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[1.12.x] Kerbal Alarm Clock v3.13.0.0 (April 10)


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Does this mean that we can now save our progress just by using your jump to ships and then reload the saves further down the track if we so wish? or have I read it wrong?

If so then you are going to make a lot of people happy, as a lot of people have really wanted a save option in KSP for a long time.. :)

Yeah, you could use it like that, I set the range of saves to be up to 50 saves. And it wouldn't be too much work to turn the idea into a save progress tracker - maybe another project...

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It's still a must have mod for me Trigger :)

I was thinking, is it possible for you to build a sort of "goto next event" button both in the flight scene and the non flight scenes? You click it, it fast forwards time to the moment of the first alarm in the list, then auto switches to the ship and restores the node or target or whatever it restores. This would mean a fast forward option in the non flight scene! I'm not even sure if that's possible.

Also, there are two popups when you switch to an alarm, the first one is on the craft you're switching from and the second is on the craft you're arriving at. Could it be made possible for the second popup not to appear? It gives you the option to restore the node or not restore the node, but frankly I can't imagine why anyone would not want to restore the node, and on the off chance they do no longer want the node at that point, they can always delete it :)

I did try the timewarp at the tracking station a version or two ago and KSP simply wont let you. I might be able to at the Space Center, but havent tried that yet (I did accidentaly pause time there in testing, and that caused a whole world of hurt though). One for later maybe.

With regards to the multiple popups, would love to see the steps/alarms you have. When the clock loads it preety much displays any non-closed past alarms, and as each scene is a new game (as far as the KAC is aware) it can pop up multiples. But they should only be a max of one for each alarm. If you can give me some details - here or PM - I will have a look.

BTW. Love 0.22 now I can play again!

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Nice, though I doubt I'll ever need to change to a ship from the space center screen, good to know it's there.

Any chance of adding an auto alarm function for maneuver nodes? Or is there one and I missed it? I like the one for SOI changes, that comes in handy, but for pretty much every maneuver node I make, I set an alarm for it. If it could auto-add those, would save lazy me some clicks in the alarms dialog.

Speaking of SOI alarms, I've had a couple lately that were way off, by 10 or 15 minutes, game time. I'd set the alarm for one minute, and it would go off, and I'd close it and still have a good amount of time left before the actual SOI change. Nature of the beast with orbital calculations, or something else?

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Could you not "just" add a function to start the backup routine with a button and let it ask for a file name?

I could, but would rather not force people to install KAC if they just want that kind of feature, should be easy enough, and I could make it monitor for configured events, eg backup on vesselchange, or scene change, or quicksave, etc. Although there might already be something like that too, will have to search spaceport...that shouldnt take long :(

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Nice, though I doubt I'll ever need to change to a ship from the space center screen, good to know it's there.

Any chance of adding an auto alarm function for maneuver nodes? Or is there one and I missed it? I like the one for SOI changes, that comes in handy, but for pretty much every maneuver node I make, I set an alarm for it. If it could auto-add those, would save lazy me some clicks in the alarms dialog.

Speaking of SOI alarms, I've had a couple lately that were way off, by 10 or 15 minutes, game time. I'd set the alarm for one minute, and it would go off, and I'd close it and still have a good amount of time left before the actual SOI change. Nature of the beast with orbital calculations, or something else?

Can look at an option for auto add man nodes, and I think the SOI variations are due ot distance/time - in my testing just rotating the capsule far enough out can cause slight variations that affect time, but happy to look further if its annoying you

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I could, but would rather not force people to install KAC if they just want that kind of feature, should be easy enough, and I could make it monitor for configured events, eg backup on vesselchange, or scene change, or quicksave, etc. Although there might already be something like that too, will have to search spaceport...that shouldnt take long :(

But you should force them, it is such a helpful mod! :D

It is even good for science crazy navigators:

Yesterday I plotted a maneuver node - during flight in LKO (not much time acc. there) I got bored and looked for new EVAs - back in the craft I facepalmed, for my maneuver node was gone ... But! I made an alarm for it and KAC has a restore node function! :D

The small things in life ... :)

Just one thing: How do I stop it from adding a SOI alarm for my Kerbals only?

Going EVA while travelling on a course with SOI changes does that.

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Can look at an option for auto add man nodes, and I think the SOI variations are due ot distance/time - in my testing just rotating the capsule far enough out can cause slight variations that affect time, but happy to look further if its annoying you

An auto maneuver node alarm would be nice, if it's not a hassle to do.

The SOI change thing is not a big deal, I was just wondering if something was wrong, but it's just KSP being KSP, so no worries.

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KSP is sometimes really annoying with SOI changes where you get into seconds from the SOI change, un-timewarp, and suddenly your ship is 2 km left of where it should be and you miss the target SOI :(

Also, to not derail this thread: I'm also kind of annoyed with the SOI-auto-alarms for EVAs, especially because KAC doesn't register that the Kerbal got back in the capsule. So what happens is that I leave the Alarm hanging around, get back in the capsule, warp to SOI, and get the ships alarm (as I should) and an error message, because the EVA-Alarm can't find it's vessel.

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When I run x86_64 KSP ( on Linux with Kerbal Alarm Clock (, I tell it to load my game (career mode) and it crashes. The console just says Aborted, and KSP.log looks innocuous (I can post it somewhere if you want). If I remove KAC (my only installed mod) it runs just fine. In fact, I can start a new game in sandbox mode and it seems to run just fine. Career mode is an insta-crash though. I don't see any core dumps or other debug logs sitting around. My system log doesn't show anything.

Edited by saskwach
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I just wanted to say thanks for your awesome mod, Trigger! I just started using it and KSP feels so much better now. Before KAC it never felt like I had a real space program. I did one mission at a time (mostly) and hardly had the motivation to visit other planets. Before KAC and 0.22 I have visited Duna and Eve. With KAC I have been to all the planets except Eeloo (mission to Dres is on its way) and many of the moons. Now I have 3 missions or more running at the same time. The alarms for upcoming transfer windows are really convenient, too.

KAC is not just a quality of life improvement but changes the whole feel of KSP for the better. Thank you so much!

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One of my favorite mods, but I've had some issues since 0.22 was released. I cleaned out my gamedata folder, and re-installed Kerbal Alarm Clock ver. yesterday. Since then, the in game plug-in window tells me I need to update, adding alarms for maneuver nodes leads to graphical corruption, and setting an alarm for a transfer window gives the message "xfer parent: Something weird has happened here" or something to that effect. Does anyone know what might be going on?

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Sorry you are having issues. I will look into these as soon as I can but unfortunately I now have the flu and am out for a bit. Things you could try are using v2.6.1.0 (and see if you still have issues) or even 2.5 (it seems to still work in 0.22 - you can get these here - http://kerbalalarmclock.codeplex.com/releases/view/113887 . The log file that contains the most info is the output_log.txt file in the KSP_Data folder, if you pastebin (or similar) that I can look at it when I am feeling a bit better.

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I have some more information on the crazy spinning altimeter and blank nav ball/screen problem. I grabbed some logs and screenshots and put them here.

If I switch to the next ship that will have an alarm go off before speeding things up, it seems to not happen. If I don't...it happens way too often. I still can't seem to pin down exactly what I'm doing to cause it though.

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I'm experiencing some problems with KAC

Many times the buttom "Jump to ship" doesn't work. Also if I click "Jump to ship and restore maneouver node", it doesn't jump to the ship and restores a maneuver node in the ship I'm currently in. If I click it several times, it keeps adding maneuver nodes. Very odd.

This is what it looks like:



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Hi Trigger, following on from the ability to set up an alarm for a kerbal instead of just the craft...

I have an empty tank floating around that passing ships can sip from. To figure out how much I should draw, I set up some nodes, then do the fuel transfer, but after undocking the nodes (and vessel ID) stay with the tank instead of, um, the bit with engines... I have a similar problem when two ships are docked (I have a spent lander stage I leave in orbit for just this purpose) and I do planning, after which I decide if the maneuvers are worth doing (ie safe), undock, and the nodes (and vessel ID) follow the wrong ship in KAC.

Any chance of an option for nodes to follow kerbals in addition to to vessels? That way wherever the kerbal goes, the node plan follows him instead of the ship, which I know the ID follows based on node root-ness (or whatever), but is basically out of my control.

No idea how this might look in the GUI, but I am impressed with the distance to surface option in the last couple of updates.

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Hi Again, back at it now, so here's some comments on the questions I picked up from missing time. I tried to roll em all together, if I missed any in the above hopefully I'll catch em in a bit.. and thanks for all the positive feedback :)

Just one thing: How do I stop it from adding a SOI alarm for my Kerbals only?

Going EVA while travelling on a course with SOI changes does that.

Also, to not derail this thread: I'm also kind of annoyed with the SOI-auto-alarms for EVAs, especially because KAC doesn't register that the Kerbal got back in the capsule. So what happens is that I leave the Alarm hanging around, get back in the capsule, warp to SOI, and get the ships alarm (as I should) and an error message, because the EVA-Alarm can't find it's vessel.

This one was pretty straight forward. added an option to ignore EVA's for SOI Alarm adding. code is commited and will be in next release.

An auto maneuver node alarm would be nice, if it's not a hassle to do.

Got in my head how to do this, the biggest challenge I see is how to track changes to the maneuver nodes - when you create one it can set an alarm, but I'll have to update the stored node whenever changes get made or it's just a time marker, would rather not resave the file 10 times a sec, but will come up with something.

I'm experiencing some problems with KAC

Many times the buttom "Jump to ship" doesn't work. Also if I click "Jump to ship and restore maneouver node", it doesn't jump to the ship and restores a maneuver node in the ship I'm currently in. If I click it several times, it keeps adding maneuver nodes. Very odd.

Ditto. Clicking on the button seems to have no effect whatsoever.

So this will be (he says as long as his logic is right :P ) because the backup of the save failed, and it wont jump unless that works, and then the rainbow flight pattern occurs as I missed a step somewhere where it shouldn't be restoring the node on the wrong flight. I can stop the restore easy enough, but would be ace if you could check your output_log.txt file for when this happens, there should be something in there about why the backup failed. Some other things you could try would be to turn off the "backup" function in the settings and then it should ignore that. If you're happy to help out would be ace to see your ksp.log and output_log.txt (pastebin or some such) - its probably bad code or me not knowing how to handle an OS.

Another issue I have with is the Kerbal icon not showing properly:

Usually this is as simple as a file missing from the install. the one for that icon is called img_buttonTypeCrew.png . can you see if it's in the folder (or if you have an error in the log when the scene starts) - I could have made a case mistake when I prepped that image. Never code when you have a cold!

Hi Trigger, following on from the ability to set up an alarm for a kerbal instead of just the craft...

this one is probably not that difficult to add, have been tossing around storing the man node/target regardless of the alarm type, so I'll add that to my list, but might not be a short term one.

I have some more information on the crazy spinning altimeter ...

That log looks sort of normal till the game went berk and flightengineer starts reporting that, unfortunately I can't see anything in there thats the cause from KSP,KAC or other.

When I run x86_64 KSP ( on Linux with Kerbal Alarm Clock (, I tell it to load my game (career mode) and it crashes. The console just says Aborted, and KSP.log looks innocuous (I can post it somewhere if you want). If I remove KAC (my only installed mod) it runs just fine. In fact, I can start a new game in sandbox mode and it seems to run just fine. Career mode is an insta-crash though. I don't see any core dumps or other debug logs sitting around. My system log doesn't show anything.

Is stumping me why you are seeing these issues, admittedly I dont have Linux on a machine to test on, but maybe thats the gap here. I did have a test VM for an older version, I'll see if I can build one up on the weekend and give it a go

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