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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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here it are

F1 and J2 engines. Scaled 0.55

but some folks said me that here we have an indigame, not a simulator, and engines are overdetailed a lot.

definately.. models are 5-10 times heavy than SQUADS, and 3 times heavy than FASA J2.

and i'm do not sure it will be usefull


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here it are

F1 and J2 engines. Scaled 0.55

but some folks said me that here we have an indigame, not a simulator, and engines are overdetailed a lot.

definately.. models are 5-10 times heavy than SQUADS, and 3 times heavy than FASA J2.

and i'm do not sure it will be usefull


SO BEAUTIFUL, Even Grumpy Cat is having fun (and he says that it's WONDERFUL) looking at them.

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Yea mine is more kerbalized than realistic, but that is just the style I was going for.

Its a good looking model. If you would bake some ambient occlusion on the texture it would really help add some detail.

Also you can get rid of your texture seems by using the symmetry modifier on the rocket nozzle rather than copying and tiling the texture.

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Hate to be a stickler for detail, but alas i am... They are called Slop Handles, not fairings.. Fairings cover a payload over the nose of a rocket, slop handles were a specific, one-of design for the Apollo program to protect the LEM and offer a rigid attachment point for the CSM.

Not trying to be ****, but ive seen them called everything from fairings to 'flower pedals'.... Slop Handles.....

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Hate to be a stickler for detail, but alas i am... They are called Slop Handles, not fairings.. Fairings cover a payload over the nose of a rocket, slop handles were a specific, one-of design for the Apollo program to protect the LEM and offer a rigid attachment point for the CSM.

Not trying to be ****, but ive seen them called everything from fairings to 'flower pedals'.... Slop Handles.....

The question here is why Slop Handles? That makes me think of space pigs. I really hope we can change the model of the Kerbals' heads in the future. Space Pigs!

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The question here is why Slop Handles? That makes me think of space pigs. I really hope we can change the model of the Kerbals' heads in the future. Space Pigs!


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Much better, this is the only stuff i would use in NP, so i no longer need to download a metric ton of other parts i shall never use

oh my, i'm back on my old avatar!

and why do i only have 10 posts, what????

The 'Forum Kraken Attack" of 2013. I know you already know; this was about a year ago.

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The question here is why Slop Handles? That makes me think of space pigs. I really hope we can change the model of the Kerbals' heads in the future. Space Pigs!

Lmao.. Next we will have a flying RV like Spaceballs... lol.... And to be honest, i have NO idea why, or where 'slop handles' came from, but thats what they are..

Please quote source.

If you watch this live feed of the Apollo 13 T&D you can hear them refer to them SEVERAL times as 'slop handles'

so theres your source..

EDIT: go to 5:00 of the video and watch from there... "We now see the LEM, minus its SLOP HANDLES"

Edited by ophetious
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Lmao.. Next we will have a flying RV like Spaceballs... lol.... And to be honest, i have NO idea why, or where 'slop handles' came from, but thats what they are..

If you watch this live feed of the Apollo 13 T&D you can hear them refer to them SEVERAL times as 'slop handles'

so theres your source..

Sounds like [something] panels to me, not "slop handles"

In fact, if I had to guess, I'd say they're SLA panels (Spacecraft LEM Adapter panels)

EDIT: Confirmed, they're SLA panels.


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Either way, slop handles, slaw panels, still not close to faring at all..

Well, don't call yourself a "stickler for details" when you can't be bothered to do 10 seconds of googling to find out what they're really called. I'd say calling them "fairings" is certainly more accurate than "slop handles."

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It sounds like they are pronouncing it as a word, not individual letters.

That is common in NASA space programs, they also pronounce LM using the (earlier) LEM acronym as a word (lem), and DSKY (DiSplay and KeYboard) was often pronounced as disky/dis-key. It makes communication a bit more streamlined.

Yeah, because fairing, said over a slightly garbled 1970's radio transmission sounds exactly like slop, or SLA handles.. your right.. fairings is so much closer..

Not to be a hardass, but some totally made up word seems a little less accurate than a function the panels actually performed. Fairings is a fairly accurate term, although the panels seemed to have an important additional structural role too. I think you can say that SLA panels are fairings, but not all fairings are SLA panels.

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Unfortunately your all wrong. The "Fairings" are made by FASA not NASA so that means I get to call them whatever I like, so now they are fairings Officially...

Mostly because I already set them up that way and its too late to change them....


That pig is the most awesome thing I have seen to date. Some one please make a goblin texture....

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