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Firespitter propeller plane and helicopter parts v7.1 (May 5th) for KSP 1.0


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hey this is my first time posting :P. I seem to be having a spot of trouble with FSfuelSwitch not maintaining their tank setup when launched. I noticed the source code has just recently changed and not sure if it was directed at this sort of thing but it seems it may have. can anyone else confirm the issue i'm having or is there something obvious i'm not getting with setting the tanks up, but this is how they are setup as an example.

[SIZE=1] {[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] name = FSfuelSwitch[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] resourceAmounts = 720,880;1440;1760[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] basePartMass = 1[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] //tankMass = 0;0;0[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] //tankCost =0;0;0[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] displayCurrentTankCost = false[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] hasGUI = true[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] availableInFlight = false[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] availableInEditor = true[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] showInfo = true[/SIZE]
[SIZE=1] }[/SIZE]

to be specific, FSfuelSwitch is functional but it just adds the original LFO setup the tank had originally TO whatever it was setup as in the VAB/SPh, meaning there is the setup i picked + the original, no matter the setup chosen

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The recent change was given to me to fix some issues withother mods that also handle fuel, but shouldn't affect the existing functionality as far as I could see. If you are using other mods at the same time that mess with this stuff, it may cause other issues of course. The entire tank setup should be ripped out and replaced with the setup in the cfg on each load, but that WAS the logic affected by the new code though...

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  Snjo said:
The recent change was given to me to fix some issues withother mods that also handle fuel, but shouldn't affect the existing functionality as far as I could see. If you are using other mods at the same time that mess with this stuff, it may cause other issues of course. The entire tank setup should be ripped out and replaced with the setup in the cfg on each load, but that WAS the logic affected by the new code though...

hmmm.. i dont have any other mods effecting the fuel systems. ok so if you mean i need to do something like this instead?

!name = LiquidFuel
!amount = 2052
!maxAmount = 2052

!name = Oxidizer
!amount = 2508
!maxAmount = 2508
name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer;LiquidFuel;Oxidizer;XenonGas
resourceAmounts = 2052,2508;4104;5016;7400
displayCurrentTankCost = true
basePartMass = 5.366
hasGUI = true
availableInFlight = false
availableInEditor = true
showInfo = true

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  leoxc said:
hmmm.. i dont have any other mods effecting the fuel systems. ok so if you mean i need to do something like this instead?

That's not quite how you do it. It should be

!RESOURCE[LiquidFuel] {}
!RESOURCE[Oxidizer] {}
name = FSFuelSwitch

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  Snjo said:
No, I never implemented that, a kerbal must have hit the self destruct.

Seems to have something to do with propeller engines and going too far north (and not very far north, less than 200 km from KSC). I also tried it with a prop from KAX and it still exploded. Then I built the plane with a stock jet and it didn't explode.

Well, not until I crashed it.

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hello to all,

simple question, what is the correct and updated version that I should be using for ksp 0.90.0 ???

I have downloaded 6.3.5 from OP and found the 7pre as well, but all show some warnings from ksp-avc and such???

i have searched for download realated updates in the forum, but all seem to be a lot older and not related to current issues..

thanks for any help...


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I think the problems I was having recently were related to Tweakable Everything. I removed it and things appear to be back to normal.

- - - Updated - - -

  drtedastro said:
hello to all,

simple question, what is the correct and updated version that I should be using for ksp 0.90.0 ???…

The parts from v6.3.5 are the most recent stable release (though I've tried 7pre and they seem to work fine too) but for KSP 0.90.0 compatibility the Firespitter.dll from the parts pack needs to be replaced with the newer one that is downloaded separately.

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There seem to be multiple "customized" versions of Firespitter.dll around.

KerbalAircraftExpansion seems to use a customized version.

USI Kolonization Systems (MKS/OKS) seems to use a customized version.

What should I do if I want to use both mods?

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  Cdodders said:
I recently had a problem where Firespitter was the cause of a bug, causing the staging icons (and staging itself) to not load when switching to, orattempting to launch, crafts with passenger modules

I have EXACTLY the same bug, but i don't know how to grab an up to date version of firespitter...

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  kaue4arp10 said:
I have EXACTLY the same bug, but i don't know how to grab an up to date version of firespitter...

Check the last dozen pages (the thread moves really fast unfortunately) of the MKS post, there is a dll with fixes from 2 unofficial branches merged.

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I tried (in .90) the firespitter.dll from github dated 3 days ago. Can't customize any of the parts that are supposed to have right click menus. Also cannot revert to SPH after launching. I changed dll back to 7.0.5398.27328 and can revert but still no customizing rightclick menus and I can't activate the engines I tried testing.

Conflict with TweakScale? That shows in the rightclick on some of the FS parts I tried.

I've had just the firespitter.dll for another mod that uses it, decided tonight to try the full FS kit to see if I could use it to have a proper auto-rotating gyrocopter rotor that spins fast enough to make a single rotor gyro stable.

Look! Logs! http://partsbyemc.com/pub/firespitter-logs.zip Made with love and care using the latest firespitter.dll

The smaller one is a copy of the log from startup to entering SPH. The larger one continues through an attempt at a launch of a craft with a pair of the VTOL Firespitter engines.

No staging available, I could reduce but not increase throttle, something was causing MechJeb to show one of its yellow arrows projecting up out of the runway and even the stock small gear bay brakes were messed with. The plane kept rolling for a ways after I engaged the brakes.

Oh, and there's a cockpit interior immovably embedded in the middle of the SPH floor.

16329265988_8db3d9a7d1_z.jpgscreenshot25 by g_alan_e, on Flickr

So, um, yeahhh. I'll be removing Firespitter and going back to that older version of the DLL for the other mod that uses it. Pretty sure it's Infernal Robotics.

Edited by Galane
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  Galane said:
Look! Logs! http://partsbyemc.com/pub/firespitter-logs.zip Made with love and care using the latest firespitter.dll

In the log you seem to have two copies of Firespitter.dll :

AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\KSP.9\GameData\Firespitter\Plugins\Firespitter.dll
AssemblyLoader: Loading assembly at D:\KSP.9\GameData\KerbalJointReinforcement\Firespitter\Plugins\Firespitter.dll

This will not work, especially if they are different versions.

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Could someone tell me how to make a tank with FSFuelswitch, empty(Via MM configs)? I've gotten here:

!RESOURCE[CarbonDioxide] {}
!RESOURCE[WasteWater] {}
!RESOURCE[Waste] {}

name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = CarbonDioxide,WasteWater,Waste;CarbonDioxide;WasteWater;Waste
resourceAmounts = 18800.1,180.9,19.5;119481.5;231.9;310.8
basePartMass =0.20
displayCurrentTankCost = false
hasGUI = true
availableInFlight = false
availableInEditor = true
showInfo = true


Tried some stuff with @RESOURCE[CarbonDioxide] {@amount=0}, but to no affect.


!RESOURCE[CarbonDioxide] {}
!RESOURCE[WasteWater] {}
!RESOURCE[Waste] {}

name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = CarbonDioxide,WasteWater,Waste;CarbonDioxide;WasteWater;Waste
resourceAmounts = 18800.1,180.9,19.5;119481.5;231.9;310.8
initialResourceAmounts = 0,0,0;0;0;0
basePartMass =0.20
displayCurrentTankCost = false
hasGUI = true
availableInFlight = false
availableInEditor = true
showInfo = true



Edited by MoparGamer
Added solution to problem, Thanks for help Ramarren
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  Greystripe3 said:
when exactly will you release firespitter v7?

I don't mean to speak for snjo, but with the release of KSP 1.0 coming soon with improved aerodynamics simulation, it makes sense to hold off on a new aviation parts update until it can be assured it all works with the new system.

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  Ramarren said:
With the newest Firespitter from GitHub you can use initialResourceAmounts field to define initial resource amounts.

Thank you.

My question is a bit related to this answer but not sure about covering it completely.

1. I added FSfuelSwitch to stock part via MM.

They pointed out to ask here. So please don't send me back :D

The symptoms: Stock parts loaded successfully, changing fuels based on my setup works successfully.

BUT when I try to launch the vessel it contains both of the ressources the stock ones (for example LF+O) and my setup which I like for example MonProp+Xenon.

If I switching to other setups and end up using the original one at launchtime it won't double it.

What am I did wrong? Or is it not supported to modify stock parts?

The config for a common part:

name = FSfuelSwitch
resourceNames = LiquidFuel,Oxidizer; MonoPropellant,XenonGas; ElectricCharge
resourceAmounts = 2880,3520;2880,7040;1000
initialResourceAmounts = 2880,3520;2880,7040;1000
hasGUI = true
availableInFlight = true
availableInEditor = true
showInfo = true


May I have to remove the original resources?!?!?

Or what should be the correct workaround?

2. Where can I find an excessive documentation about the available modules/fields on firesplitter? (I am not a C++ programmer so look into the code is not the viable option)

Thank you in advance

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