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[1.12.x] Kerbal Alarm Clock v3.13.0.0 (April 10)


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This is something I noted very early on. From what I can tell, KAC actually tells you your closest approach. KSP picks a spot on your orbit NEAR the actual closest approach - possibly using some procedural function similar to those used to make Mun craters - and then tells you how close your target is to THAT point.

I may take some images or video or at least some notes next time, but I use the KSP interface to get the nodes close, and the KAC numbers to tell me how close I'll be.

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v2.7.6.0 Now Available - Download from GitHub or Download from Curse* * Once it's approved

A few maintenance tweaks while we wait on 0.24:

  • Change ability to Jump to Asteroid to be an Option - default is disabled (Issue #37)
  • Fixed issue with Time Margin Entry and putting in large numbers (Issue #36)
  • Added new code to detect when window is repositioned and save it after its stopped moving (Issue#35)
  • Changed all Images to TGA format to fix compression artifacts (Issue #33)
  • Added function to set default Date for Raw type alarms to start at today + 10mins (Issue #31)

I'll probably write a blog post about the file type changes and why.

I also did some fiddling with the psuedo 64 bit version and KAC/ARP. Both seem to work in isolation, but will properly look at stuff when 0.24 arrives

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Just downloaded the new alarm clock, deleted the old TriggerTech folder and installed the new one for

...and this:


I noticed no errors or anything unusual in the Debug menu.

Current Mods:

  • Toolbar (1.7.3)
  • Active Texture Management
  • Critter Crawler
  • Astronomer Pack
  • KER Redux (latest)
  • KAX
  • KAS
  • KW
  • KSPI (0.11)
  • IR (0.15...don't judge me, I don't want to break my saves =P)
  • Hot Rockets
  • NohArksPnp
  • Spaceplane 1.2
  • TAC Life Support (Not the 0.9 Dev build)

EDIT (1545Z): Standby. Re-examining my ATM build......

EDIT (1550Z): Fixed. That one was on me. Thanks Obsessed for suggesting that it might be ATM. Apparently when I re-installed to ATM 3-2, I failed to copy the ActiveTextureConfig folder back into the BoulderCo directory. :D

Edited by Kalloran
Had the wrong verion numbers
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The image files are tga files instead of PNG's - although the paths are the same - which should make them clearer - well they did for me.

I probably need to play with ATM to understand how/why that affects them really. The same thing happens with ARP regularly.

Thanks ObsessedWithKSP

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My textures look a lot like Kalloran's, but I'm not running ATM. I'm running KSP on a sort of anemic laptop, and I have Texture Quality set to Half-Res. When I set it to full, the KAC textures look normal. No other mods are affected when it's set to half-res, so I'm wondering if I have messed up something somewhere. I'll tinker with a clean copy of KSP with no other mods installed.

So, I've noticed that KAC tends to spam backups of the save files... Any chance of getting some cleanup code put in?

There's a setting to configure how many backups to retain.

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My textures look a lot like Kalloran's, but I'm not running ATM. I'm running KSP on a sort of anemic laptop, and I have Texture Quality set to Half-Res. When I set it to full, the KAC textures look normal. No other mods are affected when it's set to half-res, so I'm wondering if I have messed up something somewhere. I'll tinker with a clean copy of KSP with no other mods installed...

Its altogether possible I borked something I'm sure the TGA format and the loading method worked at diffn texture qualities, but I didnt test it specifically. Can you confirm you are on and I'll do some more complete tests tonight hopefully - have to get an update to ARP out first

how about an option as to where the timers window appears? Currently the placement of the KAC window is limited by the fact that you need room to the right to set timers.

I'll put it on the list for v3 - window placement is hard in this version.

So, I've noticed that KAC tends to spam backups of the save files... Any chance of getting some cleanup code put in?

JWag has some advice on that - or you can turn off the backup save entirely

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Its altogether possible I borked something I'm sure the TGA format and the loading method worked at diffn texture qualities, but I didnt test it specifically. Can you confirm you are on and I'll do some more complete tests tonight hopefully - have to get an update to ARP out first

I double-checked and I'm definitely on Other than some minor blurriness, everything seems to work great :)

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v2.7.6.1 Now Available - Download from GitHub or Download from Curse* * Once it's approved

Something was obviously missed in my testing here, and the TGA fies dont work as I thought at lower texture Quality Settings. I'll ask around in the modding forums as I would like to get rid of the compression artifacts, but for now, back to the trusty PNGs that render clearly.

Sorry for the issue

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Thank you. This community is seriously spoiled by modders who respond so rapidly even to minor issues like this one. I hadn't even had a chance to install before you updated it.

Looks like KSP texture reduction setting affects TGAs but not PNGs. Might be seeing different results here because ATM has an exception for KAC so none of your textures get by ATM, but they do by stock texture quality settings.

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I have a suggestion for this mod: Repeating alarms. It'd be useful in the following situations:

-Regular changeout of crews aboard stations, bases, etc.

-Multiple launches to send out individual components of a large-scale interplanetary mission (such as building a base on one of the moons of Jool).

-Also to time multiple launches such as when you want to build a global satellite network and you need to time the launches so that they occur in the right plane (when used with MechJeb).

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The only thing I ever wanted to repeat was transfer windows, and for them just "put the next one as an alarm" would be great.

SOI changes and maneuver nodes already do that, and for me everything else is one-off.

I could see setting time alarms to repeat every X, where X was the original time alarm. So you could set an alarm for 30 days and then repeat every 30 days, for people who like to RP the "launch one ship a month" restriction or whatever.

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