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[0.21] OrbitalConstruction Redux 4.2 (Kethane + EL Compatibility Update)


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Be forewarned: Does not play well with ironcross life support, at least not in my game. I could not find any docks even on ships that didnt have any of the life support mod parts, just parts that had scrubbers (some stock cabins and crew compartments have them) i think it was an issue of when it scanned for a dock, the ironcross math tried to engage and run calculations on co2 production, which errored then stalled the dock search, showing no docks found. Removing ironcross seemed to fix this.

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Hmhm, what is wrong with using the 3D-Printer for major use? I really dislike the EL-stuff graphicswise. Although I might use the launchpad (ans spawn stuff on it), but will use OC-RocketPart-Stuff (like the Printer).

Hooligan Labs has a set of launchpads and runways that I use over the EL-stock stuff. Now just to find a good solid model to swap for the smelter. Though, eve that I might swap out with Kethane stuff again, like I did the scanners.

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I found that out the old version, for minor uses you can even use the cans with 10 or 25 ton parts. Nice way to deploy satellites or probe landers.

Also the kethane 3d printer is more for minor use, mine for ore and smelt if you want serious quantities.

Why do that when you can just do a beauty like this:


5x of the orange tank sized warehouses, 5x 16000L kethane tanks, with a quadcoupler 'expansion port' at one end and a sr port for the miner to dock at the other.

I put that in mun orbit from a slightly smaller Orbital Construction platform that I was building that was beginning to have wobble problems.

The older versions of EPL always seemed a little clunky to me, mainly because they were new at the time. OC just works smoother, bring everything I need up to the spacedock and let the machinery do its thing.

I probably will try again with EPL though, using this spacedock to create and deploy EPL hardware to the surface to streamline Kethane harvesting operations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I just used this for the first time got parts up and everything but I have noticed a problem! The parts didn't get subtracted from the station? Do they not get taken out if they are not in the actual warehouses and are instead in the spare parts modules? I did go through and edit the plug in so that each construction required less parts but I don't see how that would effect the fact that its not taking them out of the cans....

Edited by FictionXVI
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So I just used this for the first time got parts up and everything but I have noticed a problem! The parts didn't get subtracted from the station? Do they not get taken out if they are not in the actual warehouses and are instead in the spare parts modules? I did go through and edit the plug in so that each construction required less parts but I don't see how that would effect the fact that its not taking them out of the cans....

IIRC it starts in debug mode, you have to change that so it consumes parts.

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There is no debug mode to disable. Ace has confused this mod with Extraplanetary Launchpads.

I did go through and edit the plug in so that each construction required less parts but I don't see how that would effect the fact that its not taking them out of the cans....

Without knowing how you did that, it's hard to say, but since it normally works, that would be the first place I'd look to see why it isn't working anymore after you made those changes (whatever they were). Or just reinstall the unmodified plugin, and at least verify whether the bug occurs on the unmodified version as well.

Edited by Gaius
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Hmhm, what is wrong with using the 3D-Printer for major use? I really dislike the EL-stuff graphicswise. Although I might use the launchpad (ans spawn stuff on it), but will use OC-RocketPart-Stuff (like the Printer).

Not just lookwise for me, but the oddball attatch points, and hard to get up there without crashing. Hoping they take my suggestion and make it with the hexcans models, since the only other game in town is the 3d printer with this one.

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Not just lookwise for me, but the oddball attatch points, and hard to get up there without crashing. Hoping they take my suggestion and make it with the hexcans models, since the only other game in town is the 3d printer with this one.

You could just edit your Kethane converter .cfg, all you need to do is copy/paste one of the other conversions and edit the name and efficiency.

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Good time of day!

Please forgive my poor understanding of English language.

What does it mean "Redux", for example, in the name of the modification "Orbital Construction Redux"?

It means "redone" or "brought back". I believe this version of Orbital Construction was either a remake or an update of an older version meant for an older KSP.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Out of curiosity, does anyone know if a .22 update is planned for this mod? I want to know whether or not I can expect to be able to build some nice Orbital Construction platforms eventually. Used to be impossible to me, now with not being able to access MechJeb for a while, I forced myself to try and get in to orbit myself and I succeeded, so I now know roughly what can and can't get in to orbit. As such, I want to try and construct an Orbital Construction platform.

TL;DR or didn't understand: I forced myself to learn how to get in to orbit and I want to know if I can expect to be able to build an Orbital Construction platform.

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:cool: I've finished what I set out to do with my coding updates. The "scan for docks" function is light years faster, now, and I've also added the capability for OC to use RocketParts resources from a cluster of docked vessels, instead of restricting the available RocketParts to the vessel that actually has the SpaceDock part attached. Testers needed, please. The development thread, along with download links and instructions, is located here.

I'm working on fixing a few issues with OC--I've forked Interfect's latest release and started a new development thread. If my changes get merged, we'll merge the threads (or just delete mine). See the new thread for details of what I've fixed (or think I've fixed).



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  • 2 weeks later...

Need some help here.

I need to know the mas of a rocket part?

The OW tells me how many parts I when I need to know the total mas of the parts to see if I can make a ship in orbit.


If I have more then 1 OW on 1 ship will that increase the total mas of the ship I can build or are they counted as 2 seprate OWs?

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Revencher: well, assuming OC's RocketParts density is the same as for EL, they should be 0.0025t/u (2.5kg/u, 0.5t/m3).

As for the rest, no clue as I don't use OC anymore (not since KSP 0.20.2) as I didn't particularly like its MO.

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