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Repairs in space

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Lately I've been practicing docking (finally getting the hang of it) but after a couple of major and minor disasters I wondered: How do I perform some simple repairs in space? Like fix a broken solar panel for example? I read on the Wiki planned features page http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Planned_features that this is partially implemented. Can anyone tell me how I do this?

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As far as I know the only part you can really repair with an EVA'd Kerbal are the rover wheels. You can also repack deployed parachutes, and I guess you can have them unpack stowed solar panels (i.e. you could send a manned rescue mission to a probe that you may have forget to deploy the panels on). I don't believe the panels can be repaired yet unfortunately. As you've already pointed out, the repair still really is only partially implemented, and that's saying it generously.

I imagine in the future we will have something like a strut gun that will allow Kerbal to add extra struts to docked spacecraft, or fuel lines. As far as simulated damage, things like air/fuel tank leaks, cabin depressurization, engine wear and damage, heat tile damage etc etc, I think that type of stuff may be quite a ways in the future or in the realm of mods.

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While repairing them would be nice, I'd like to see some spare parts required (at least when it comes to solar panels). I can see just right clicking and repairing wheels (just bring some umpy gumpy and an air bubble) and repacking chutes (you just have to pick it up and put it back in), things like solar panels tend not to be 'broke' so much as they are 'debris'. It'd be pretty neat to have a cargo bay part that you can fill with spares though.

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While repairing them would be nice, I'd like to see some spare parts required (at least when it comes to solar panels). I can see just right clicking and repairing wheels (just bring some umpy gumpy and an air bubble) and repacking chutes (you just have to pick it up and put it back in), things like solar panels tend not to be 'broke' so much as they are 'debris'. It'd be pretty neat to have a cargo bay part that you can fill with spares though.

yup...repair missions would be pretty cool...especially when you thrust to high on your station and your panels all rip off :( or a docking port comes loose

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yup...repair missions would be pretty cool...especially when you thrust to high on your station and your panels all rip off :( or a docking port comes loose

One thing you can do is to dock an strut with extra solar panels on, I have done this to add extra functions like protractor to ships so many times the large ones always have an docking port for this use.

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  • 1 month later...

I Got brilliant with Kerbal attachment system, and replaced a Massive Dish on my space station..

Step 1: EVA Ad investigate damage... (Hold crap. dish is gone.)

2: Design a unpackable repair kit and send it up,

3: use the Removable conection node, connect it on station, in desired spot

4: Quickly Jetpack to helpless Replacement Quickly floating away,

5: Grab the connector on the replacement Dish, tow it in space.. Hoping not to run out of EVA Fuel

6: Connect it to node, and get in station.

7: Space center switch, to cancel all movement

8: Reel replacement in via winch.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Place a mobile sat repair and salvage old but workible parts, then I'm speculating, repair the Hubble or salvage its array. There was an story about creating zombie satellites a few weeks ago as apposed to launching new ones

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  • 2 months later...

Hrm, KAS could in theroy be used to replace broken Solar Panels, but I can't seem to grab broken ones so I can't really replace them. I'd be putting a new one next to or on top of the old solar panel, but the damaged part would still be their. I guess save state hacking is still the only way to go.

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Hrm, KAS could in theroy be used to replace broken Solar Panels, but I can't seem to grab broken ones so I can't really replace them. I'd be putting a new one next to or on top of the old solar panel, but the damaged part would still be their. I guess save state hacking is still the only way to go.

I don't think gigantors are 'grabbable', only the smaller ones can be done that way.

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  • 5 months later...
In theory you should be able to "fix" broken solar panels by editing the persistence file and changing the line that says

stateString = BROKEN

I'm not sure what to replace it with though, "EXTENDED" "DEPLOYED"?

Currently the only way to repair solar panels that I have found is this. You'll want to replace BROKEN with EXTENDED. when you load your game back up you'll see the panel fully deployed like your recent blunder never happened. As always when modifying these files make sure you make a backup first.

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I have also had success repairing a damaged landing leg. Landed a bit hard on Duna, two of the landing legs were damaged but still attached to the lander. I right-clicked on them with a Kerbal standing nearby, and the option to repair was presented.

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I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the only things you can "Repair" on an EVA are landing legs and rover wheels. You can also re-pack your chutes but they cannot be activated with the sequencer as before they were first deployed. That is something important to remember. I know all of this was previously mentioned, I just wanted to add my part. You can also force open retractable solar panels which is useful if you don't have any statically mounted PVs and happen to turn away from the sun for too long while waiting for a node. I will note that in the case of PVs and parachutes. You have to have a kerbal on EVA and you have to be *near* them. Not entirely near though. I have a space station with four gigantors attached around a science lab and I was able to extend/retract the PV on the opposite side without moving. I've also repacked multiple radial chutes while still clinging to the command module door. I'm not so sure about them implementing the ability to repair PVs on EVA in the next patch though. Sounds like that is going to be more focused on the contract system. For now you will have to simply edit your persistent file.

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Just a correction about the chutes: it's not that you can't activate them with staging after using them, it's that you can only activate them with staging ONCE. If you don't use staging the first time you deploy chutes, you can use it the second time ... you could probably set up an action group for your chutes too (in the VAB).

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Just a correction about the chutes: it's not that you can't activate them with staging after using them, it's that you can only activate them with staging ONCE. If you don't use staging the first time you deploy chutes, you can use it the second time ... you could probably set up an action group for your chutes too (in the VAB).

+1 for this excellent suggestion. I was thinking the same thing myself. I'll test this soon and see if setting an action key for the chutes does work as it could be a bit stressful trying to rotate view around a falling lander headed for the surface of Duna and trying to activate 8-16 chutes in time. I'm reasonably sure you don't actually need parachutes to land on Duna due to the low gravity and thin atmosphere which I think is around 1% of that of Kerbin at sea level if they are reasonably accurate analogs to Earth and Mars. However, it is notable that even NASA uses parachutes along with boosters when they send things to the Martian surface. As long as you have adequate boosters and enough fuel to counter the mass of your craft.. I daresay you could in theory land anywhere without parachutes. This is all untested theory of my own currently though so if you go try it and crash please share in your research findings and I will do the same.

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Currently the only way to repair solar panels that I have found is this. You'll want to replace BROKEN with EXTENDED. when you load your game back up you'll see the panel fully deployed like your recent blunder never happened. As always when modifying these files make sure you make a backup first.

As a general rule, if the craft in question is in atmosphere and the panel was broken by the weird loading glitch (breaks off because it was deployed during the load), I'll "roll back" the breakage by changing stateString to RETRACTED.

However, if the panel was broken due to my own dumb blunder, I just leave it broken and chalk it up to "unexpected deviation from mission parameters". :D

(In other words, due to the way the game handles relative velocities at load time, if your panels broke off while landed, I highly recommend you set them to RETRACTED, not EXTENDED, or it'll just happen again the next time you load that scene. Also, make it a point to retract any solar panels before you leave the scene.

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