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Firespitter propeller plane and helicopter parts v7.1 (May 5th) for KSP 1.0


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hello !

I want to try you're module on some gear !

May I ask some question about ! module ?

correct me if I'm wrong !

1: FSpartTurner the function is for the management od steering wheel !

2: FSwheel , it's the same thing as Modulelandinggear but more powerful !

  • he work in a same way the stock module (Yup) and down ?
  • same rule for alignment 's stock module ? (sus_deplacement aligned on wheelCollider)?
  • multiple wheel and collider ( I think yes in code : List<WheelCollider> colliderList )!
  • Only one animation for raise or lower ?
  • Unity Wheelcollider parameters tweakable by CFG ?

3: FSmimickRotation, same as FXpositionConstraint. (match rotation).

  • Only one source and target ? or it's possible to use target, target1 etc.


(edit sorry for these questions, the post have 158 pages, and responses are already

here may be, but I'm bad in English, and lot of pages !! :blush:)

EDIT :19:58

I have model compiled with Fswheel, on runway it's seem the bounds or wheelcollider don't work

the gear pass throught the ground !!

And yes I have the Bounds game object , Fswheel need a layers to work (layers in unity)?

I use 3 Wheelcollider, named wheelcollider, wheelcollider1 etc.

Same for wheel and suspentionPArent.

Find my error by looking code it's one name in CFG, because the pluggin search in part

if wheel or wheelcollider exist and with numberOfWheels parameters search the other wheel.

with suffix 2,3 etc ...

so in cfg only one name .

And it's work

See this [WIP] R.E.L Skylon C2. Texture Progress! (23 Jul 2014)

I have upload the test example for Cpt.Kipard, the rear gear use your pluggin !

thank you very much for this wonderfull tool.

edit : 16/08/2014

today i'll find the link Module cfg documentation: http://tiny.cc/fsdoc, only today :blush: (what a pity)

normally I have all information I need (sometime I'm completely screwed by barrier language,

it's very difficult to read all the thing for a different language

Andreas thank a lot for this plug and all the info it's very interesting !!


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  stephm said:
hello !

I want to try you're module on some gear !

May I ask some question about ! module ?

correct me if I'm wrong !

1: FSpartTurner the function is for the management od steering wheel !

2: FSwheel , it's the same thing as Modulelandinggear but more powerful !

  • he work in a same way the stock module (Yup) and down ?
  • same rule for alignment 's stock module ? (sus_deplacement aligned on wheelCollider)?
  • multiple wheel and collider ( I think yes in code : List<WheelCollider> colliderList )!
  • Only one animation for raise or lower ?
  • Unity Wheelcollider parameters tweakable by CFG ?

3: FSmimickRotation, same as FXpositionConstraint. (match rotation).

  • Only one source and target ? or it's possible to use target, target1 etc.


(edit sorry for these questions, the post have 158 pages, and responses are already

here may be, but I'm bad in English, and lot of pages !! :blush:)

EDIT :19:58

I have model compiled with Fswheel, on runway it's seem the bounds or wheelcollider don't work

the gear pass throught the ground !!

And yes I have the Bounds game object , Fswheel need a layers to work (layers in unity)?

I use 3 Wheelcollider, named wheelcollider, wheelcollider1 etc.

Same for wheel and suspentionPArent.

Find my error by looking code it's one name in CFG, because the pluggin search in part

if wheel or wheelcollider exist and with numberOfWheels parameters search the other wheel.

with suffix 2,3 etc ...

so in cfg only one name .

And it's work

See this [WIP] R.E.L Skylon C2. Texture Progress! (23 Jul 2014)

I have upload the test example for Cpt.Kipard, the rear gear use your pluggin !

thank you very much for this wonderfull tool.

edit : 16/08/2014

today i'll find the link Module cfg documentation: http://tiny.cc/fsdoc, only today :blush: (what a pity)

normally I have all information I need (sometime I'm completely screwed by barrier language,

it's very difficult to read all the thing for a different language

Andreas thank a lot for this plug and all the info it's very interesting !!


Oh! I didn't see your post until now!

I think all of your assumptions were correct, and the rest I guess you found in the docs. If you are still hung up on something, let me know.

When the hell did I make FSmimickRotation? I can't even remember what that would have been for... Rotor blades? But it does seem to support many identically named objects.

@nli2work Awesome engines! I'm sure people would appreciate a link to the download if it's a released mod.

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  Mein_Gott said:
Salutations to Snjo

If i add FS wheel alignment module to parts with stock wheel module present, probably using MM - will it work? Thanks

Yep, or even a non-wheel part. Although the directions are a bit more random then.

  nli2work said:
is it possible to link PropellerSpinner with unique EngineID from Squad's MultiModeEngine module? if not, a feature request? :)

Yes, all the engine based stuff should now support the stock engine and engineFX in addition to FSengine.

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  Snjo said:
Yes, all the engine based stuff should now support the stock engine and engineFX in addition to FSengine.

Oh? how would I set it up... if I were to attach FSengineSound to rapier's Atmospheric mode; but not closedCycle mode?

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hi ! thk :wink:.

Fswheel helped me to find the way to made realistic gear (like big civil plane), last thing I have to find is How manage

the FxlookatConstraint to work in reference with his parent and not in global world. (look in plugins section, if you have time)

Because this module take an important part for moving secondary part!!.

Ah one thing may be a problem :

Part with a mesh collider have a weird effect on the gear animation, in game the part move and sometime break totally, without

mesh collider everything work !, I'll try to play with the parameter :disableColliderWhenRetracted (Retracting) give no result ?

I don't know if in cfg attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1 affect something especially the last parameter (allowCollision)

I notice in my ksp 0.23.5, I have B9 parts, and is the same thing with the big gear (Utility_Leg_H50 if I remember).

voilà and merci !

thank you


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  Snjo said:
Yes, all the engine based stuff should now support the stock engine and engineFX in addition to FSengine.

Even the VTOL stuff? I was trying to convert the B9 VTOLs to ModuleEngineFX and it wasn't happy at all with the released .dll (6.3.4)

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  stephm said:
hi ! thk :wink:.

Fswheel helped me to find the way to made realistic gear (like big civil plane), last thing I have to find is How manage

the FxlookatConstraint to work in reference with his parent and not in global world. (look in plugins section, if you have time)

Because this module take an important part for moving secondary part!!.

Ah one thing may be a problem :

Part with a mesh collider have a weird effect on the gear animation, in game the part move and sometime break totally, without

mesh collider everything work !, I'll try to play with the parameter :disableColliderWhenRetracted (Retracting) give no result ?

I don't know if in cfg attachRules = 1,1,1,1,1 affect something especially the last parameter (allowCollision)

I notice in my ksp 0.23.5, I have B9 parts, and is the same thing with the big gear (Utility_Leg_H50 if I remember).

voilà and merci !

thank you


The FXlookatConstraint is odd, it doesn't lock the last axis, so you quicly end up with erratic twists. So I just never used it. If I ever need to use it I'll just write my own.

I'm not sure what is wrong with your gear. If it's compatible with a stock gear module, it would work just fine with FSwheel. What you can test however, that the stock module can not, is removing parts of the equation. By giving invalid values for any of the components, like the wheel, collider, suspension or animation, it will disable those, allowing you to do a cleaner test.

  Taverius said:
Even the VTOL stuff? I was trying to convert the B9 VTOLs to ModuleEngineFX and it wasn't happy at all with the released .dll (6.3.4)

Ah! I updated the FSpropellerAtmosphericNerf module to use the wrapper. Try with the latest dll from snjo.net now. (I haven't tested it myself yet)

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  Snjo said:
1:The FXlookatConstraint is odd, it doesn't lock the last axis, so you quicly end up with erratic twists.

2:I'm not sure what is wrong with your gear

hi !

thank for the reply !!

@:1, I'm using Fxlookat for the torque arm for example, and yes it's weird when this module have a parent animation, it's only my last problem !!

Since two day I try to retrieve a simplified version of this module, my level in plugin is not enough good to achieve that I'm afraid ....

@2: on runway everything work in my last config and it's very realistic, the problem it's just during the gear animation for the part

managed by Fxlookat it's just visual thing :confused::D..

Anyway it's seem Cpt.Kipard has finalized his complete set of gear so, it's not important now !!

And I think is not interesting for him to restart animation or hierarchy with my last setup even he is better !

My error has been to much time passed with the stock module..........

Voilà thank you !

(I'm still working with the Lookat transform in monodev just to learn something, i try despairingly to make corrected FxlookAT:blush: )


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would something like this work as one might expect?

name = MultiModeEngine
primaryEngineID = AirMode
secondaryEngineID = VacuumMode

name = FSengine
engineID = AirMode

name = ModuelEngineFX
engineID = VacuumMode

name = FSengineSounds
engineID = AirMode

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  nli2work said:
would something like this work as one might expect?

name = MultiModeEngine
primaryEngineID = AirMode
secondaryEngineID = VacuumMode

name = FSengine
engineID = AirMode

name = ModuelEngineFX
engineID = VacuumMode

name = FSengineSounds
engineID = AirMode

No, the multi mode engine would not know what to do with an FSengine. You would need a new version of that module that could understand that module too.

The engine sound module works with anything though.

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  Snjo said:
No, the multi mode engine would not know what to do with an FSengine. You would need a new version of that module that could understand that module too.

The engine sound module works with anything though.

would that set the FSengineSounds to only activate when in AirMode?

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  nli2work said:
would that set the FSengineSounds to only activate when in AirMode?

No, it wouldn't work at all. The multi engine module wouldn't find multiple engines, so both engine types would be running at full blast, or not at all due to a crash. The sound module would pick up the first engine and ignore the second. And FSengine has no concept of an EngineID. In short, it's just not going to work. You have to use the stock engine modules, which in most cases will do all that you need. The FSengine module exists only to do stuff that ModuleEngines can't support properly, like being independent of the throttle state, and handle atmospheric densities properly (At least it should when testing and bug fixing is done).

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would it be possible to add that capability? specifically I'm looking to do mixed mode engine where one mode spins propeller, another mode doesn't. switching to non-propeller mode would be treated as if propeller engine is shutdown and the propellers would spin down as normal.

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You can spin propellers just fine with the regular engine module. Since the spinner module will just pick up one of the engines (probably the non FX one is read first), it should stop spinning when the second engine is activated.

I have no need for a switcher module myself, and it's too much work to implement for something I don't need. (Unlike some short modules I have created for other people because it takes me 15 minutes)

Speaking of - there is a new anim module for looping animations I made to support toggling the blinking lights of a police car, called FSanimateLooping.

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  Snjo said:
You can spin propellers just fine with the regular engine module. Since the spinner module will just pick up one of the engines (probably the non FX one is read first), it should stop spinning when the second engine is activated.

I have no need for a switcher module myself, and it's too much work to implement for something I don't need. (Unlike some short modules I have created for other people because it takes me 15 minutes)

Speaking of - there is a new anim module for looping animations I made to support toggling the blinking lights of a police car, called FSanimateLooping.

sounds good, I'll give it a go.

Edit: I look a peek at the FSengineWrapper code... if I understand it correctly, it sets the 1st loaded engine module (ModuleEngine, ModuleEngineFX, FSengine, in that order) to an FSengine type, which drives the other FSengine related modules. correct?

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It creates a common target for another module, so that you can say for instance engine.maxThrust = 10f;, and it will just do that to whatever engine is also loaded onto that part, as best it can (In the order you described). Because the engines work slightly differently, the results may vary a bit, but it makes it possible to have the same code for many different modules instead of writing custom versions for each engine type. It doesn't set it to be an FSengine, that's simply a valid engine type as well.

There are of course other ways to solve that problem, but this is the easiest in my opinion.

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