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Cupcake's Dropship Dealership...

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1 - Toggle Engine

5 - Undock/De-Couple Top Port

7 - Cut Chute (A Model Only)

0 - Open Doors (Dropship & LV)

ABORT - Undock/De-Couple Cargo Port


When using the LV, board your kerbal, press 0 to close the doors, set control to docking port at the top of the rocket, then liftoff.

Landing with the doors open is possible but not recommended!

Doors can be opened by a Kerbal standing outside if need-be.

The Puff Puff has an extremely high T/W ratio, the thrust limiter should be used in low gravity environments.

Despite being based around a cargo bay which has traditionally been kraken bait the new Puff Puff is pretty stable. The only major issue to watch with is the cargo port at the bottom of the craft has a habit of cooking if physics warp is used (on rails time warp is fine), oh and Mechjeb DV readouts are kaput when using a Kerbal as a pilot. Sorry. :(

Both versions use two main outrigger tanks complemented by a pair of reserve tanks mounted fore and aft of the cockpit. These can be selected by opening the doors and moving the cursor to the side of the Mk2 Light or behind the seat.


Set control to the docking port at the top of the rocket, activate SAS, set full throttle and hit the stage button.

Eject the SRBs and LV drop tanks as soon they become empty.

Once the needle reaches the end of the light blue strip start pitching over on a 90* heading.

By the time the needle gets to the dark blue section you want to be at a 45* angle.

Hold this heading till your apoapsis reaches 40k then gently pitch over and hold course about 5* above the horizon.

Once you apoapsis reaches 80k cut the engines and coast out of the atmosphere.

Circularize then press 0 to open the cargo bay doors.

Undock your Puff Puff, and use the RCS thrusters to move it into position onto the docking port at the top of the LV.

Adjust the staging and then separate the kicker stage.

The LV has a probe core and can be de-orbited if and when you choose.

Hello all, it's my great pleasure to present the all new Mk2 version of the Puff Puff, your go to choice for base building/light tug work and scouting. :D


The use of a small cargo bay to house the Kerbal has resulted in a substantial weight saving over the original version, and has resulted in more DV with a higher T/W ratio, perfect for base building.


The standard model comes with its own fuel dump setup to be compatible with the Pickaxe mining dropship. The fuel dump will keep the Puff Puff going for a long time between refills.


After receiving some feedback from the test team I've decided to fork the craft into two versions. First off is the standard model; a bare bones, no thrills dropship built specially as a base builder, recovery vessel and light tug. It puts out about 2k of Delta V with an extremely high T/W ratio and tips the scales around 3t when fully fueled. In addition there's the model A (pictured below), which is setup to act as light lander. It carries a lot more fuel then the base version and puts out around 3k of Delta V. It aslo comes with a chute allowing for safe touchdowns back on Kerbin. Both models come with the proven LV design used for the Moth Mk2.


Look Gullwing doors! Sorry, I'm way too overexcited about them. :blush:


Enjoy! :)


Damn dude! You are the MASTER! And those pics are so vivid, did you adjust the colour at all?

- - - Updated - - -

Staying with the utility dropship theme if I may, work is underway on a brand new lander made specially for getting heavy loads safely down to the surface.


Good times! :D


Anyway folks, time for me to go catch some z's. Night Night.


Ha ah aha! That cockpit is amazing!

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For anyone that missed them...



I love that you actually fly the missions you design your craft for. The sign of a good builder, and pilot!

Well, you gotta make sure it does what it says on the tin. :wink: BTW I use photoshop to give the colours/contrast a bit of a lift as stock KSP is a bit washed out for my tastes.

Moar utility dropships! Preferably jet-powered ones

I'll take a serious look at them once we get the new jet engines. At the moment though jet powered utility dropships are a struggle because of the poor performance of jets at low altitudes/speeds. :(

Beautiful as always, Cupcake!


Thanks man! :D


Edited by Cupcake...
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do you happen to have a good kerbin vtol craft at the moment. I cant seem to find any good working kerbin vtols at the moment. I can go to almost any planet but I only ok at making planes and really bad at making vtols.

I absolutely love your space or low grav craft.

thank you in advanced and I am sorry if this is covered somewhere else but iv been looking for the better part of 6 hours and cant seem to get anything to work right.

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do you happen to have a good kerbin vtol craft at the moment. I cant seem to find any good working kerbin vtols at the moment. I can go to almost any planet but I only ok at making planes and really bad at making vtols.

I absolutely love your space or low grav craft.

thank you in advanced and I am sorry if this is covered somewhere else but iv been looking for the better part of 6 hours and cant seem to get anything to work right.

The advanced model of the Matador works on Kerbin, make sure to drop the droptanks.

To use it as a trainer I suggest flying around until almost all the fuel is used up and then switch to infinite fuel for endless lightweight kerbin flying.

Good luck and have fun, and welcome to the forum!

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Any builder worth their salt should do this, good on you mate. So, what's next?

Well, I'm just polishing off that utility dropship you saw earlier, I think it's coming together quite nicely. :wink:


Once that's all done I reckon I'm gonna hold fire for a while till I get a chance to make a video next month. Who knows, maybe 1.05 will be with us by then. :)


do you happen to have a good kerbin vtol craft at the moment. I cant seem to find any good working kerbin vtols at the moment. I can go to almost any planet but I only ok at making planes and really bad at making vtols.

I absolutely love your space or low grav craft.

thank you in advanced and I am sorry if this is covered somewhere else but iv been looking for the better part of 6 hours and cant seem to get anything to work right.

As Dafni kindly pointed out the A Model Matador will fly around on Kerbin though the handling is a bit on the heavy side. :P If you can give me a week I should have the pre-release version of the Mantis ready (pictured above), which is a great craft for having a quick blat around the space port. Hope this helps. :)


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Well, I'm just polishing off that utility dropship you saw earlier, I think it's coming together quite nicely. :wink:


Once that's all done I reckon I'm gonna hold fire for a while till I get a chance to make a video next month. Who knows, maybe 1.05 will be with us by then. :)

As Dafni kindly pointed out the A Model Matador will fly around on Kerbin though the handling is a bit on the heavy side. :P If you can give me a week I should have the pre-release version of the Mantis ready (pictured above), which is a great craft for having a quick blat around the space port. Hope this helps. :)


Glad to hear it mate! That cockpit tickles me everytime! :D

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1 - Toggle Engines

2 - Toggle Engine Gimbal (For Tall Payloads)

3 - Toggle Cargo/Search Lights

5 - Undock Top/Side Ports/Eject Drop Tanks

8 - Reduce Control Torque (For Navball Drift)

9 - Toggle Ladders

0 - Toggle Cockpit Doors

ABORT - Undock Cargo Port


RCS tank is located above the cargo port and is left empty by default.

The Mantis puts out around 4.7k of Delta V with its long range tanks giving it a pretty good "ferry range".

Use of physics warp is not recommended as it can cause issues with this craft. On rails timewarp is fine.

Any cargo/modules using a docking port should be set to use the abort action key.

The wide range range of the engine gimbal means tall payloads can occasionally get caught in the wash from the engines. If this occurs use action group 2.

Due to it's construction the Mantis can be a bit of a CPU hog! I recommend using Gamebooster 3 if you're getting low FPS.


Board your Kerbal, close the cockpit doors, activate SAS then launch.

Eject the SRBs and LV drop tanks as soon they become empty.

Once the needle reaches the end of the light blue strip start pitching over on a 90* heading.

By the time the needle gets to the dark blue section you want to be at a 45* angle.

Hold this heading till your apoapsis reaches 40k then gently pitch over and hold course about 5* above the horizon.

Once you apoapsis reaches 80k cut the engines and coast out of the atmosphere.

Hello all, it's my great pleasure to introduce the all new Mantis; a medium utility dropship that means business! Whether your precision landing your shiny new science lab...


...or hauling your oversized mining rig to Duna, the Mantis could well be your new weapon of choice. :wink:


I can't say I've ever been that keen on the Thud engines which have never looked that good on paper, however for this design they are just so... right! Putting out lashing of the thrust the Mantis even has enough grunt to fly around on Kerbin. Twin reaction wheels combined with the Thud's ridiculously wide gimbal range make the Mantis extremely agile for its size and more then capable of bending even the most stubborn pieces of cargo to it its will.


Two vertical axis docking ports running through the center of mass/thrust will keep your cargo balanced at all fuel loads (providing the payload is properly balanced).


Anyway, I hope you enjoy the craft and please let me know if you run into any issues. :)


Edited by Cupcake...
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So there is a light utility dropship, and now a medium one. Will there be a heavy one? :D

Never say never. :wink:


(Release Details/Download On Page 94)




Edited by Cupcake...
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Nice timing...now I have a lot to do this weekend

That mining rig looks awfully familiar, but I cant place it...is it one of your's?

Also, any plans on a 2 man? I add probes to all you craft but if they are nerfing in 1.0.5, the ability to use a pilot to rescue and ferry Kerbals between stations may become more important.

Edited by Gilph
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The Mantis is very nice! Handles great and looks real cool too.

It's so easy to navigate quite heavy payloads around the surface. You really nailed the maneuverability for base building on Mun and Minmus. With a joystick its a dream to fly, and with its nifty RCS setup it can manage the most precise maneuvers.

And yeah: That mining rover! :cool:

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Nice timing...now I have a lot to do this weekend

That mining rig looks awfully familiar, but I cant place it...is it one of your's?

Also, any plans on a 2 man? I add probes to all you craft but if they are nerfing in 1.0.5, the ability to use a pilot to rescue and ferry Kerbals between stations may become more important.

I knocked up the mining rover as a bit of a prop really! It wouldn't surpise me if someone had done something similar in the past. :P As for the two man crafts I'll give it some thought, I suppose that is something that's perhaps missing from the lineup.

The Mantis is very nice! Handles great and looks real cool too.

It's so easy to navigate quite heavy payloads around the surface. You really nailed the maneuverability for base building on Mun and Minmus. With a joystick its a dream to fly, and with its nifty RCS setup it can manage the most precise maneuvers.

And yeah: That mining rover! :cool:

Sweet man! :D Sounds like you're making good use of it. :wink:


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Ah, I thought I was done building Cupcake-style ships. I guess I was wrong.

Presenting the latest in Poor-Quality Cupcake Imitation Designs, Incorporated (P.Q.C.I.D, Inc.!)

The Croissant!


"Like a Cupcake VTOL... only smaller!â„¢"

It's equipped with enough delta-V for all of your small building projects! It can carry a Kerbal! It fits neatly in a Mk2 cargo bay! It has a docking port on the back and the bottom for all your refueling needs! It weighs only 2.7t, so you can take it anywhere! It's much better balanced than some of my other VTOLs! It has enough TWR to pick up things and fly them around on any body of your choosing*! It has pretty lights! It has just the right amount of SAS**! Even Bob likes it! The superlatives are intense.

*warranty void if flown on Kerbin, Tylo, Eve, Jool, and the Sun.

**In my humble opinion, of course.

I'd be happy to PM you the .craft if you're interested, though I'm sure Cupcake will have some suggestions/tweaks to make it even better, which is why I'm posting it here and not releasing it properly. Also, if I was to 'release it properly,' many of you would probably say that I was a dirty, dirty stealer of Cupcake's designs. Which would probably be true.

Buy it today! Only 7,360 roots.

And as always, thanks for shopping at...

P.Q.C.I.D, Inc.!


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Ah, I thought I was done building Cupcake-style ships. I guess I was wrong.

Presenting the latest in Poor-Quality Cupcake Imitation Designs, Incorporated (P.Q.C.I.D, Inc.!)

The Croissant!


"Like a Cupcake VTOL... only smaller!â„¢"

It's equipped with enough delta-V for all of your small building projects! It can carry a Kerbal! It fits neatly in a Mk2 cargo bay! It has a docking port on the back and the bottom for all your refueling needs! It weighs only 2.7t, so you can take it anywhere! It's much better balanced than some of my other VTOLs! It has enough TWR to pick up things and fly them around on any body of your choosing*! It has pretty lights! It has just the right amount of SAS**! Even Bob likes it! The superlatives are intense.

*warranty void if flown on Kerbin, Tylo, Eve, Jool, and the Sun.

**In my humble opinion, of course.

I'd be happy to PM you the .craft if you're interested, though I'm sure Cupcake will have some suggestions/tweaks to make it even better, which is why I'm posting it here and not releasing it properly. Also, if I was to 'release it properly,' many of you would probably say that I was a dirty, dirty stealer of Cupcake's designs. Which would probably be true.

Buy it today! Only 7,360 roots.

And as always, thanks for shopping at...

P.Q.C.I.D, Inc.!


Vewy nice! :D Feel free to put a DL link up if you like. Even my smallest VTOL's will only fit in MK3 cargo bays so I think you've definitely found a niche there. Are we gonna get a video too? :wink:


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Glad to see you're still around dude, it's been a while. Hope all is well. I haven't been playing as much since I started my new job, and I'm waiting for 1.1.

I bought a nano qx quadcopter which I absolutely love. Reminds me of flying around one of your craft though.

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Glad to see you're still around dude, it's been a while. Hope all is well. I haven't been playing as much since I started my new job, and I'm waiting for 1.1.

I bought a nano qx quadcopter which I absolutely love. Reminds me of flying around one of your craft though.

Yep still, hanging in there. :wink: Although I think once the next videos out I'm gonna scale things back and just hold fire for 1.1. Funily enough I had a crack at making a VTOL simulator at Uni, although unfortunately unlike your quadcopter it doesn't fly. ;.;


Despite being rough as guts it did actually work and gave you roll and pitch control once the weight of the er... pilot, I guess, was counterbalanced. Now that I kind of know what I'm doing as a designer I wouldn't mind making another one sometime.


I need to make a small dropship again...

Off you go then, let's have less talk and more dropships! :D


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