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[1.0.5] FASA 5.44


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Sometime tomorrow I will post an update with some fixes in it.

Starwaster has worked out the Specular issue with the reflection maps and it looks really nice. I think it will push FASA over the top as far as the look and feel of the mod.

It is also important to me that it has a low impact on performance so I am working on that as well. You can always just delete the plugin to turn it off completely if you are getting really poor performance.

Or increase update rate

To be honest, this whole winning discussion is ridiculously outdated. Last time I checked the cold war ended a long time ago. I think it is time that we step back and look at what mankind achieved (which includes the long row of events where the Soviets were first and the US moon landing) instead of descending into classic they versus us thinking. People who do that are not only living in the past, but also doing harm to the present.

Sometimes I feel that 'winning' the space race damaged our space program. If the Russians had beat us to the moon, maybe we'd be on Mars by now. After the end of the moon missions, neither we or the Russians have left LEO with any manned missions.

I hope someone sets foot on Mars in my lifetime. I don't even care much who it is anymore. I'd like it to be us, but I'll cheer just as loudly no matter what the nationality is of the first human to set foot on Mars is.

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The lem had only batteries, your thinking of the science pack (ALSEP)that was deployed and left on the moon that was RTG powered.

This is why Apollo 13 ran out of power, if they had an RTG aboard there wound not have been an issue.

Yes, you're right. Seems like I got confused. However will you fix the upside down navball or is it supposed to be this way?

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I was thinking that the LEM could really benefit from the new shiny shaders. If there is one vehicle that's defined by its shiny exterior it must be the LEM.

Do you guys know whether the added load is primarily CPU or GPU based? I would assume that the GPU should take care of this, but maybe Unity + mod has another way of tackling this.

I don't even care much who it is anymore.

To be honest, I never really cared :) Our team in this race is humanity, not some arbitrary subsection of it. Just as early US immigrants formed what is now the USA, in space it is time for team earth.

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Yes, you're right. Seems like I got confused. However will you fix the upside down navball or is it supposed to be this way?


seems my err. graciaz to focus on...

done, will be send 2 Frizzank asap.

I hope someone sets foot on Mars in my lifetime. I don't even care much who it is anymore. I'd like it to be us, but I'll cheer just as loudly no matter what the nationality is of the first human to set foot on Mars is.

well, RU suck. Still using 50 years old SOUYZ spacecraft.

US suck too. no own manned vessel right now.

First on Mars and next on Moon will be Chinas.

Edited by DennyTX
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well, RU suck. Still using 50 years old SOUYZ spacecraft.

US suck too. no own manned vessel right now.

First on Mars and next on Moon will be Chinas.

The Russians are still using the Soyuz because ITS INCREDIBLY RELIABLE, SOMETHING WHICH IS A HUGE CONSIDERATION WHEN SENDING PEOPLE INTO THE MOST HOSTILE ENVIROMENT WE KNOW OF. Seriously, look at the Soyuz. Used for 50 years. Two fatal accidents, Soyuz 1 and Soyuz 11. All other missions since have never failed to return a crew safely.

Soyuz is getting a replacement soon though, in the form of the PK. But not for several years.

Soyuz-U launcher extremely reliable.

Proton launcher extremely reliable. That recent 1st stage failure was the first in 30 YEARS.

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Frizzank have you thought of incorporating HotRockets and CoolRockets functionality in this mod?

HotRockets allows much improved particle FX for engines. Really looks much better, but without any FPS drops. Doesn't even require a plugin. It just uses the new Engine module to its full effect.

CoolRockets adds particle FX to the launch phase of the mission. Cryogenic engine boil-off (like Saturn IV-B's J2 engine) before the engine's been ignited as well ice falling off tanks at liftoff. This plugin does have some impact on FPS, but like the reflective plugin removing it would disable it.

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Sorry for my outburst, but I hate it when ppl short-change a good, well-proven system, often for inconsequential reasons. Bit like saying the golden gate bridge needs torn down and replaced cuz its old. Yh its old, but it still does its job, day in, day out.

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Do you know a story about SOUYZ?

well, listen up.

once you have decided to buy a tractor to work on field. (build a moon mission spacecraft)

than, one day, you have found, that you can use this tractor to drive to work, to shop etc. not very fast, not very comfortable, but you can.

and you began to use it for all purposes. all you life. despite all others changing cars every year and enjoying conditioner in it. And you still drive your old 50 years old tractor, day by day.... to field, to shop, to work, to meetings with girls... wonderfull life, isnt it?

Edited by DennyTX
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I think we might have been better served if we stuck with the apallo capsule. but then I also think some of the advanced Gemie capsules could have surved us well to, Syoze has had and increadable service life. it would have been a good idea to keep working on the satern as well, becouse with the lose of the satern We lost or heavy lift capability, and we never got it back. I do not have as much hat for some people for the space shuttle, but I dont think it should have been the end all bet all of our maned program. and I am not sure why we did not use other Lancers for most of our satalite launches I know we never stoped useing things like the delta, and titan centar

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Do you know a story about SOUYZ?

well, listen up.

once you have decided to buy a tractor to work on field. (build a moon mission spacecraft)

than, one day, you have found, that you can use this tractor to drive to work, to shop etc. not very fast, not very comfortable, but you can.

and you began to use it for all purposes. all you life. despite all others changing cars every year and enjoying conditioner in it. And you still drive your old 50 years old tractor, day by day.... to field, to shop, to work, to meetings with girls... wonderfull life, isnt it?

The Russians hadn't need to find a replacement for this extremely reliable spacecraft due to the US shuttle program, as well as their own. Soyuz was destined for Gemini style upgrades as well, such as big soyuz. Soyuz was and is a rugged workhorse design that even the Chinese have copied for their Shenzou series, and allowed the Ruskies to concentrate on other programmes, such as Mir, Buran, Kliper and a few other things. Same reasons for keeping the B52, 747, AK-series in service/production, its damn good at its job and replacing such a good system with something better is extremely difficult and most cases very expensive. Which is why the Soyuz replacement, the PK, is a joint Euro/Russian affair

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What are your plans with the shiny shaders, Frizzank? Are you going back to old models to apply them or just going to use them from now on? Or not at all, that is an option too, of course :)

The Russians are still using the Soyuz because ITS INCREDIBLY RELIABLE [...]

Soyuz-U launcher extremely reliable.

Proton launcher extremely reliable.

I agree there. If I was going to space I would want to go with Soyuz. Why? Because it offers the best chance of coming back alive. Space flight is a dangerous thing. We tend to forget that sometimes. The Soyuz is the AK-47 of space. Or the reverse maybe, as it is excellent at keeping people alive :P

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I agree with Cdodders, the Souyz proved to be a vary realyable work horse. which is something the space shuttle failed to do because it was to expansive. We could have done the same thing with Apollo or advanced geminie. And well the shuttle gave us useful capablatys they where not always needed. so I dont think it should have been the end all beat all of or maned program. infact in past builds I tend to us Big Giminie as my work horse and skip the space shuttle but then I have a really hard time flying Air craft in ksp even with MJ and FAR dont seem to be much help eather...

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What are your plans with the shiny shaders, Frizzank? Are you going back to old models to apply them or just going to use them from now on? Or not at all, that is an option too, of course :)

I agree there. If I was going to space I would want to go with Soyuz. Why? Because it offers the best chance of coming back alive. Space flight is a dangerous thing. We tend to forget that sometimes. The Soyuz is the AK-47 of space. Or the reverse maybe, as it is excellent at keeping people alive :P

Nevertheless, it would be better, reliable PTC NP.Soyuz it's time to retire ))))

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also. do you know why SOUYZ is still in use? because all money that has been given to design the new spacecraft (first big enuff transh was in 2001) were spent by the following way: on half of that money were built a heap of new cabinets for new bosses and their secretariats, second half has been stolen.

This is russian reality, folks.

Edited by DennyTX
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