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[0.21.1] KAS v0.4.3 - Struts, pipes, part storage, containers, merged winches & more


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Every time I get in space and grab the radial port when I try to attach it nothing happens, then SAVE/reload causes my EVA to be uncontrollable and the radial port on its back un-clickable. This happens all the time. KAS 4.1

P.S. After removing the part in my save from the eva and retrying again it was working properly.

Edited by nismobg
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After unpacking this awesome Plugin i get some problems:

after clicking the launch button, i get error messages of missing sound files of the wrenches. I unpacked the KAS Folder into the game date folder ( .../ksp/GameData/KAS )

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I'm having problems with ground pylons and pipes in my Mun base. Unsurprisingly the base is on a slope (the flatest bit I could find) and when I switch back to it, the pylons are often floating mid-air level with the ship parts upslope of them. The downslope parts wildly gyrate. I have to unlink everything and pray that nothing falls off, move the ends around, reattach the pylons and relink. This is a pain in the arse to keep on doing over and over.

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  KospY said:
About this two issues, I tested in game and they are working fine. The instant stretch option only set the cable lenght to the current distance between winch and connector. So if you eject the grapple, and it go the maximum distance, (300m for you), using it will change nothing. However, it will be usefull if for exemple you eject the grapple and it collide with something near, so the distance will be lower than the cable lenght. (ejecting set the cable lenght to the maximum allowed)

And for the magnet, I do not have this problem. If I fully retract a winch with a magnet attached it will lock. Maybe you have a heavy load attached so the cable can't retract as the distance between connector and winch are longer than 0.08 (default value of the lockMinDist parameter)

Hmm... That test was conducted on the runway, and there was a pylon in front of the winch. I could see the connector on the ground in front of the pylon. When I activated the instant stretch, the cable got a few meters longer. Clicking it repeatedly had my 300m winch extended to 318m. Maybe a rounding error?

As to issue 7: The magnet was not activated or connected to anything. I just dropped it on the ground, grabbed the connector, plugged the connector into the magnet, and then switched vessels and retracted it. The kerbal never even had to move in the process. It just hung down swinging slightly below the winch (which was a radial pointing 90 degrees from the ground). The GUI said it was fully retracted, but it just hung there. I know this is repeatable, so I'll try and get some screenshots for you.

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  CalculusWarrior said:
Just right-click on the part when you're controlling an EVA Kerbal. Just click the Grab (G) button.

Huh. Ok, sorry for the dumb question then! I just didn't see those parts having the grab command in the VAB, so I was curious.

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  Playful1510 said:
Huh. Ok, sorry for the dumb question then! I just didn't see those parts having the grab command in the VAB, so I was curious.

Yep it works. I used this to rescue a stranded craft. Its solar panel was knocked off by a docking mishap and since it used a probe core it was stranded with no power. I used grab to pull a panel off of another craft and attach it so the stranded craft could power up and make its way back to the station for repairs.

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Hey KospY,

I've been playing around with the latest version of KAS, i love it, i especially love the cargo containers and their whole setup.

When the KerbolQuest jetpacks came out it occurred to me that these would be excellent devices to store in containers (to make their storage smaller, as if they fold together and fit inside a box and so you could bring them on missions requiring personal aerial travel), so i tried doing just that, it worked out great, aside from the fact that the hovermode in them has to be set using action groups which naturally arent availible to items inside a container, however the concept worked really well and i made them really "large" storagewise so i could not fit many of them in there. Anyhoo, that's not the point, the point it, because of this it also occurred to me that it would be equally possible to store any other single peice craft in this manner, so i tried that too, which had mixed results due to size issues (some cheating involved, just trying the idea), crafts that i tried were BobCat's DEMV MK5 (worked well aside from the "ladder" not working due to the hatch issues) and then last night i tried LLL's Salvage Pod which worked a lot better aside from knocking my kerbal around when i put it down.

So to the point, have you ever considered taking storage up a notch? It would be entirely feasable to use your setup to handle internal cargo-bays or even internal hangar-bays (provided that the craft being stored is a one-peice) almost flawlessly, with larger cargo in this case the only problem is deployment and storing as a very large peice of cargo isnt going to be easy for a kerbal to carry, but if you created a cargo-bay that is basically an expanded container with a somewhat different method for retrieval.. i.e. it spawns and maybe even "docks" the cargo or one-peice ship into a preset launch or loading/unloading position instead of spawning it attached to the Kerbal. I imagine that using some manipulator arm setup for retrieving and deploying cargo could work pretty well.

You might think this would be cheating, but considering you already add the mass of the object stored to the container it would enable complex ships with incredible storage capabilities without the hassle of shifting the centre of mass into an asymetrical position. It would be possible to build space carriers that can carry a squadron of fighters, cargo haulers and exploration ships that could carry serveral rovers internally etc., needless to say i find that concept thrilling.


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  greg12 said:
Thanks you KospY, the developer of KAS. I couldn`t done this awesome base without your new release. As saying thanks, check out what I done. :)

Works on Minmus there because it's flat. Any kind of gradient makes the pipes and pylons go nuts and tear it all apart.

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  Leberschnitzel said:
Is it possible to just use parts of this mod? I just whant to transfer fule and ignore everything else...

It *should* work if you just include the plugin file and the specific parts that you want. You'll have to test it though.

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a great stress test

i used 4x grappling hook to stabilize my platform with robotic arm( to push against the ground)


and pushed more harder, even the platform remains on the ground.


grappling hooks is a great tool!!!!

sending this to my mun base!

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  forsaken1111 said:
It *should* work if you just include the plugin file and the specific parts that you want. You'll have to test it though.

thanks, this seems to work :) I just left the pipe in and just that is there and i can link and unlink it! Thank you!

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  Galane said:
I wonder if it'd be possible to use this mod to connect a pair of Kethane scanners as far apart as possible to speed up scanning?

i once tried that with old KAS but the results showed that it wouldn't work although it looks awesome

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  Helix935 said:
i once tried that with old KAS but the results showed that it wouldn't work although it looks awesome

Kethane scanners scan based on vessel position, not based on part position. Which means that if you switch the winches to undocked mode, give them their own probe cores and power supplies, and modify the length of the cable to ~2000m, so that they're still in physics range but ~4km apart, something might change, but I'm not sure if Kethane handles scanners on multiple vessels at all.

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  Mihara said:
Kethane scanners scan based on vessel position, not based on part position. Which means that if you switch the winches to undocked mode, give them their own probe cores and power supplies, and modify the length of the cable to ~2000m, so that they're still in physics range but ~4km apart, something might change, but I'm not sure if Kethane handles scanners on multiple vessels at all.

thank you for giving a more in depth description of what i said as to that it would not work

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I have been using the deadly reentry mod, an it seems that when I connect different things together with the pipe and ground pylon system, it puts phantom g loads on my craft or base buildings, and boom. Is anyone else having this issue? Is there a work around? or am I just going to have to get rid of deadly reentry? I hope not, cause I love the challenge and realism of deadly reentry.

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  Mihara said:
Kethane scanners scan based on vessel position, not based on part position. Which means that if you switch the winches to undocked mode, give them their own probe cores and power supplies, and modify the length of the cable to ~2000m, so that they're still in physics range but ~4km apart, something might change, but I'm not sure if Kethane handles scanners on multiple vessels at all.

I know with TT never unload it doesn't work, doesn't matter how many are up only "active" vessel scans. I had one launch using kOS and never unload to shoot 4 scanners up with different inclinations and only the one would activally scan. :(

Would be cool (and faster) if it worked that way though.

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  Raitter X said:
i landed my base in mun with hyperedit and i not can attach nothing in the part or ground

hyperedit is well know for causing issues, esp in conjunction with other physics changing mods....really not hard to land on the Mun tbh.

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