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Long-term Laythe Mission (pic heavy) - ^_^ With Part 45 ^_^


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  Brotoro said:

The real reason that I've been stacking up the used Tugs is so that I can bring them all back as one ship, rather than having to herd a whole fleet of ships back to Kerbin. Plus, it looks cool.

Reminds me of an old science fiction story where there was an alien race that used small, glowing stones as their unit of money. (Asimov? Perhaps. Adams? Probably.) Eventually they developed banking, and as the banks grew larger and larger, they started to give off more and more heat. Until finally, one last large deposit was made and the "bank" of (uranium? plutonium?) coins went super critical.

Your tugs are getting a bit warm I think.... ;)

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You already said you were okay with file editing, couldn't you add back in the reaction wheel to the OKTO2 part? I actually like this change, because now that probe core isn't just the all around best, there are some for each role: QBE for rovers and sacrificial atmosphere divers (no reaction wheel, lightweight), OKTO2 to add SAS assist functions to a manned craft so you can have just an engineer or a scientist, HECS for more functional probes, Stayputnik then OKTO for early career.

I agree it would mess up long-term save files. Did you see that the battery life was not changed over? Probe cores in ships designed in 0.25 or earlier still all have 10 Ec.

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  Scotius said:
How much dV and what TWR your 'super-stack' Tug have now?

The 8 active nuclear engines give it a thrust of 480 kN. And the mass of the ship is 193.65 tons. So that gives it a TWR of about 0.253 (using the g value for Kerbin).

With the fuel destributed as shown in Part 41, MechJeb says the stage has 2,685 m/s of delta-V.

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  sdj64 said:
You already said you were okay with file editing, couldn't you add back in the reaction wheel to the OKTO2 part? I actually like this change, because now that probe core isn't just the all around best, there are some for each role: QBE for rovers and sacrificial atmosphere divers (no reaction wheel, lightweight), OKTO2 to add SAS assist functions to a manned craft so you can have just an engineer or a scientist, HECS for more functional probes, Stayputnik then OKTO for early career.

I don't mind editing my game file, but I generally don't like to use edited parts files. The point about playing a stock game is that anyone familiar with KSP parts can tell at a glance the capabilities of the parts you are using. If you go editing your parts files to change the stats of the parts, this is no longer true. Also, with modified parts, you have to remember to keep migrating your part mods when you change to a new version of KSP. So I'd rather not.

That doesn't mean I wouldn't EVER edit parts... When the clearly buggy updated version of the landing legs came out in a previous version (and ships would just sag over), I continued to use the previous version of the part until Squad fixed the legs so that the suspension could be locked. And now I don't need to keep using the old leg files. I made an exception in that case because my GasStations simply would not work at all for refueling my BirdDogs with saggy legs.

But if Squad decides to stick with the torque-crippled OKTO2 probe cores, then that's what I'll deal with. I can replace all my dead comsats...and limit what the Laythe kerbals may choose to do until they get new comsats for better communication coverage. It won't kill me. All my other important ships that use OKTO2 probe cores have other, more powerful reaction wheels installed, so those will keep working.

I was always under the impression that the variety of probe core shapes were to give players more options in building vehicles with different symetries and asthetics. I never once used a HECS core, for example, because I never made probes with 3- or 6-fold symmetry. The variation in probe core capabilities does not thrill me...and the loss of all torque from the OKTO2 is especially sad.

Edited by Brotoro
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  Tw1 said:

Well done Jumpster! Does this work for all older saves, or does it need to be tailored to suit a file? I also have an old save that could do with some fixing.

Sorry! I didn't have time to share the tool I made before needing to leave my home for the holidays (visiting family).

It parses a save file and creates a new copy with the fuel lines fixed. In a few days I'll have access to a PC and will be happy to share the fix as a windows executable.

Feel free to PM me a link to a copy of your save AFTER having loaded it at least once in KSP .90 (good idea to keep the .25 copy, just in case, but I should just need the .90 file). I'll run it through first thing so you can get to playing sooner. Otherwise, you can wait till I make the tool available.

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Regarding the now tumbling comsats; you could always employ a similar system to that used in Mariner 10. The antenna and solar panels of the spacecraft were used to orient the ship in the direction desired, using the force generated against the surface by the solar wind. Not actually in the game, but then neither is the phantom rotation you picked up during the 0.90 beta storm. Might be useful to get a few of your satellites functioning in a last-ditch attempt to contact someone?

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  JumpsterG said:

Feel free to PM me a link to a copy of your save AFTER having loaded it at least once in KSP .90 (good idea to keep the .25 copy, just in case, but I should just need the .90 file). I'll run it through first thing so you can get to playing sooner. Otherwise, you can wait till I make the tool available.

That's alright, I won't be playing until some time after christmas either. Will use when you are ready to release.

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In case anyone has need, I've made available the tool that fixes fuel lines in a 0.90 save that was converted from 0.25:


FixFuelLines.exe creates a fixed version of the file you select. You should backup the original file and replace it with the newly generated file.

The "brotoro" folder in the zip contains the source code (a vb solution with one form). This is a windows program, so if anyone is running Mac or Linux and can't use it, feel free to PM me a copy of your save and I'll be happy to run it for you. I'll post this over in the Tools subforum also.

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  macdjord said:
@Brotoro: For the OCTO probes, have you considered just editing the part.cfg to give them torque back?
  Brotoro said:
I don't mind editing my game file, but I generally don't like to use edited parts files. The point about playing a stock game is that anyone familiar with KSP parts can tell at a glance the capabilities of the parts you are using. If you go editing your parts files to change the stats of the parts, this is no longer true. Also, with modified parts, you have to remember to keep migrating your part mods when you change to a new version of KSP. So I'd rather not.

Hope that answers your question, macdjord ;)

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