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[1.12] Station Science ReNewed (v3.0)


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Station Science Directorate has been bought out by wealthy billionaire, industrialist and philanthropist Spoony Kerman.
The Directorate released a statement saying "this acquitsiton into the Spoony Industries family will bring in some much needed funding to the Directorate to progress our research programs into the future..."

This mod originally added several large parts designed to be integrated into a permanent space station: the TH-NKR Research Lab, F-RRY Zoology Bay and the D-ZZY Cyclotron. These heavy parts provide facilities for performing advanced long-term experiments. The experiments themselves are held in Size 1 pods that you can dock with your space station, execute, and bring back to the surface for Science points or transmit back to Kerbin. However the pods themselves are not re-runnable.

In addition, there are tanks for storing other resources such as Kibbal for certain research modules like the F-RRY Zoology Bay.

**COMING SOON** - A new research module :- Y-CKY Goo Chamber - This specialised chamber has been designed by the Science Directorate to store and experiment with bulk amounts of the mysterious Mystery Goo™. However the chamber will require substantial amounts of Goo per experiment.

The new Y-CKY Goo Chamber will unlock a whole new research chain to Station Science based on Chemistry... explore the mysteries of the Mystery Goo and perform a whole new research tree that will also mix with the other experiments.


Each experiment requires a completion resource that is generated by one of the reasearch modules (e.g. TH-NKR Research Lab > Eurekas). More advanced experiments also require additional completions such as Bioproducts, Kuarqs or Solutions Once an experiment has accumulated sufficient completion resources, use the Finalize Results action to finish the experiment, and generate Science value in the same manner as the stock science parts. Make sure your station stays in the same location for the duration of the experiment. If in orbit, this means entirely above or below the low/high orbit altitude threshold, which is 250km around Kerbin. If the experiment moves to a new location prior to finalization, it will be aborted and you'll have to start it over.

To use the Spectrometron, dock the vessel carrying the science result, or transfer it to a command pod via EVA. The results will appear automatically in the Spectrometron's context menu. Select the one you want to analyze, and wait for requisite number of kuarqs to be generated. Then, you'll be able to review the result now stored in the Spectrometron using its context menu, and transmit it at 90% via your transmitter.

ALL NEW Experiments Tree

  Biology / Plants Physiology / Creatures Physics / Kuarqs Chemistry / Goo
Tier 1 Seed Growth Zoology Observations Prograde Kuarqs Mystery GooTM Disclosure
Tier 2 Nutritional Value Creature Comforts Retrograde Kuarqs Goo Understanding
Tier 3 Irradiated Plant Adaptation
Kuarq Bio-activity
Goo-induced Symbiosis
Eccentric Kuarqs Refined Goo Analysis
Tier 4 Transgenic Agriculture Super Creature Genesis Nu-Kuarq Particle Fusion Solved GooTM Alchemy

Each of the original experiments have been seperated into their own individual tree based on the basic fundamentals of science conducted on real life space stations :- Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Physiology. These have been further refined into particular topics with the hope of maybe expanding further in the future, the current topics are :- Plants, Creatures, Kuarqs and Goo.

All experiments in bold are included with the current MOARStationScience being maintained by @linuxgurugamer


Contracts to perform station science experiments in orbit around a body will appear in career mode when you have been to that body and you have unlocked (and purchased the prototype) of the experiment and labs required. To complete the missions you need to recover the capsule back on Kerbin.

**COMING SOON** - Contracts system to be overhauled and further contract oppotunites to come.

Originally created by @ethernet
The updated to v2.0 by @tomforwood
Then maintained by @linuxgurugamer
Now being developed by @spoonyboobah and models by @SpeedyB


Please post any bugs or issues to the issues tab of my GitHub.

Current Availability

    Source code and Download: https://github.com/SpoonyBoobah/StationScience
    License:  All source code and software (.cs and .dll files) is licensed under GPL v3, Everything else is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License


Edited by spoonyboobah
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