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[0.22] B9 Aerospace Pack / R4.0c / New pods, IVAs, engines, fuselages & structures


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Listening to this advice must be the absolute worst thing I've done in a very long time.

0.22 B9 worked nearly perfect for me in 0.23 but in an attempt to improve I gave this a try. It screwed up various textures, moved staging icons off-screen and caused a few other weird things. Worst of all I can access action groups and crew lists no longer in the VAB. Even reverting back to the original dll's doesn't resolve this. Long story short: I am forced to completely abandon a completed tech tree all because of some crappy bogus advice.

first: my post mentions that this is the checklist for non-working installations of 0.22-B9 with KSP 0.23. "Never touch a running system" counts for KSP/B9 as well.

second: you should be at point 4. at the time: wait for the 0.23 Update of B9. this should make your game work again.

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B9 works perfect for me. Except this error:

[ERR 20:23:39.554] AssemblyLoader: Exception loading 'ExsurgentEngineering': System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: The classes in the module cannot be loaded.
at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.Assembly:GetTypes (bool)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at AssemblyLoader.LoadAssemblies () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Additional information about this exception:

System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'HydraEngineController' from assembly 'ExsurgentEngineering, Version=1.0.5040.39249, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

This error causes the Kethane map overlay to not show up.

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You can look a few page earlier in the thread for post that says you should update the firespitter dll (with the one in the firespitter pack) and the ExsurgentEngineering one with https://raw.github.com/careo/ExsurgentEngineering/master/ExsurgentEngineering/obj/Release/ExsurgentEngineering.dll

didnt saw that. thanks.

now i only have to wait for a Romfarer.dll update and Kethane will work again...

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My SABRE engines don't work, is this a common problem? How do I fix them?

You need to replace some plug-ins. Download the latest Firespitter pack and take the .dll, and the Exsurgent Engineering .dll, which can be found in a link in post #3403.

Have you tried turning them on and off again?


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Thanks to you guys I updated my plugins works fine now with a click of a few links and reading a few pages happy camper sabres are working again, I prefer the sabre's over the new rapiers much nicer however I do like the auto switching of the rapiers

Edited by Virtualgenius
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I get this Error quite often when changing scene, which cause the game to get stuck:

Receiving unhandled NULL exception

TypeRef ResolutionScope not yet handled (49) for .Propellant in image /Volumes/Data/games/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program/GameData/ExsurgentEngineering/Plugins/ExsurgentEngineering.dll

The class Propellant could not be loaded, used in

The class HydraEngineController could not be loaded, used in ExsurgentEngineering, Version=1.0.5040.39249, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

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it seems that the saber engines dont work? there not shown at the staging panel

I have (I assume) the same problem. They're showing thrust graphics while in the SPH, and when I launch the craft they do nothing.

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You are either missing struts, or KJR (which i suggest you try first).

No it is not KJR. I deleted the files and nothing changed. And the same with struts. I can strut this pod like hell and this is happening.

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