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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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Well, then, it's not the fairings but, have a new part.

It should fit in well with the stock parts and be useful in walkways, air-locks and the likes. Anyways, I'm rather pleased with how it's worked out.



OH MY GOD they look gorgeous!!!!!! Time to try and rebuild my station after the .20 death of it!

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You should definitely make an end cap for that that acts as an airlock or if not an airlock then just a door. Just for the cool factor of course :P

It's also a great piece for putting between large sections of a station or structure you want your Kerbs to go between frequently, especially if doing so is normally done over a wide open spacewalk (which is dangerous but then we've all done it. Poor Kebinauts.)

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nice looking walkways, always wondered why the LLL parts that seem to be hollow actually aren't, though I guess camera angles is the main reason, though with the seats making hollow structures for kerbals to move around in is more functional, would be nice if KSP at some point can intelligently hide sides of a hollow part between your kerbal and the camera. And yeah I'm aware this is starting to sound like the sims =P

btw sent a rocket up with 2 of the rotating habitats in opposite directions (would be nice if there were lights on both sides for that application) worked quite nicely but it dances a bit at times, a bit odd, since there are 2 in opposing directions it should cancel out you'd think


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I could have sworn there was more to it than that. Never mind, it would seem the only excuse for me having not already done it, then, is being both forgetful and lazy :P


Thanks. Post some screenshots if you do re-build, I'd like to see it.


Nice ship, I like it. The windows only being on one side was be due to the fact that the habitats tended to stick out behind debris shields, so it was extra-shielding on one side to prevent un-warranted decompression. Although in true LLL style, I got the model upside down so it faces towards direction of travel. Oh well.

I had considered hollow walk-ways before, but had dismissed since I didn't know quite how to handle transparency (having close to zero modelling experience prior to LLL) and I'd wanted to try and keep the parts geometry simple to save on system resources and my own time.

(Although, as it's been pointed out in another thread there do still seem to be some issues with .png files hogging more memory than they should).

Actually, on that subject. Are most people updated to 0.20.2 now? I've been meaning to try with the news optimisations, they've worked wonders for Bac and B9.


Right. That's the air-locks all set up, works great thanks to Vanguard, the parts work function as they normally would without the plugin as well, which is useful as up-dates tend to break plugin.


Just doing re-balances (working out better weights for the parts. They're mostly too light at the moment. Conviently the 2x1 hull works out as about 1 tonne), some bug squishing and tweaking then on-wards to version 0.10.0

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@Ember just curious if you're working on any new parts? i know you asked for ideas on page 28 and a few people replied :)

only thing I'm currently working on is the com-sat thing and the landing legs

almost finished with the com-sat, i think

I'm still open to suggestions though

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I'm still open to suggestions though

How about a few different varieties of LLL styled wheels? E.G Landing gear, small rover, big rover, Tank steer? Maybe get some features like OmniWheels throttle controlled hydrolics to control the height? Now that (in the LLL style) would be awesome!

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How about a few different varieties of LLL styled wheels? E.G Landing gear, small rover, big rover, Tank steer? Maybe get some features like OmniWheels throttle controlled hydrolics to control the height? Now that (in the LLL style) would be awesome!

i wont be doing that as all i can do is animations, I cant get fully functional parts into the game outside of animate and non animated parts, I can probably make wheels but they wont do anything

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I don't know how good you are with details (EDIT: actually, I do know. That radial battery pack's detail level blows me away and I use it on every craft because it looks so great)... or if this can be done with windows... but would it be possible to create a greenhouse, where you can see tiny plants inside by looking through the windows?

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I don't know how good you are with details (EDIT: actually, I do know. That radial battery pack's detail level blows me away and I use it on every craft because it looks so great)... or if this can be done with windows... but would it be possible to create a greenhouse, where you can see tiny plants inside by looking through the windows?

It can be done, I was working on a version back when I was still using the old Bailey module but I got annoyed with the camera controls in Blender and stopped working on it (too fiddly to work on the inner part of the structure). It shouldn't be too hard to do really, main issue is getting the plants to look nice with their transparency.

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an adapter for B9's cockpits would be very usefull!just throwing that out there.Or can you guys think of a part from another mod that could do the job?


i would like to put that super cool cocktit from the B9's mod.you know the one that the cockpit lowers within the hull for supersonic speeds.

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will we see the com dish, cargo bay our landing legs anytime soon our are they still a little ways off

the com sat dish I just sent Lack the model.mu so it probably will come out soon, I still need to redo the landing legs as they are the wrong size and no idea on the cargo

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okie I redid the landing legs so they open up wider... I think

Looks Great, But will it be sataying as one block like that or be split in half to be put on the sides? If it's a single block then we're kinda limited to the size of the platform we use them on, whereas side mounting is much easier.

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Looks Great, But will it be sataying as one block like that or be split in half to be put on the sides? If it's a single block then we're kinda limited to the size of the platform we use them on, whereas side mounting is much easier.

Why choose? Do both! :D

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Sorry if this has been mentioned, but are there any more 1x1 parts like rcs tanks planned? I was trying to make a vehicle out of the 1x1 tanks that had its own engines, but the rcs is only 2x1

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I also want to ask if these langing legs have been already released as a part or they are still in the works. If they have been released - could you point me to the link, i seem to be unable to find it?

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Looks Great, But will it be sataying as one block like that or be split in half to be put on the sides? If it's a single block then we're kinda limited to the size of the platform we use them on, whereas side mounting is much easier.

Its going to be one part, I will be making a vertical part with only one leg coming out the side as well

I also want to ask if these langing legs have been already released as a part or they are still in the works. If they have been released - could you point me to the link, i seem to be unable to find it?

not yet released they are still being worked on

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I'm having a little bit of trouble with this mod :( when I have this as the only mod installed, it runs just fine, but when I start to add a few more mods, like kethane, KAS, B9, Crew manifest, Chatterer, Lazor system, or any of Wayland Corp.'s mods, the game either freezes when first starting up (when loading any LLL parts) or the game loads just fine, but when I got to fly something, the game crashes. If I remove your mod, then everything works just fine. Could I get some help with this?

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I'm having a little bit of trouble with this mod :( when I have this as the only mod installed, it runs just fine, but when I start to add a few more mods, like kethane, KAS, B9, Crew manifest, Chatterer, Lazor system, or any of Wayland Corp.'s mods, the game either freezes when first starting up (when loading any LLL parts) or the game loads just fine, but when I got to fly something, the game crashes. If I remove your mod, then everything works just fine. Could I get some help with this?

That's to do with the game running out of Memory.

There still seems to be something up with loading .png files, LLL especially since there's a lot of texture files, and it ends up taking up far more memory than you might expect (the game seems to prefer raw data, so a .png that's well compressed would lose that compression and take up a lot more memory than you'd think). My recommendation would be to cut down the amount of parts by picking those you want to keep and scrapping those you don't. Other than that, get a image editor and change some of the texture sizes down to 256x256 or so.

More about it here:


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