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ues: generic bus and habitation site

capacity: 32

speed: 15 m/s

mass: 38t

mods: mechjeb

delivery to lko: 2x 'tug' rockets http://i.imgur.com/iPdd8lY.jpg + 1x rover http://i.imgur.com/RzItUtw.jpg

interplanetary stage: http://i.imgur.com/9tVLIeC.png

landing: http://i.imgur.com/xWpUljT.png + http://i.imgur.com/AWBOpyz.png



Edited by TheSkirtist
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Duna Rover and Landing: tfUBtWP.pnghttp://i.imgur.com/wUD59Yw.jpg

Rover placed on Eeloo (Today) http://i.imgur.com/ExNIktm.png

Landing on Eve: ESR7Bo6.png

Standard Kethane mapping and rover delivery ship: http://i.imgur.com/RU5iObE.png

Special Kethane mapping and rover delicery ship (part that reach Eeloo):http://i.imgur.com/KGoSU0B.png

BJ Quest

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Hi folks,

i just recently made a Rheia Rover for my Duna station program. It is Two seat, multipurprose vehicle. Contains grabing hook (via KAS mod) for draging a parts, extra oxygen container for long term missions (via TAC mod), mechjab enabled.

Here are some pictures:

1) recharging panels extended (there are lot of batteries and sometimes internal panels are not enough)


2) read view


3) night shot :)


4) standard deplying configuration (two of them side by side)


Edited by johny.smrz
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They can't work because you can't just attach links to files that are sitting on your hard drive. If that were possible, you'd have one massive and glaring security hole going on!

Easiest way to do it is to go to imgur.com

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Simply paste here and it'll work like neo-techno-magic!

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To my surprise SAS modules now are MUCH more powerful than before.

This rover with two SAS can flip itself over and back in Kerbin gravity. So no more ugly flat 'unflippable' rovers needed.

(SAS connections are very flimsy, though. Use struts.)



That's just amazing, this system could be really neat when going upwards in a big hill.

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To my surprise SAS modules now are MUCH more powerful than before.

This rover with two SAS can flip itself over and back in Kerbin gravity. So no more ugly flat 'unflippable' rovers needed.

(SAS connections are very flimsy, though. Use struts.)



How did you get the orange suit?

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That modular rover is fantastic and so is that solar cargo plane.

Here are pictures of my KMD_MK2 in the kerbal testing phase.

I wanted a mobile Kethane driller that had limited VTOL capability to hop out of craters or across canyons.

I have landed it multiple times pretty hard with minimal damage, just blown out tires that the kerbals can fix, and once with moderate damage where I lost an engine. Still even with that moderate damage it could still drill and move around after wheel repairs. That moderate damage landing was at close to 20 m/s vertical and about 15 m/s horizontal after I ran out of fuel so a fairly extreme test.














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I decided to make some variants of my super cool Mars rover thing I made in time for Curiosity's birthday!


From left to right:

RX-200 Obsidian - The base of my RX-200 line. Mostly powered by RTGs, this rover carries loads of batteries, multiple communication and sensor arrays, lots of lights, one of those fancy B9 infodrives, a docking port on top for skycranes, and stabilization prongs (the heavy landing legs) which, when extended, stop the rover from flipping while turning and braking excessively. Also it looks super cool.

RX-210 Sapphire - Yes, I know this one sounds narcissistic... this one is pretty much built exclusively for Laythe. Its got more or less the same features as the original, but now carries a large radiation shield to protect delicate circuits, big solar panels, more communications antennae, and air intakes, used in the form of sensors. Because I made these rovers to be RP-ish, the Kerbals needed more scientific things, and as of now, air intakes are pretty much oxygen-detecting sensors.

RX-220 Emerald - This one is meant for Kethane. It carries a tiny scanner on its butt, as well as quite a few tanks, a drill, and extra RTGs and batteries to power said drill. To account for its lack of stabilization prongs, and heavier weight, this rover carries a pair of reaction wheels to keep it steady.

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May I present: The TSC L1 Amphibious Rover

Made entirely from stock parts, the L1 carries a lone Kerbal in the cockpit, but has a can in the back to carry an additional two passengers. On the water, the vehicle is powered by a lone jet engine, reaching a top speed of roughly 8m/s. Shown here, it was sent with my intial colony convoy to Laythe. Later I'll most likely use it to ferry Kerbals from the incoming space planes back to base as well as marine research on Laythe's many oceans.






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