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LLL - Lack Luster Labs - Development Thread


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Yes a LEM , KSP needs have been fulfilled! About to test it out . Would be great to add a Rastaprop MDF in there, I might have to give it a try.

Right, I've had a play around and got an MDF working.


Also made an extendable RCS boon




It's hooked into the landing gear module for ease of use.


This should be the full list








Yeah, send over the .cfg when it's done.


Ta, added the album to the op.

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This should be the full list








Yeah, send over the .cfg when it's done.


Hey, for future MM integration, may I suggest you put a common handle for your parts. Like have them say "LLL_2x1droprampcargo" etc. Right now, you'd need to write a separate command for each part, while having them under the same handle would make it worlds easier to add/replace modules.

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Great works Lack!!!!!!:cool:. I was about to download Unity and parts and give it a whirl but looks like u beat me to it , I like the rsc boom I could use that for some neat features. Keep up the great work

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That looks great! And the LEM is fantastic!

But... hang on - I thought you couldn't attach anything to a moving part. And yet it appears that the RCS quads are attached to the ends of those booms. Or is each RCS Boom a single part with the RCS Module integral to the boom?

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That looks great! And the LEM is fantastic!

But... hang on - I thought you couldn't attach anything to a moving part. And yet it appears that the RCS quads are attached to the ends of those booms. Or is each RCS Boom a single part with the RCS Module integral to the boom?

Appears to be a single part. Look at the last pic closely.

Lack, it's MFD, not MDF. Multi-Function Display. :sticktongue:

Nice RCS boom. Is there the possibility of seeing that in different lengths? Or as a version that extends straight out rather than hinges? Or both?

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Appears to be a single part. Look at the last pic closely.

Lack, it's MFD, not MDF. Multi-Function Display. :sticktongue:

Nice RCS boom. Is there the possibility of seeing that in different lengths? Or as a version that extends straight out rather than hinges? Or both?

Haha I think that was my bad I had wrote MDF and did not realize that it was a typo!

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yes i finally fixed my texture problem

although Lack i think it should be noted exactly how this problem occurred because back when i had mod incompatibilities that caused vanishing inventories, i would move all my stock parts to the parts folder outside gamedata which sadly your parts were made to import the textures from within the gamedata folder so yeah.

so to sum up it was due to my stock part placement

sorry about bad grammar

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Changes: Bit more playing around with the LEM's IVA and added MFD support. Also adds the RCS booms.





Probably should, will try to (Although in all honesty, I will almost certainly forget).

@Logan + Cpt Sierra,

Yep, it's all one part. I just tweaked the RCS thrusters I made for the LEM. MFD, MDF, MXTOEHHGJ, toe-meyh-toes toe-marrr-toes. I can work a few variants, I'll add them to a separate DL though. Trying to avoid my normal part-bloat.


Yeah, moving the stock parts would do it. Thanks for the update, had been wondering about that.


Yes, yes you can.

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It's really awesome! Although the 0.625m "bonny" capsule looks like a plane part, are you going to make a tiddly little 0.625 jet engine?


(also 0.625m fuel would be awesome!)

Edited by Boamere
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It's really awesome! Although the 0.625m "bonny" capsule looks like a plane part, are you going to make a tiddly little 0.625 jet engine?


(also 0.625m fuel would be awesome!)

It is a plane part, based vaguely off the venerable Beechcraft Bonanza. I may, it'd be something similar to the early jet fighter's tail-engines, but I'd quite like to be able to get a little prop engine working instead. Jet engine on a light aircraft seems a tad excessive. Annoyingly I suspect the prop will have to spin constantly, unless I use a plugin, which I'd prefer to avoid requiring.

As it is, I'm using a few resized Fire-spitter and Pizza-and-Aerospace (which has .625m rescales of stock aeroplane parts) parts.

Anyway, knocked up an IVA for it.







Also, it's interesting how much of a difference there is between the IVA camera and the Kerbal model's actual eye-line.

IVA 'mouth camera'


Actual eye-line


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That's amazing. Reminds me of my time flying Cessnas.

And Lack, you don't have part bloat. Not in the slightest. B9 has part bloat, which is getting worse. Bac showed us some pictures of stupidly large rectangular pieces (like your 4x2, but different texture, and more like 4x4). So it's really looking like it'll need to split into B9 Aerospace and B9 Heavy Construction, or else risk getting too large for people to use.

You're not even close to that level.

Edited by Captain Sierra
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Awesome, I was going to ask for a propeller but i thought it would a bit hard for you to make one (due to spinning!).

That's really Cool!

Edit: I have found a possible bug with the LEM, my lander causes mystery torque on the vessel

Here it is spinning after I have timewarped


I'm going to check on a fresh lander with no extra parts stuck on

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Edit: I have found a possible bug with the LEM, my lander causes mystery torque on the vessel

Here it is spinning after I have timewarped


I'm going to check on a fresh lander with no extra parts stuck on

Damn, thought I'd fixed that. I was getting the same thing before, I tweaked the colliders and it seemed to alleviate it for the most part. I think it's a phantom force from the mesh colliders of the various parts, part clipping occasionally causes such issues, but it's not normally so extreme.

Have you tried having the landing legs rotated another 45° around the hull? Could be the collision between the descent module and the landing legs (note how it clips one of the openable bays).

@Cpt Sierra,

True, true. Still trying to keep the pack fairly stream lined though. You flew Cessnas? Nice, I'd like to get a pilots licenece some day. Had to drop ATC for my studies before I got properly airborne (although I'd quite like a helicopter licence, not sure I'd trust me with quite so much lateral velocity).



Anyone got their own opinions on which areas are under-served by the stock parts and could do with a few stock-a-likes?

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hahaha, a stock-a-like 2m nuclear engine? (probably could have thought of something much better :P)

Also i tested the lander without any parts on it (no landing legs) apart from the decoupler, and i still get the magical torque, damn :/

Hope this helps you fix it :)

Edit: oh oh oh, I know, you could make a cargo bay! I really need one since B9 won't update until I'm about 60

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hahaha, a stock-a-like 2m nuclear engine? (probably could have thought of something much better :P)

Also i tested the lander without any parts on it (no landing legs) apart from the decoupler, and i still get the magical torque, damn :/

Hope this helps you fix it :)

Hmm, it seemed to be alright on mine. Could try stripping the colliders off the RCS expulsion delflectors.

Yeah, I was thinking about one of those. There's already a nice one in KSP-X and a double one floating around. Could so something with the circular tanks on the actual NERVA, rather than just making a straight copy of the existing ones.



I was thinking of some rover parts based off the stock ground control vehicles, as I did with the little yellow cabins in LLL. I'll probably avoid wheels, trying to make them tends to make me want to break the computer.

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Guys, JSYK, the game creates phantom rotational torque on orbits with a velocity less than 750m/s. This is a known and well documented bug in the current version. It has happened in previous versions, but 0.23 seems to have amplified it greatly.

Other than that:

Lack! This stuff is awesome! Also, just wanted to let you know, I have designs using the NE-6400 that can go anywhere, on less than a Jumbo. 3000 ISP is very powerful indeed. I am loving these parts. (As always I have modified the NE engines, so that they don't have spool-up/down time. It makes transfers hell.)

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Guys, JSYK, the game creates phantom rotational torque on orbits with a velocity less than 750m/s. This is a known and well documented bug in the current version. It has happened in previous versions, but 0.23 seems to have amplified it greatly.

Other than that:

Lack! This stuff is awesome! Also, just wanted to let you know, I have designs using the NE-6400 that can go anywhere, on less than a Jumbo. 3000 ISP is very powerful indeed. I am loving these parts. (As always I have modified the NE engines, so that they don't have spool-up/down time. It makes transfers hell.)

Ah, I'd missed that. Thanks.

Thanks, yeah, the NE-6400 is crazy powerful, even with the hefty 35T or whatever it weighs. Based on a kerbalised version of a real concept, but none the less, still very powerful. Being an open-core design, it does spue radioactive particle out of the arse end of it, so I'll trust players aren't quite so mean spirited as to use it near an atmosphere. Heh, yeah, the spool up and down is me being mean. Can't make everything too nice and easy.

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Ah, um, I may want to start a nuclear radiation cleanup around KSC then... :blush:

I have a really good design that should be able to carry kerbals anywhere in the solar system, back, there again, and back, and then to minmus for refuelling. (Seriously. That thing has over 40k DV.) I couldn't make something powerful enough to launch it into orbit, but it had a 1.2 TWR on the surface, so I launched it up on it's own power...



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I have a kspi inertial fusion engine, it sounds like your engine your using, except the Isp goes up to 15,000,000 when at 1% throttle

At the moment I'm going to jool from moho :D

(takes a bloody long time though :P)

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You flew Cessnas? Nice, I'd like to get a pilots licenece some day. Had to drop ATC for my studies before I got properly airborne (although I'd quite like a helicopter licence, not sure I'd trust me with quite so much lateral velocity).

I flew a Cessna once. It is highly enjoyable. Landing is a lot easier than simulators make it seem, although I will note that my instructor was governing the throttle the first two times I tried it, and was always in control of the flaps.

Anyone got their own opinions on which areas are under-served by the stock parts and could do with a few stock-a-likes?

A cockpit for the mk2 fuselage parts would be pretty handy, as would some high-power RCS ports. And I do think a .625 jet engine and intake would go well with the Bonnie. Yeah, it's overkill on a tiny plane, but these are Kerbals we're talking about. Besides, they've gotta repurpose those old hair dryers somehow.

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