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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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The Saturn V rocks! Too bad we don't have the three wire ejection system like on the real one. Hmmm. Maybe vanguard could make it, and Frizzank could just implement it into his rocket.

Edited by GoldForest
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First time I have had a chance to play with the Beta. First you need to mention there are no parachutes. I went to the Mun and back and didn't realize there weren't any chutes!. All joking aside its beautiful even without the texturing. Its very well done and I can't wait for the big three to be complete. I feel I must mention that it was a little wobbly during the gravity turn but nothing that was too violent, however it was definitely noticeable. That being said hurry up with the textures :wink:

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yup indeed.

i'm very bad painter. Mainly engeneer than an artist. With my 4 months expirience in 3D modelling i prefer 3Dmax and UNITY rather than Photoshop.

Most my meshes divided to many small submeshes that carry singlecolor material. and only big meshes use textures and normal maps.

Triangles are not a big problem for modern PC, only optimisation of colliders are important for physics modelling (IMHO).

Yea~ different modelling style ;-) I had played abit modelling & texturing in microsoft fs9 years ago with a simplified tool solely for fs9 called FSDS, so i have some understanding on what you & frizz did.

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Yea~ different modelling style ;-) I had played abit modelling & texturing in microsoft fs9 years ago with a simplified tool solely for fs9 called FSDS, so i have some understanding on what you & frizz did.

Speaking of flight simulator. If anyone has FSX, I made this plane a while ago for it as a mini mod its the 141b



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Well, that's what you call a Frankenplane (made very well, the aircraft itself is...strange). I have XPlane, if I had FSX I'd try it out. Anyway, really looking forward to the completed Saturn V!!! Also, I'm not sure if this was mentioned earlier, if it was then forgive me for asking, but will the finished version include jettison able or opening LEM fairings? Or both? No pressure to do either, you can make a chicken-shaped one if you wish. I'm just interested.

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Worked on it some and tweaked the values.



Parts UV mapped and temp textures added.
Adjusted stack node sizes, 2m parts get size 2, 3m and up get size 3
Added more mass to the fuel tanks and other really light Apollo parts. Mass greatly effects joint strengths.
Tweaked F1 engine thrust and weight
Adjusted reflection shader on engines some so emission would show through.
Shorten the 3 to 5m decoupler
Added longer pipes to J2 so you didn't see its ends

4.00 Added Saturn V rocket parts,
F1 5x engine plate
F1 Engine fairings
5m Large fuel tank
5m Medium fuel tank
J2 5x engine plate
3.75m to 5m decoupler
5m Decoupler
Adjusted the attach nodes on the umbilical towers to be more centred and closer to the rocket.
Turned down Gimble on SRB's
Made H1 Gimble be the engine nozzle and not the thrust transform like its suppose to.
Turned down the drag on all the parachutes made them deploy slower.
Fixed stack symmetry on s1b plate, gave it some fuel and moved it to propulsion with the other plates.

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Beautiful, this might just be my problem on fuel management but does it seem like the SM doesn't have enough fuel or the the engine is inefficient? I easily run out of fuel it just seem there isn't enough fuel for an orbital burn, rendevous, and Mun Kerbin Injection. Maybe its just me. Other than that great great work. I know you dont do replicas but you gotta do a CM at the least do a proper LES. Keep up the excellent work, I think i speak for everyone when I say we appreciate it.

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Denny is doing an accurate CSM and IVA that will be included in FASA.

I had no problems getting to the mun with plenty of fuel to spare at each stage.

Also posted a tutorial on how to do launch towers.


Excellent news for the CM I can't wait! The CM on his Saturn V is really nice so an overhaul for FASA will be unbelievable. You gonna do the antenna to for the SM?

The fuel thing is definitely me wasting too much fuel on rendezvous. Just curious I was kinda hoping it was that there isn't enough fuel lol.

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Err installed 4.01......as usual, deleted old FASA folder then put the new one and found the J2 like this... :( i have even removed fasa cfg of the ram usage reduce mod. but still get this, what i did wrong???


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Just downloaded the latest beta, it's bogus. Aside from a broken J-2, I've seen no changes to the parts, nor the temporary Saturn V textures.

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What I'm saying that the upload went wrong, or something. Anyway, it does not contain the 4.10 beta it's supposed to, instead being something weird. This is to confirm the issue reported in the previous post. By the filename (4.01), I suspect that he simply uploaded (or linked to) the wrong file by mistake.

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Excellent news for the CM I can't wait! The CM on his Saturn V is really nice so an overhaul for FASA will be unbelievable. You gonna do the antenna to for the SM?

The fuel thing is definitely me wasting too much fuel on rendezvous. Just curious I was kinda hoping it was that there isn't enough fuel lol.

Denny released 1.1 last night, it's great!

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Err installed 4.01......as usual, deleted old FASA folder then put the new one and found the J2 like this... i have even removed fasa cfg of the ram usage reduce mod. but still get this, what i did wrong???

Look a bear!!!


I was trying to fix the emissive and forgot some things....

If you just reload a craft file you will not see the changes, craft files store the max fuel amount and some other things in them that they really shouldn't. So even if I change the config the craft file stays the same. you would have to rebuild your rocket.

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Look a bear!!!


I was trying to fix the emissive and forgot some things....

If you just reload a craft file you will not see the changes, craft files store the max fuel amount and some other things in them that they really shouldn't. So even if I change the config the craft file stays the same. you would have to rebuild your rocket.

Since this is a mod with American spacecrafts, shouldn't it be "Look, an eagle!"?

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This is a problem that I think that is probably just mine. I always have to remove the texture plugin because it makes the rockets look weird. In the VAB they look all shiny and pretty, on the launch pad and through the flight, the what I assume is supposed to be shiny and reflective becomes luminescent. It looks like a glowstick. In space it looks blue and its luminescent. The rockets look great even with out the reflective plugin but am I doing something wrong? Is it my computer? I have tried all of the texture resolution settings, and FASA runs fantastic even at the highest resolution settings. However no matter what I do the shiny parts are glowing blue.

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