1 to 2, to reach tex 10 = 9 clicks), not less !

This is kind of a "killing switch" :D, isn't it ?

Here is the link feature come to help, all 5 parts are linked together, so if all are in use in the VAB/SPH, changing textures of part A, will change texture of parts B,C,D and E accordingly. The same for changing tex for any of the 5 part, others parts will match the newly chosen texture.

I know it may not even be possible to create such feature right now, but if it is, it may be helpful.

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  Justin Kerbice said:
@snjo: I get an idea for improving FSTextureSwitcher (2 ? maybe) module:

=> link

I mean, link FSTS modules of n parts together so changing tex for part A, will change it too for parts B, C, D, ... all the parts making a "chain" with their links.

To explain it more and why it could be useful, imagine you have a mod containing 5 parts, named A,B,C,D and E in this example.

All 5 parts use FSTS module to allow users to switch from a set of 10 textures, and all 5 are designed to be use more or less together (at least 2-3 of them like fuselage, wings, fuel tanks, command pod), and all 10 paint jobs are consistent which each other, meaning they are not supposed to be mixed (ex: 10 different camo schemes).

So, if a user want to use texture 10 with 5 parts at once, he/she will have to switch, one at a time, textures for all parts, leading to 45 clicks (1 click to change from tex 1 to 2, to reach tex 10 = 9 clicks), not less !

This is kind of a "killing switch" :D, isn't it ?

Here is the link feature come to help, all 5 parts are linked together, so if all are in use in the VAB/SPH, changing textures of part A, will change texture of parts B,C,D and E accordingly. The same for changing tex for any of the 5 part, others parts will match the newly chosen texture.

I know it may not even be possible to create such feature right now, but if it is, it may be helpful.

Uhm... nope!

I like to have full control of which part have which texture. I don't want them all from the same set all the time. Having this as the default would make that a pain. Not having it as default would make it just as hard to do per vessel as the current way.

It's simply not worth it. Also, it's mindbogglingly complex to integrate into all of the other handling stuff that's keeping this thing from crashing :)

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New pre-release version



-Some parts moved to the Firespitter Legacy Parts Pack. Download that to keep using existing craft files. Other parts have had major changes but have the same name.

-Tweakable engines! Adjust the number of propeller blades, their length, and the engine size in the hangar!

-Updated helicopter engine and tail rotors/fenestrons using aerodynamic blade lift, and a much improved hover code.

-Modular fuel tanks. A single part with alternate texutres and fuel tanks. Toggle through the choices in the hangar. (oblong multi-tank and fuel drop tank)

-Wheel alignment guides end the scourge of crooked gear placement. Press F2 to toggle guide lines.

-New tail boom model added to the old tail boom (Switch model in hangar) (WIP, untextured)

-A new engine module that supports atmospheric engines much better, separates engine start up time from throttle response, and allows for electric engines without the extra FScoolant resource.

-Apache cockpit monitors are off by default to reduce lag. Click a button to turn them on.

-Helicopter engines display a guide arrow to assist in putting them on the right way.

-New texture switch, mesh switch and fuel tank switch modules allows for many varieties in a single part

-Added optional Part Catalog icon from Kwirkilee

-Added visual brake response to flight control pedals

-Various bug fixes

Apache craft file

Edited by Snjo
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Looks great, as usual ! :)

Thanks for the update.

little additions: could you name the archive according to the version, it's always Firespitter_pre.zip, so people who are too lazy will downlaod it, install it then report bug to... which version ? The last ? what if you release 7.1pre3, 7.2pre4684684 between ?

and the apache craft link is "broken".

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  Justin Kerbice said:
Looks great, as usual ! :)

Thanks for the update.

little additions: could you name the archive according to the version, it's always Firespitter_pre.zip, so people who are too lazy will downlaod it, install it then report bug to... which version ? The last ? what if you release 7.1pre3, 7.2pre4684684 between ?

and the apache craft link is "broken".

I forgot I turned off dropbox syncinc :) Should be OK now.

Yeah, I'll try to remember the file name with version in the future.

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Why gears for water landing wobble so much when taking off 70 ton SSTO?

Here is my craft: http://www60.zippyshare.com/v/31947079/file.html (forgive obvious name, I'm not creative with these, also I add "A" before their name to have them on top of craft list).

It uses following mods: Interstellar (main mod), KW Rocketry, NovaPunch (both of them - struts), Firesplitter (sea plane parts - they are wobbly), B9 (instruction part), Lazor System (EVA/Warpdrive support), and Procedual Dynamic/Parts. Note that I'm utilizing TAC and Ship Manifest for it too. Also I have tweakables. Here is my full mod list:

Mehanic KAS Compability V5: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71683-A-Mechanic-Is-Jeb-or-KAS-For-Almost-Everything

Load on Demand V3.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/73236-WIP-Loading-textures-only-as-required

Module Manager V2.1.5: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55219-Module-Manager-1-5-6-%28Jan-6%29

ResearchThemAll V1.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78067-0-23-5-Research-Them-All-1-0-%28April-27%29

000_Toolbar V1.7.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60066-0-23-5-Toolbar-Plugin-1-7-1-Common-API-for-draggable-resizable-buttons-toolbar

Aerojet Kerbodyne V1.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76170-0-23-5-Aerojet-Kerodyne-%28Service-Module-NASA-Extension%29

B9_Aerospace V4.0c: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25241-0-22-B9-Aerospace-Pack-R4-0c-New-pods-IVAs-engines-fuselages-structures

BahaSP (Taurus) v1.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75074-Taurus-HCV-3-75-m-Stock-ish-Crew-Pod-now-with-internals!-v1-0-1-April-20-2014

blizzy (Achievements) V1.6.0: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/52535-0-23-5-Achievements-1-6-0-Earn-136-achievements-while-playing

BoJaN (Q Struts) 27-2: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71030-Quantum-Struts-Continued-%282014-02-27%29-Tweakables-KAS-grab-attach

BoulderCo (EVE/Better Atmospheres) V5: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77523-Better-Atmospheres-V4-April-23rd-2014?p=1111947

ConnectedLivingSpace V1.0.6.0: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70161.

Cool Rockets V0.5: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/68196-CoolRockets!-Cryo-and-Launch-Particle-FX

CustomAsteroids V1.0.0: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80483-0-23-5-Custom-Asteroids-1-0-0

Deadly Reentry V4.7: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54954-0-23-5-Deadly-Reentry-Continued-v4-7-5-5-14

Distant Object Enhancement V1.3: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69907-0-23-Distant-Object-Enhancement-v1-3-Planets-satellites-in-the-night-sky!-%283-3%29

Editor Extensions V1.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/38768-0-23-5-Editor-Extensions-v1-1-2-Apr-2014-%28EdTools-Editor-Tools-replacement%29

EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements V7.3: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55905-0-23-5-7-3-EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements-NEW!-VolumetricClouds!

EvaMechJeb V2-20: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70328-EVAMechJeb-%282014-02-20%29

ExsurgentEngineering (B9's plugin): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/66020-B9-0-23-fixes

Ferram Aerospace Research V0.13.3: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/20451-0-23-5-Ferram-Aerospace-Research-v0-13-3-4-30-14

Firesplatter V6.3: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24551-Firespitter-propeller-plane-and-helicopter-parts-v6-3-%28May-6th%29-for-KSP-0-23-5

FShangarExtender V1.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65747-0-23-Hangar-Extender

HullCameraVDS V0.3: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/46365-0-23-5-Hullcam-VDS-Converted-DEA-to-MU-Updated-29-Apr

ImprovedChaseCamera V1.3.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80112-0-23-5-Improved-Chase-Camera-v1-2

Kerbal Attachment System V0.4.7 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53134-Kerbal-Attachment-System

KerbalFlightIndicators V2: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80277-Kerbal-Flight-Indicators-%2817-05-2014%29

KerbalJointReinforcement V2.3: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/55657-0-23-5-Kerbal-Joint-Reinforcement-v2-3-4-14-14

Kethane V0.8.6: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/23979-Kethane-Pack-0-8-5-Find-it-mine-it-burn-it!-0-23-5-%28ARM%29-compatibility-update

Klockheed_Martian (Asteroids) V0.5: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79675-Klockheed-Martian-Asteroid-Cities-V0-2-Improved-conversion-and-detection

KSPScienceLibrary V1.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78305-0-23-5-Science-Library-v1-1

KW Rocketry V2.5.6B: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51037-0-21-X-KW-Rocketry-v2-5-29-09-2013

MagicSmokeIndustries (Infernal Robotics) V0.16: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37707-0-23-5-Magic-Smoke-Industries-Parts-Infernal-Robotics-0-14-stable%29

MechJeb V2.2.1 (Build 260): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/12384-PART-0-23-5-Anatid-Robotics-MuMech-MechJeb-Autopilot-v2-2-1

ModsByTal (Cargo Tansportion) V0.3.4: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/77505-Cargo-Transportation-Solutions-%28WIP%29

ModZero: B9 KSPI Fix

MP_Nazzari (Hot Rockets) V7.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65754-HotRockets!-Particle-FX-Replacement-Tutorial

Nereid (Final Frontier) V0.3.24a: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67246-0-23-Final-Frontier-0-3-9

NovaPunch V2.05: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/3870

Open Resource System V1.1.0: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64595-Open-Resource-System-%28ORS%29-Mod-Resource-API-version-1-1-0

Part Catalog V3.0 RC4: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/35018-0-23-5-PartCatalog-2-4-3-0-RC2-released

Procedual Dynamics V0.7: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/29862-0-23-Procedural-Dynamics-Procedural-Wing-0-7

Procedural Fairings V3.05: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/39512-0-23-Procedural-Fairings-2-4-4-tech-tree-and-minor-improvements-%28March-31%29

Procedual Parts V0.9.14: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/70676-WIP-Procedural-Parts-Parts-the-way-you-want-em

Protractor V2.4.7: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83173-23-5-Protractor-Continued-Rendezvous-Plugin-v2-4-7-%28June-14th-2014%29

R&SCapsuledyne (Taurus) V1.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75074-Taurus-HCV-3-75-m-Stock-ish-Crew-Pod-now-with-internals!-v1-0-1-April-20-2014

RealChute V1.1.0.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57988-0-23-x-RealChute-Parachute-Systems-Presets!-v1-1-0-1-27-04-14

Real System Plugin (BA Atmosphere fix)

ResGen V0.28: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/28895-0-20-2-Resource-Generation-Module-%280-28%29

ROMFARER (Lazor) V33: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/9923-0-23-5-Lazor-System-v33-%28April-17%29

SCANSat V7 RC2.4: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80369

ScienceAlert V1.5: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/76793-0-23-5-ScienceAlert-1-5-Experiment-availability-feedback-%28April-26%29

Smoke Screen V2.0.1.0: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71630-0-23-SmokeScreen-Extended-FX-plugin

ShipManifest V0. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/62270-0-23-5-Ship-Manifest-%28Crew-Science-Resources%29-v0-23-5-3-2-3-11-May-14

TAC V0.8: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/40667-0-23-0-23-5-WIP-TAC-Life-Support-0-8-22Dec

Texture Replacer V1.5.10: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60961-0-23-5-TextureReplacer-1-5-10-%287-6-2014%29-IVA-Helmets-Removal/

TimeControl V11.1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/69363-0-23-5-Time-Control-4-23-14-v11-1

Timmers (KeepFit): V1.0.44: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/67739-0-23-WIP-PLUGIN-KeepFit-Kerbal-fitness-degradation-mod-v1-0-43

TreeLoader V1.0: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/53192-0-22-TreeLoader-Custom-Career-Tech-tree-Loader-1-0

TriggerTech (Alt. Resource Display) V2.2.3.0: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/60227-0-23-5-KSP-Alternate-Resource-Panel-v2-2-0-0-%28April-19%29

Tweak Scale: V1.20: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/80234-TweakScale-Rescale-Everything!-%28Version-1-19-Updated-2014-06-06-10-56-UTC%29

TweakableEverything V1.2: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/64711-0-23-TweakableEverything-For-all-your-part-tweaking-needs

UmbraSpaceIndustries (MKS) V0.16.7 (Airbags V0.1.3): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/79588 / http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83134-23-5-Deployable-Airbags-%28plugin-version%29-v0-1-3-2014-06-18

VNG V1.2: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/25305-0-23-Vanguard-Technologies-EVA-parachutes-23!-Sry-4-not-fixing-earlier-%28Dec-30%29

WarpPlugin (Interstellar) V0.11: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/43839-0-23-5-KSP-Interstellar-%28Toolbar-Integration-New-Models-New-Tech%29-Version-0-11

WorldCup2014 V1: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/82936-SQUAD-S-Kerbin-Cup-Add-On-Discussion-Thread

Also I can fly forever with uranium generator on electric engines XD

I'm using stable version, and downloaded prelease now.

Edited by raxo2222
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Why gears for water landing wobble so much when taking off 70 ton SSTO?

*insert transdimentional, infinite wall of mods here*

Also I can fly forever with uranium generator on electric engines XD

I'm using stable version, and downloaded prelease now.

Yeah, I don't think that anyone's going to be able to test that...

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