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Firespitter propeller plane and helicopter parts v7.1 (May 5th) for KSP 1.0


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You do realize how close to release 1.0 is? right? It'll be released in maybe two weeks, so might as well wait for that and update for 1.0.
I quite agree...

What are you all getting at. Of course I know 1.0 is coming. But it's not here yet. And this new person who likely just got KSP or found the wonderful world of mods for it wants Firespitter for something. I provided the link because he had not located it before. Of course we are all anticipating 1.0 and the frenzy afterword of updating mods and plugins.

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What are you all getting at. Of course I know 1.0 is coming. But it's not here yet. And this new person who likely just got KSP or found the wonderful world of mods for it wants Firespitter for something. I provided the link because he had not located it before. Of course we are all anticipating 1.0 and the frenzy afterword of updating mods and plugins.

I now were the other plugin is. :P

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What are you all getting at. Of course I know 1.0 is coming. But it's not here yet. And this new person who likely just got KSP or found the wonderful world of mods for it wants Firespitter for something. I provided the link because he had not located it before. Of course we are all anticipating 1.0 and the frenzy afterword of updating mods and plugins.

-insert colorful expletives here-

I was looking forward to 1.0, then you made me remember all the frenzy and headaches each update to KSP brings and now I'm dreading it. I sure hope you're proud of yourself. I'm going to have to go kill some more Kerbal interns again just to bring back that little bit of joy to my day.

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Crossposting from MKS since it's a firespitter thing that's freaking out.

Does anybody know what would cause KSP (or perhaps firespitter) to spam these two errors?

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ModuleDockingNode.<SetupFSM>m__134 (.KFSMState st) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalFSM.updateFSM (KFSMUpdateMode mode) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalFSM.UpdateFSM () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ModuleDockingNode.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at ModuleDockingNode.<SetupFSM>m__126 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at KerbalFSM.FixedUpdateFSM () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ModuleDockingNode.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

(Filename: Line: -1)

I started getting it shortly after I constructed this behemoth at the orbital shipyards and after I had undocked another ship from the main station. The only docking ports that I'm using are the MKS ones and the two stock (well, Vens stock revamp) ports.

The thing is huge enough to qualify as it's own station and the transfer window to Duna is over a year away, so, I'll see what happens when I set it free.

Edit: Setting it free doesn't stop the exception spam. It stopped for the station (once the ship got out of physics range), so it's something with that craft.

Output log: http://sta.sh/01p24xx7yuq8


Edited by smjjames
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I'll look at the output later. But the error is cased by some sort of update softwere. What are your mods?

I've got a whole bunch of mods, so heres the image list.

I actually had another craft down at KSC launchpad that started doing the same errors when I went to it, but it stopped after I recovered and then re-launched the craft. It didn't happen for the problem craft when I launched it at launchpad.

One possibility is maybe EPL since I was using the orbital dock, but doesn't explain why it triggered for a craft that I had left on the launchpad back at KSC.

Edit: The craft that I loaded is actually also a subassembly part of the big ship, but no idea how that would affect it.


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How is this a firespitter thing? What evidence points you there?

I suspect that it's firespitter since FSM is firespitter mesh and I saw earlier something about firespitter mesh switch and a B9 part. I'm not 100% sure it's firespitter, I'm just following the only tentative lead that I've got.

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Did it happen when you insaled firespitter.

I don't actually have the full FS pack, just the DLL, the latest comes from MKS I think. This is the first time I've seen the error since I installed exceptiondetector, which was back in like, February.

If it ever happened before then, I wasn't aware of it.

Since the next optimal Duna transfer window is almost two years away ingame and it takes around 110 or so days to build it, so, I can just delete that craft and rebuild it to try and replicate whatever happened. Need to fuel it up and supply it anyway.

Futrubi (sp? sorry) said on MKS to look into vens stock revamp, which I suppose I should update.

Edit: The fixes for Vens stock revamp in the latest one include a fix for the clampotron sr, which I am using on the big ship, so, I bet that's it.

Edited by smjjames
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The only thing thats broken in the mod is the firespitter.dll

The 0.90 version that MKS and friends are shipping gives a compatibility warning, but seems to work for everything that RoverDude is using it for. If you don't have any of RoverDude's mods, you can get the updated plugin from https://github.com/snjo/Firespitter/tree/master/For%20release/Firespitter/Plugins . Since only the plugin has changed in ages, nobody has gotten around to repacking the parts pack with the current plugin since before 0.90.

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I've done a quick build for KSP 1.0, get the plugin in the usual place. Haven't had the chance to test anything more that prop spin, sounds and wing lift, but it's promising. It's possible drag changes in the main game will mean some retweaking of planes, but I only tested it via RDP with unreliable key inputs.

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I've done a quick build for KSP 1.0, get the plugin in the usual place. Haven't had the chance to test anything more that prop spin, sounds and wing lift, but it's promising. It's possible drag changes in the main game will mean some retweaking of planes, but I only tested it via RDP with unreliable key inputs.

Good to hear, I thought you had vanished from the community Snjo! Firespitter remains one of my key mods, and not just the dll! I love your procedural prop engines and helicopter engines! I spend more time building stunt planes and helicopters at times with your parts than rockets!

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