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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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dude totally epic mod and i finally got RSS working...... I know ur probably working on an update to get it to 1.1.2. and im beat to hell from work, but can anyone please be kind enough to give me rough guess or estimate until fasa is available again.... Again totally love this mod and thank you so much for ur hard work

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  On 5/14/2016 at 3:37 AM, NemesisBosseret said:

dude totally epic mod and i finally got RSS working...... I know ur probably working on an update to get it to 1.1.2. and im beat to hell from work, but can anyone please be kind enough to give me rough guess or estimate until fasa is available again.... Again totally love this mod and thank you so much for ur hard work


Take a few minutes and read a few pages back. It wouldn't take you any longer to do that than it did to write this unnecessary post.

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  On 4/23/2016 at 7:01 PM, blorgon said:

Does anybody know if any of the engines have "dependencies"? I really only ever use the RL-10 and the J-2, and from what I've been able to gather, mod compatibility with 1.1 has to do with plugins.


Never got a response to this question from page 190, so I'm reposting.

At the bottom of the .cfg files for the engines is the "Reflection shader plugin" module. It looks like this is the only non-stock part module the engines use, so I'm assuming this is probably what's going to cause issues when using in 1.1.2. What will happen to the engine if I delete that module? It looks like all the plugin does is show reflections on the part, but I'm not 100% certain of that. I really just want the RL-10 and the J2 (as much as I appreciate the rest of the mod, these are really the only parts I use regularly).

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  On 5/16/2016 at 6:21 PM, blorgon said:

Never got a response to this question from page 190, so I'm reposting.

At the bottom of the .cfg files for the engines is the "Reflection shader plugin" module. It looks like this is the only non-stock part module the engines use, so I'm assuming this is probably what's going to cause issues when using in 1.1.2. What will happen to the engine if I delete that module? It looks like all the plugin does is show reflections on the part, but I'm not 100% certain of that. I really just want the RL-10 and the J2 (as much as I appreciate the rest of the mod, these are really the only parts I use regularly).


Where can this module/plugin be found that needs taking out? I'm obviously not looking in the right place

Edited by ClLaw
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  On 5/22/2016 at 4:36 PM, Onesmallstep said:

Can you add reaction wheels to the crafts?


This is something you can very easily do yourself. I like to do it myself (namely because its virtually impossible to zero out motion in every direction without it without also consuming way more RCS than the crafts actually have) and what I do is I go into the Mk 1-2 command pod config, copy out its SAS bits (theres two sections you need to copy) and then copy it into the command pod configs in the mod. Its a little over powerful in most cases, but it gets the job done and you can always tweak the values to balance it out yourself. 

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  On 5/25/2016 at 5:04 AM, G'th said:

This is something you can very easily do yourself. I like to do it myself (namely because its virtually impossible to zero out motion in every direction without it without also consuming way more RCS than the crafts actually have) and what I do is I go into the Mk 1-2 command pod config, copy out its SAS bits (theres two sections you need to copy) and then copy it into the command pod configs in the mod. Its a little over powerful in most cases, but it gets the job done and you can always tweak the values to balance it out yourself. 


You shouldn't modify files that you don't produce.  Create a Module Manager config to change the nodes when they are loaded into KSP.  It's no more work and keeps the changes separate.

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^ When they're on my computer and my computer alone I can do with them as I please. I don't bother with a MM config because its easier to just insert the changes directly into the configs and keeps things organized for me. 

If I was redistributing the file with those changes, you might have a point, but FASA's license allows that with due credit to Frizzank anyway, so, you have no point.

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  On 5/25/2016 at 5:58 AM, G'th said:

^ When they're on my computer and my computer alone I can do with them as I please. I don't bother with a MM config because its easier to just insert the changes directly into the configs and keeps things organized for me. 

If I was redistributing the file with those changes, you might have a point, but FASA's license allows that with due credit to Frizzank anyway, so, you have no point.


You're free to do whatever you wish on your computer.  But as someone with decades of experience working with computers, I know things should be done in a certain way because it tends to lead to less problems.

When you have the ability to patch someone on compiling or loading once (like with Module Manager and KSP), you do it that way because you're preserving the original and keeping your patch separate.  Debian developers do this with every upstream Linux program when they package them.  It's about the same amount of work the first time and a lot less work going forward.

As well, if you're playing KSP from the Steam install (not a good idea, you should copy it twice, once as a version backup and a second time to mod), your changes in the stock files can get overwritten without you knowing.  If with a mod like FASA, keeping your patches separate means you can install a new version of the mod and just have to check if your MM script needs updating.  If you writing your patches into the base game or the base mod, you have to keep a record of them as well as patch each new version.

I've patched KSP and many a mod, all by MM files.  For several KSP versions.  If you want to make more work for yourself, feel free to do so.

Edited by Jacke
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K. Not really sure why you're so upset over how I do things on something on my computer specifically. I've had zero issues with it the way I've been doing it. Patches (for the mod or the game) aren't released on near enough of a frequent basis for your issue to really have any merit outside of you apparently finding the idea of me not using Module manager for these little bits offensive to your core. 

And thats without going into the fact that I only do this for little things like SAS in the command pods and KIS/KAS functionality in certain places, and if they get overwritten (like with a new patch), then its really no work to just copy and paste again. I'm not very uppity about the 10 or so seconds it takes.

My engine patches/variants and tweakscale compatibility are done via MM, because those do actually take more than a simple copy and paste.



The mod is 98% compatible with 1.1.2 (in a stock + FAR + KJR install). The only outstanding issues right now are the landing legs for the LM, the Landing gear for winged Gemini, the default settings for parachutes in stock (and potentially RealChute as well), and the part reflections. The parachute issue is easily circumvented by making sure you set the default deploy height for your parachutes to something higher than 250, so that your parachutes can actually deploy in time. The part reflections will depend on Starwasters update to that mod, which will be coming soon(TM). 

The legs/gear issues, on the otherhand, will take more work to deal with, and I'm currently working on that. If/when I can get these working, I'm going to push a separate release of the mod with updated example crafts.

Beyond that, so long as you don't mind being without the legs/gear and dealing with the parachutes not cooperating out of the box, you can still load up the mod and have fun. 

Edited by G'th
Letting people know about 1.1.2
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  On 5/25/2016 at 6:17 AM, G'th said:

The mod is 98% compatible with 1.1.2 (in a stock + FAR + KJR install). The only outstanding issues right now are the landing legs for the LM, the Landing gear for winged Gemini, the default settings for parachutes in stock (and potentially RealChute as well), and the part reflections.


Thanks. However if you're playing RP-0 there a more problems: e.g. having FASA in RP-0 complete breaks the Tiny Tim booster, which you would probably want to use on your early rockets.

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  On 5/25/2016 at 6:17 AM, G'th said:

K. Not really sure why you're so upset over how I do things on something on my computer specifically. I've had zero issues with it the way I've been doing it. Patches (for the mod or the game) aren't released on near enough of a frequent basis for your issue to really have any merit outside of you apparently finding the idea of me not using Module manager for these little bits offensive to your core. 

And thats without going into the fact that I only do this for little things like SAS in the command pods and KIS/KAS functionality in certain places, and if they get overwritten (like with a new patch), then its really no work to just copy and paste again. I'm not very uppity about the 10 or so seconds it takes.


As someone else with decades of computer experience, I can assure you he's not upset about anything. He's merely communicating a set of best practises; being, it's aways easier to back out a patch than it is a change to the original source. Fundamentily it is easier to keep all those patches in one MM file for sake of simplicity and ease of maintenance.

So look at this as helpful advice. And as with any best practice, feel free to disregard it entirely. :wink:

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  On 5/25/2016 at 5:04 AM, G'th said:

This is something you can very easily do yourself. I like to do it myself (namely because its virtually impossible to zero out motion in every direction without it without also consuming way more RCS than the crafts actually have) and what I do is I go into the Mk 1-2 command pod config, copy out its SAS bits (theres two sections you need to copy) and then copy it into the command pod configs in the mod. Its a little over powerful in most cases, but it gets the job done and you can always tweak the values to balance it out yourself. 


Thank you very much i love this mod i just landed on the moon yes moon i use stock size real solar system i hate consuming rcs thanks!

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  On 5/25/2016 at 5:04 AM, G'th said:

This is something you can very easily do yourself. I like to do it myself (namely because its virtually impossible to zero out motion in every direction without it without also consuming way more RCS than the crafts actually have) and what I do is I go into the Mk 1-2 command pod config, copy out its SAS bits (theres two sections you need to copy) and then copy it into the command pod configs in the mod. Its a little over powerful in most cases, but it gets the job done and you can always tweak the values to balance it out yourself. 


So there are different parts in the forlder agencies














wich one has the command pod for the apoll??

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Perhaps rather than backwards engineering someone else's hard work, you just wait patiently for an update to the mod?

Or like me, if you need your FASA fix, in the menatime, use the older version in a spare 1.05 install where it still works perfectly?

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  On 5/26/2016 at 3:03 AM, TalonCG said:

Perhaps rather than backwards engineering someone else's hard work, you just wait patiently for an update to the mod?

Or like me, if you need your FASA fix, in the menatime, use the older version in a spare 1.05 install where it still works perfectly?


The issue with that is the only update publicly planned for FASA atm (other than mine) isn't going to be for stock. 

And its really not so much as backwards engineering as it is cleaning up the mod for 1.1.2. The landing gear and legs in the mod aren't going to be fixed any time soon (nor is any other mod for that matter), and as such in my update the two things are going to be disabled until such time that they can be made functional again. (read, not till 1.2 at the earliest, as I'm taking a leaf out of every other modders book and waiting for the wheel system to not be (as) stupid). 

And if you were referring to the whole adding SAS debacle, modding a mod is perfectly acceptable. 


  On 5/25/2016 at 1:18 PM, Jack Wolfe said:

As someone else with decades of computer experience, I can assure you he's not upset about anything. He's merely communicating a set of best practises; being, it's aways easier to back out a patch than it is a change to the original source. Fundamentily it is easier to keep all those patches in one MM file for sake of simplicity and ease of maintenance.

So look at this as helpful advice. And as with any best practice, feel free to disregard it entirely. :wink:


At no point have I ever disputed that idea. I just don't see why there was such a big deal made out of it. Could I save myself 10 seconds every time FASA updates? Probably. Does it really matter? Nope. 

And besides that, I also suggested a direct edit to the file because thats going to be easier for someone who clearly doesn't have much experience in this sort of thing to do than creating an MM patch. If he was really that concerned, he could have just posted an MM patch with those edits to the pods to save the guy the trouble.

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  On 5/26/2016 at 6:33 AM, G'th said:

This is why FASA hasn't been updated yet.


Look a few pages up. Nathan said it's going to be updated and asked that we be patient. He's the current caretaker/author for FASA. Let him do his thing. You're not being helpful.

  On 3/30/2016 at 9:55 PM, NathanKell said:

This will get updated yes. But not any time soon, too busy _fixing_ 1.1. :P



  On 4/2/2016 at 5:38 AM, NathanKell said:

@Table  I appreciate you're eager, but please try to give mod makers time. Poking isn't going to help, quite the reverse. :wink:


So cool your jets G'th...

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