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Love the game, I really do, but I cannot afford it.


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Dear Mr. Squad and fellow KSP forum members.

I very enjoy this game, but unfortunately, due to current family circumstances, I am not able to afford it. I was able to play the demo for a long time, and also at a friend's house, where I helped him build lunar rockets and refueling rigs (He really sucks at the game, but he also likes it). I just want to ask if there is a kind member here that is able to gift me a steam copy of the game. I really want to support the developers, as I know they are trying to make a living for themselves, and not like EA, who already has a lot of money.

I live in a small European country, where our credit card is not supported by steam, and the few times I was able to buy stuff online were because my father was able to send money to me as a birthday gift. (He is in china, and I don't see him often). So, I am kinda asking if someone on this forum is able to buy me a copy of the game for free.

I have seen some people that bought games for others, (like that minecraft guy named vaxx), so I thought maybe I could ask nicely here, and perhaps someone might be able to buy the game for me. If not, its alright, and I would not try to bother you guys again. :(

Edit: Woah, I am surprised by the response I got. I want to thank those people who are viewing this topic, and I got a few replies:

The trouble peterpacz1, is that people are not often inclined to buy games for strangers, as once people start doing this the requests for a free game will come more and more often, from those deserving as well as those who are not.

It is possible to pay for KSP on Steam using prepaid cards, or to buy from the Squad store with the paysafe card, but of course it means having the funds to start with.

It might not be what you are after but I'm sure the guys here can think of ways you can get the money together, one way I would suggest is to do some odd jobs for the elderly near you, they often need help, and then when you have some money you can see about how to make the payment.

Oh yeah, nearly forgot, discussing piracy is against the rules here, so don't do it

Yeah, I understand, sorry for breaking the rules. The place I live does not have any prepaid cards, nor a paysafe terminal. I could scrap up money I guess, but there would be no way for me to get that cash online. (No credit card, prepaid card, and no paysafecard place near me). I understand why people would not want to buy games for other people, and that the validity of my statements might not be true, since this is the internet. Well, have a nice day sir

I'd suggest getting your financial situation worked out before worrying about the game. If you're old enough to apply for a part-time job, I'd suggest looking for work in the local area. Keep track of your expenses, and think about what you really need and how you can take care of that before anything else. Set aside a little money for emergencies, and then a little more as "spending money," then maybe set aside a little bit of that towards your "KSP fund" and don't touch it unless your emergency money runs out. Once you have enough saved up, then buy the game. It's not going anywhere in the meantime.

The fun part is, this little trick works for just about anything else as well.

I cannot get a part time job, and I live with my grandmother because my mom and dad are too busy in another country. I can see that you have a nice business plan, but because of the culture here, people are very unlikely to let some random person mow their lawn.

I can let you borrow my store account (I have two). I only use one of them, and I would not mind letting a total stranger get the game off the other.

I guess that would be the best thing. If you would want to give me your account, just remove whatever personal details you have, and send it to me on either a private message here, not sure if it is allowed to give out my email, but if you want it, PM me please.

Sigh, this is horrible to read... Not affording £20, that's just weird but ok, I'm filthy rich so I really can't picture my self in that situation. <3

Its alright, we used to not be like this, but after the 2008 financial crisis things turned bad.

If you can't afford that much and yet can still be on the Internet posting to message boards, and have a computer to play KSP on once you get it, I'd think you have much bigger fish to fry.

Our computer was bought in 2009, it was rather good at that time. It could run the demo quite well, with lag on launch, but I think it could launch it.

I really don't want to come off as a jerk, but I just don't believe OP. We can have a civil conversation about what it takes to scrape 20 whatevers together, but that's all moot if he's just some kid trying to come up on something for nothing.

I've seen plenty of threads where it comes up that someone hasn't purchased the game, and then there is the same old argument where OP (in this hypothetical thread) says they don't really have the money for it, and then some people start harrasing them. That's not the case here. If somebody REALLY doesn't have $20 they can burn, chances are they don't want to argue with some jerk on a video game forum about their financial situation. This is peterpacz1's first and only post, and he's using it to beg.

Quote Originally Posted by peterpacz1 View Post

In a final desperate attempt before I turn to piracy, I want to ask if there is a kind member here that is able to gift me a steam copy of the game.(

So, "gimme the game or I am gonna pirate it" huh?

Really, if you are clever enough to pirate software you are clever enough to figure out a payment method. I have a sneaking suspiscion that you just couldn't be bothered.

Sorry, I didnt mean it to turn out that way. I see how this situation can look suspicious. and I am sorry for that. Honestly, I am not trying some kind of threat. Sorry :( I could scrap up that much money, but I wont be able to get it online anyways. Also, 1 dollar is almost 3 lei, so it is more expensive here.

Guys, the OP is talking about his father in his post. He's broke because he's a child. In which case, he doesn't have the money because his parents don't want him to spend it, in which case again, nobody should be buying something for him that his parents don't want him to have anyway. And kid? Threatening to pirate the game if somebody doesn't buy it for you is emotional blackmail, and it's not going to make you any friends.

Sorry, I didnt mean it to be blackmail. I am removing that part now.

Edit: Good news! Some kind gentleman or lady, is offering me his/her extra KSP account, (with payment details removed, of course) so I can get a legit copy of KSP. Thank you for all your support, and I will try to reply to most of the posts that this humble thread has gathered in the following days, and perhaps I can post a few of my spaceships!

Edited by peterpacz1
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Do not Pirate this game, do not Pirate any game, (even simcity, don't, its wrong). This will probably end up getting locked because of the mention of piracy. If you can't get it currently, or someone will not give one to you, you will have to wait.

im sorry D:

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I also think that is not a brilliant idea.Don't know if this is a troll post or not,but my suggestion is maybe start a stream on twitch and put a donation tab, or something to that effect. ~the dude does not abide.....

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The trouble peterpacz1, is that people are not often inclined to buy games for strangers, as once people start doing this the requests for a free game will come more and more often, from those deserving as well as those who are not.

It is possible to pay for KSP on Steam using prepaid cards, or to buy from the Squad store with the paysafe card, but of course it means having the funds to start with.

It might not be what you are after but I'm sure the guys here can think of ways you can get the money together, one way I would suggest is to do some odd jobs for the elderly near you, they often need help, and then when you have some money you can see about how to make the payment.

Oh yeah, nearly forgot, discussing piracy is against the rules here, so don't do it :)

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I'd suggest getting your financial situation worked out before worrying about the game. If you're old enough to apply for a part-time job, I'd suggest looking for work in the local area. Keep track of your expenses, and think about what you really need and how you can take care of that before anything else. Set aside a little money for emergencies, and then a little more as "spending money," then maybe set aside a little bit of that towards your "KSP fund" and don't touch it unless your emergency money runs out. Once you have enough saved up, then buy the game. It's not going anywhere in the meantime.

The fun part is, this little trick works for just about anything else as well.

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Sigh, this is horrible to read... Not affording £20, that's just weird :D but ok, I'm filthy rich so I really can't picture my self in that situation. :) <3

Well you know some people are living on a fairly tight budget...

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If you can't afford a £20 I think you have bigger fish to fry.

If you can't afford that much and yet can still be on the Internet posting to message boards, and have a computer to play KSP on once you get it, I'd think you have much bigger fish to fry.

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If you can't afford that much and yet can still be on the Internet posting to message boards, and have a computer to play KSP on once you get it, I'd think you have much bigger fish to fry.

Or an awful head for accountancy. :wink:

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I really don't want to come off as a jerk, but I just don't believe OP. We can have a civil conversation about what it takes to scrape 20 whatevers together, but that's all moot if he's just some kid trying to come up on something for nothing.

I've seen plenty of threads where it comes up that someone hasn't purchased the game, and then there is the same old argument where OP (in this hypothetical thread) says they don't really have the money for it, and then some people start harrasing them. That's not the case here. If somebody REALLY doesn't have $20 they can burn, chances are they don't want to argue with some jerk on a video game forum about their financial situation. This is peterpacz1's first and only post, and he's using it to beg.

In a final desperate attempt before I turn to piracy, I want to ask if there is a kind member here that is able to gift me a steam copy of the game.(

So, "gimme the game or I am gonna pirate it" huh?

Really, if you are clever enough to pirate software you are clever enough to figure out a payment method. I have a sneaking suspiscion that you just couldn't be bothered.

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I really don't want to come off as a jerk, but I just don't believe OP. We can have a civil conversation about what it takes to scrape 20 whatevers together, but that's all moot if he's just some kid trying to come up on something for nothing.

I've seen plenty of threads where it comes up that someone hasn't purchased the game, and then there is the same old argument where OP (in this hypothetical thread) says they don't really have the money for it, and then some people start harrasing them. That's not the case here. If somebody REALLY doesn't have $20 they can burn, chances are they don't want to argue with some jerk on a video game forum about their financial situation. This is peterpacz1's first and only post, and he's using it to beg.

I disagree. It seems to me that if you really don't have £20 to spend then it's likely this is because you spend too much of your time doing things like arguing with some jerk on a video game forum. :wink:

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The OP's post sounds alot like the emails I get everyday from people who are looking for someone to give alot of money to as long as I provide them information.

Not having enough money... Well, there are ways to earn money if you have a computer. And your English appears to be quite good.

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Guys, the OP is talking about his father in his post. He's broke because he's a child. In which case, he doesn't have the money because his parents don't want him to spend it, in which case again, nobody should be buying something for him that his parents don't want him to have anyway. And kid? Threatening to pirate the game if somebody doesn't buy it for you is emotional blackmail, and it's not going to make you any friends.

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So you do own a computer that is capable of running KSP, but can't throw in an extra 20 to buy the game? Sorry, I don't buy that.

Pirating this game would be an insult to the most brilliant concept in gaming history. This game is good! :cool:

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Listen, there are a few people here who are nice and will occasionally buy the game for someone. I'm not one of those people, I understand where you are coming from though, since I myself got the game, courtesy of a stranger, but I didn't beg for the game, I went out and did a competition, in other words, I earned it.

Many of the good things in life ain't free, learn to do some hard work, do part time jobs, mow lawns, do gardening, check on your neighbor's dog for them when they go on vacation, find something that people are willing to pay for, and you will come up with the money.

Beggars can't be Choosers, and I guarantee you that your life prospects increase when you stop being a beggar and start being a chooser.

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Guys, the OP is talking about his father in his post. He's broke because he's a child. In which case, he doesn't have the money because his parents don't want him to spend it, in which case again, nobody should be buying something for him that his parents don't want him to have anyway. And kid? Threatening to pirate the game if somebody doesn't buy it for you is emotional blackmail, and it's not going to make you any friends.

Could be a kid, could be a teenager, could be a young adult. You can't make that assumption merely based on the fact that he reference his father and a friend's house. I've played video games at a friend's house as an adult, and parents lending an adult child money is certainly not unheard of.

Regarding the OP, think about this. If you're here talking about not wanting to pirate this game, then you clearly consider it a bad idea. Please don't get the impression that you can take this community hostage by the threat of pirating the game, as many here can see through that ploy. Instead, why not save up the money as best you can? If you can raise the amount necessary to buy the game, then it might be easier to find someone to purchase it for you and send them the money through paypal or something secure.

You can't have something for nothing. Certainly, if this game means enough to you, you'll get it somehow. Put it on a birthday/holiday wish list, maybe a nice family member will buy it for you (your father, perhaps?). Or you'll find the money.

Enjoy the demo version for now.

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Th premise is that pirating leads to DRM which leads to SimCity, what should have been the arguably the best game of this century now wont get a second look by many many gamers after its debacal launch.

But even so pirating is a choice as much as a vice, it may get you the game, and may get you a virus. It happens to anyone pirating sooner or later, with some exceptions. Its a nuisance at least a costly mistake at most.

So pirate if you must but beware the consequence sooner or later it will bite.

And this is really a game that should make you stop and think before pirating, Squad ain't EA games, its in the name. As best as I can see they are ethical in there attempt to make a game people want to play and pay for and a company that has a vision for the game. Perhaps just like Maxis once had.

Sell out to EA though and its open season.

Find a way to play this game without pirating and you will enjoy much more without looking over your shoulder, so at speak, waiting for a virus to tap you on the back.

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