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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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when you bring about the Saturn V, will it come with cargo fairings as well?

Get Procedural Fairings; all that would be needed then is to scale up one of the existing bases to the 3.75m S-IVB diameter.

BTW, Frizz, just was checking on the S-IB thrust structure; I can easily workaround it with struts. That said, do you think it'd be possible to do a quick and dirty rescale of the stock 2.5m SAS or reaction wheel part, with a .cfg edit to turn it into a probe core, making it work as a representation of the Saturn Instrument Unit and assisting with unmanned missions? It's probably no more than 15 minutes of .cfg editing to do a quick-and-dirty version...

Also, I'm having ENTIRELY too much fun abusing the Saturn IB and Titan III parts to send a Gemini to Laythe's surface and back. Now I've just gotta figure out how to strap the paired seven-segment SRBs onto the core stage with the strap-on S-IBs and NOT have them knock the S-IB strap-ons off when they jettison, but still have them all mounted rigidly enough that they don't torque around the decouplers and destroy the whole thing in the first ten seconds after launch... that, or break up my transfer vehicle into two separate modules mated on orbit, but that's not as awesomely impractical as the beast I've assembled already... :D

Edited by rdfox
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BTW, Frizz, just was checking on the S-IB thrust structure; I can easily workaround it with struts. That said, do you think it'd be possible to do a quick and dirty rescale of the stock 2.5m SAS or reaction wheel part, with a .cfg edit to turn it into a probe core, making it work as a representation of the Saturn Instrument Unit and assisting with unmanned missions? It's probably no more than 15 minutes of .cfg editing to do a quick-and-dirty version...

Why would It matter that your modifying your own cfg files? You certainly dont need my permission for that, it is a stock part anways.

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Once .24 comes out I can play with larger sized rockets. Until then the physics joint bug makes larger rockets impossible to fly (without mods). So I am sticking with the 5m plan until then. Scale is an easy fix.

Yes, scaling is an easy fix, except for the adapters. Rescaling a 3.75m to 5m adapter would result in a 4.6875m to 6.25m adapter, which wouldn't look good. Alternatively, I could just use the procedural fairings interstage fairing.

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Yes, scaling is an easy fix, except for the adapters. Rescaling a 3.75m to 5m adapter would result in a 4.6875m to 6.25m adapter, which wouldn't look good. Alternatively, I could just use the procedural fairings interstage fairing.

You miss understood, I was referring to scaling it in my modeling program not from the cfg files. There I could make it what ever sized top and bottom I like by scaling, and its a whole lot easier than making a new one.

I would just rather use all fasa parts than have to download another mod to go with it like procedural fairing at least you know whatever Frizzank put together is going to work right out of the box

The Saturn V parts from nova punch where made by me, that's why they work so well with FASA...

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The Saturn V parts from nova punch where made by me, that's why they work so well with FASA...

Oh, that's cool! Do you happen to have a list of which parts you made for Novapunch? I always noticed the Saturn V a likeness, but never realized it was intended. Now that you say it was, I would love to redownload it, but it is a little extensive for my RAMs, and would be great to know exactly what I need.

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Frizz could you add some type of static bomb into the game, like pirateers pirat mod based on Lazor plugin.

I really miss bombs ...

That is by far the most random part request I have had on this forum thread.

So now I have to stop work on Saturn V and make a bomb.....

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Well, considering you made a peacekeeper missile...

I don't believe that frizzank has made a peacekeeper missile. Perhaps you confused the multiple MIRVs on the titan for the setup used on the peacekeeper.

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My only idea is turn it into a docking node that can be detached through staging,

You couldn't place it like how it should be attached then. That would require docking nodes on the side of the rocket to attach the tower umbilicals to. And they would be week.

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There's a module AnchoredDecoupler in the game. Not sure if it works at all, but maybe it can be combined with the LaunchClamp in some way. Here's the variables for it:

---- ModuleAnchoredDecoupler

public string anchorName = "anchor";
public float ejectionForce = 30f;
public string fxGroupName = "decouple";
public bool staged = true;

Here's the variables for the LaunchClamp module as well:

---- LaunchClamp

public string releaseFxGroupName = "activate";
public string trf_towerPivot_name;
public string trf_towerStretch_name;
public string trf_anchor_name;
public string trf_animationRoot_name;
public string anim_decouple_name;
public float initialHeight = -1f;
public float scaleFactor = 1f;
public float height;

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The anchored decouplers are the radial attached decouplers. The launch towers use the stretched mesh and texture mechanic from the launch clamps so they can be any height and still attach to the ground.

Making a static Launch tower is not the issue. I can already to that and just give it a generic animation, but it would only be connected to the rocket. The launch clamps and ONLY the launch clamps attach to the ground and the rocket and scale with height. Providing a somewhat ridged connection to both at any height off the ground.

Further experimentation has shown that it is an error with the collision and not a decouple force problem.....

Edited by frizzank
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The anchored decouplers are the radial attached decouplers. The launch towers use the stretched mesh and texture mechanic from the launch clamps so they can be any height and still attach to the ground.

Making a static Launch tower is not the issue. I can already to that and just give it a generic animation, but it would only be connected to the rocket. The launch clamps and ONLY the launch clamps attach to the ground and the rocket and scale with height. Providing a somewhat ridged connection to both at any height off the ground.

Further experimentation has shown that it is an error with the collision and not a decouple force problem.....

It sounds like the $10 would either be someone spending hours and hours revinenting something that emulates the behaviour of the stock launch clamps, or one of the Squad coders seeing the potential for the easiest $10 they ever made by copying and pasting you the module code :)

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Further experimentation has shown that it is an error with the collision and not a decouple force problem.....

Near as I can tell because the collision is so close to the rocket that sometimes on craft loading on the launch pad. The Tower jumps a bit in its position after it loads. This forces the Tower collision inside of the rocket a small bit and when you activate it reacts violently to its collision being inside something else.

I can repeat this by continuously pressing revert to launch and every now and again you can SEE it jump. It is more prominent on larger rockets which may be a rounding error. In that case I can work around it by making the collision slightly smaller...

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