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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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Don't know if anyone picked up on it I said there would be 2 ways the community was going to get new parts for FASA, the second one was the 2800th post.

So Reddragon gets to pick ONE PART, same rules as before.

For Surveyor, I would make a triangular shaped truss with electronic components (Probe Core),slots for science experiments and a mast for the solar panels.

Edited by frizzank
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The only thing I ask in regards to Skylab is that when Denny is done with his Skylab is for you to make sure it's compatible with your Saturn V because I really do prefer yours over his. If I have to use his it isn't exactly a hardship I just prefer if I can to use yours.

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Especially using that Wet Workshop aspect. Very efficient, and very handy.

Skylab wasn't a wet workshop. It was planned to be, but wasn't actually. It got changed somewhere in development.

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I thing the best choice would be the RL-10 engine since it seems to have a support and a high ISP engine like that would have a good use.

You can have any part you want, are you sure you dont want a screwdriver? I could totally make an awesome 1960's screwdriver, or even a NASA space pen!

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You can have any part you want, are you sure you dont want a screwdriver? I could totally make an awesome 1960's screwdriver, or even a NASA space pen!

Or duct tape! A roll of space duct tape is always useful. Ask Gene Cernan.

It maybe sound stupid but what about a fold-out Lunar Rover?

Denny is also doing the LRV in one part. He's working on it.

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It maybe sound stupid but what about a fold-out Lunar Rover?


The Rover was folded in a peculiar way so that it would fit inside a triangular bay on the LEM.

Your not going to circumvent the rules by being clever and combining a bunch of parts together to get one animated, super complicated wheeled rover...


I have limited time to work on this please stop trying to take advantage of it or the deals off.

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how about doing something like this:


found from here (yes i know it is wired)

ad also yes this is a craft for flying around on the moon

and also yes i am aware of Kerbolquest

This is easy to do with the Gemini lander's service module with command seats on it. Also the rules say no engine with fuel tank combined.

But thanks for the idea!

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ok how about actual apollo plaques


can put on like flags and as a default it would be the plaque from Apollo 11

besides it was either this or a golf club but that would require a plugin...

Edit: also i apologize for that, i did not look at the rules before posting that and seemed like an awesome idea at the time...

besides it doesn't always have to be multiple part (although i see your point as if i were making it i would split it into 3 parts)

Edit2: also the landing lags wouldn't even need to be animated but only require a thruster that can just be a powerful RCS port

Edited by Helix935
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First one to tell me whats wrong with this picture gets a prize....


SEAT!!!!!! and multiple combined parts

do i get a prize now?

I wonder if its candy

also, i just got a evil idea to strap S-1Cs together like SRBs in old versions of ksp. if it works i might take up 1 complete, fully fueled Saturn V.

*secretly planning to send 20 saturn Vs to jool* *MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!*

Edited by gooddog15
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Your not going to circumvent the rules by being clever and combining a bunch of parts together to get one animated, super complicated wheeled rover...


I have limited time to work on this please stop trying to take advantage of it or the deals off.

Just do like you said, and ignore the requests that don't fill the criteria. You'd probably be left with "what kind of Centaur you want?" pool, but it's not a problem for me at least. :) What I've seen of this thread so far is that people who can read suggested RL-10/Centaur and those who can't suggested Skylab. :) There were a few other valid propositions (and plenty invalid ones), some of them interesting, but hardly anyone seems to care about those...

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Request: Apollo subsatellite

if the apollo csm is getting a sim bay, it would be cool to have this.

also, you can make a 'wet workshop" version of skylab with availible parts (and using a LM with solar panels instead of landing gear as a Apollo Telescope Mount)

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REQUEST for a part.

This is kinda toungue in cheek and I dunno if this even counts as a part, but can you do a full up, Apollo style bulky, lunar space suit for a Kerbal? Complete with the gold visor, backpack (and maybe even the chest mounted camera)? I would love to see Jeb get out of the LEM in a suit like that and take his first steps on the Mun. :)

No worries if suits aren't your cup of tea. FASA is really an inspiring mod. You've done a great job with it.

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I would request the M-1 engine but wouldn't that require a new mounting plate and a larger corresponding fuel tank? I mean thats if the players intention is to create a semi NOVA rocket. Would the M-1 engines fit on the F1 mounting plate, at least realistically?

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REQUEST for a part.

This is kinda toungue in cheek and I dunno if this even counts as a part, but can you do a full up, Apollo style bulky, lunar space suit for a Kerbal? Complete with the gold visor, backpack (and maybe even the chest mounted camera)? I would love to see Jeb get out of the LEM in a suit like that and take his first steps on the Mun. :)

No worries if suits aren't your cup of tea. FASA is really an inspiring mod. You've done a great job with it.

green skull has already made something like that.

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