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Latest features in 0.20?


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It does seem like it will happen then, but we can't always hope for the best.

Yes. It seems that the updates always sneak up on us players. I was out camping when .18 came out. I put my phone through 1 bar of pain because I had a feeling it came out. After seeing that it was out, I was so ready to get back home and update :)

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Kerbin always looks ******* beautiful from orbit to me, and clouds in my opinion would ruin it :( though just a few clouds here and there I could live with, but if flags aren't in the next update, I might just die...

i agree to disagree



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As far as I know, nothing has been confirmed for 0.20 yet. I am aware that the following features are currently being worked on (not sure which update for):

-Clouds (long time away)

-Resource mining/gathering/processing

-New parts

-New aerodynamic effects

-Flag planting

-New patcher

Anyone is free to update/correct the list above.

Is the "New Patcher" the Squad's equivalent of Notch's "Removed Herobrine" joke?

Edited by Fulbert
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Buy a computer with a solid state drive and it will be super fast!

I have an SSD and it still takes quite a long time (2-3 minutes on startup, and I have a few dozen mods). I see very little difference between my SSD and the RAID0 I used to use. I'm sure there's room for improvement somewhere in the loading code - but hey, that's why it's not finished yet.

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The only things I actually want in .20 are better aerodynamics and payload fairings, anything else is just gravy. If they could manage to include reentry heat and built in heatshields on the bottoms of capsules then it would be very tasty gravy.

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The only things I actually want in .20 are better aerodynamics and payload fairings, anything else is just gravy. If they could manage to include reentry heat and built in heatshields on the bottoms of capsules then it would be very tasty gravy.

That's a very gravy idea.

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Boiling hot gravy in my opinion! If I had to attach heat shields to all my reentering craft...well let's just say I wouldn't be doing a lot of reentering. :P

That's why I mentioned having heat shields built in to the bottom of the capsules. Which is, incidentally, something that the tooltips for the capsules claim are already installed. You only have to strap heat-shields for the mods because the parts don't currently have any data for heat shielding on them. Speaking of which, are their any third-party heat shields for the FASA Gemini capsule? None of the reentry mods heat shields fit it.

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As far as I know, nothing has been confirmed for 0.20 yet. I am aware that the following features are currently being worked on (not sure which update for):

-New patcher

Anyone is free to update/correct the list above.

Are we forced to use the patcher, or is there an alternative method? (The current Patcher.exe is a .NET app, and I'm not fond of .NET Framework; especially anything above 2.0.)

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That's why I mentioned having heat shields built in to the bottom of the capsules. Which is, incidentally, something that the tooltips for the capsules claim are already installed. You only have to strap heat-shields for the mods because the parts don't currently have any data for heat shielding on them. Speaking of which, are their any third-party heat shields for the FASA Gemini capsule? None of the reentry mods heat shields fit it.

Yes, capsules has them build in, however larger landers and interplanetary ships doing aeroburns to orbit need an solution. You usually hit Jool with plenty of speed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

According to Harv's dev blog posted today in .20 you no longer need to have a command/probe pod for what ever you're building. It won't force you to select one anymore and allow you to instantly access the other parts when you start building.

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