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[WIP Plugin] Extraplanetary Space Centers!


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Whats going on with the deposits? The colors are throwing me off, not sure what Im looking at...

Also the deposits seems drastically sparse compared to just running kethane 0.50.


Even if that was all green (or whatever color kethane is now lol) it would be about 2/3 the amount Kerbin had before...is that intended??

Red - Yellow = Ore (low to high density)

Green - White = Kethane (low to high density)

Not sure about relative deposit density though.

The update to Kethane 0.5 broke my auger. However, if you use the Kethane drill in an ore deposit, it will mine ore.

Thanks, that helps a lot. Does the auger not even mine then, or is it just the animation that is bugged? I can start and end the auger, it just does not move.

Edited by Farnsworth
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Yellow - Red = Ore (low to high density)

Green - White = Kethane (low to high density)

Ok, if that's the case then Kerbin actually now has about 1/5 the total kethane as it did just running kethane v0.5...is that right?

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a cheap temp fix for the invisible bins is just to stick this in the bin cfgs:

model = Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank1-2/model
position = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
scale = 0.65, 0.52, 0.65
rotation = 0, 0, 0
texture = model000 , Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank1-2/model000
texture = model001 , Squad/Parts/FuelTank/fuelTank1-2/model001

this just uses the Rockomax X200-32 tank as a placeholder for the mesh. its scaled to fits between the nodes and is an approximate size, so our craft dont have phantom parts.

How does one apply this?? Sorry still kinda newish. I tried adding the code at the end of the parts .cfg, now the parts are gone in VAB....Im guessing this bit replaces something already in there...a little nidge the right way would be awesome, thankee

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How does one apply this?? Sorry still kinda newish. I tried adding the code at the end of the parts .cfg, now the parts are gone in VAB....Im guessing this bit replaces something already in there...a little nidge the right way would be awesome, thankee

I'd say replace the two lines under asset parameters with these. Try that out and see what it does.

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I got it! Issue here was my noobness, plain and simple.

It works fine if added after the RESOURCE{} bit......

problem was I did a copy and paste from the above post....but the .cfg files have to be opened in wordpad, and they use a different font. When I pasted the bit of code in it was in notepad font, so when I saved the file it reverted back to text document, I guess because of containing 2 different fonts.

Typed the code in myself and it works fine....The Noob Baron RIDES AGAIN!!! mwahahaha

very VERY happy to have this mod up and fully running now...took me a day but well worth it imo..best thing to happen to KSP since kethane!

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None of my kethane tanks show up in my resources tab. I can mine ore with the drills but not kethane. any ideas?

I can map and it shows red and green deposits, however the drill don't work, I toggle deploy drill and the only thing who happen is that I now can retract drill however it don't come out and don't mine.

This is using kerthane 0.44, using 0.51 and I can not use crafts with detectors.

I replaced the MMI_Kethane.dll with the one in this mod for both tests.

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1st off... great mod! Love it, much improves depth of play and what you can achieve... but I've encountered a few bugs. Most have already been displayed above. My first launch with a pad attached was a bit wobbly so I restarted... and got the 'space scene' on trying to launch the rocket from the VAB. The throttle was up and slowed to zero and it wouldn't let you do anything except go back to the space center. Eventually I got that working by deleting the Kethane cfg file as mentioned earlier and repasting the DLL to replace Kethane. Not sure why it worked at first then didn't *shrugs* I did paste in this mods version of the kethane dll but it just... lost it. Weird.

Recently I've been having difficulty with doing anything with a pad after launching something. I DLed the new UI and now that UI pops up when ANY vessel gets within 2.2Km of the landed and set up pad. Also can't get rid of the UI. Annoying. Then, after I launched a vessel from the pad the UI disappeared... and the 'load ship' from right clicking on the pad doesn't work to bring it back. Just nothing, no way to make any more ships. Now I did 'end' the ship I just made because I didn't have enough fuel in it to get it off the pad (it was a rover and I just wanted it off the pad) does 'ending' the vessel before it's launched have anything to do with that?

Also a suggestion. Will there be any way to recycle ships on the pad into rocket parts in a future version? Even with inefficiencies meaning you lose parts in the process it would help in operations on distant worlds.

With the new Kethane map with ores and kethane I noticed (only on the Mun so far, haven't extended this to my base on Lathe yet) that the two deposits are sometimes close, but didn't seem to overlap. Is such an overlap possible in the system? Can you find that sweet spot to set up mining that lets you mine both Kethane and ore without moving?


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Not sure if anyone else has brought this to your attention yet

But when debug mode is set false, it isn't actually using the mass of rocket parts stored inside the pad.

Also, it requires you to have as much or more electrical power on hand as your craft requires to make- which I would think isn't really necessary, because in a sensible installation it will always be able to recharge itself from whatever power supply it was equipped with.

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I can map and it shows red and green deposits, however the drill don't work, I toggle deploy drill and the only thing who happen is that I now can retract drill however it don't come out and don't mine.

This is using kerthane 0.44, using 0.51 and I can not use crafts with detectors.

I replaced the MMI_Kethane.dll with the one in this mod for both tests.

I can help with part of this.

Anytime you start KSP with a kethane.dll installed (either default kethane or EL modified .dll) a CFG file is created in your save game folder. CFG files made by default kethane wont work with the EL plugin and visa versa.

So if you loaded KSP with default kethane.dll, played, and then after installed EL modified.dll you wont be able to load craft with kethane parts.

Easy Fix: Go into your save game. The path is KSP/saves/<your save game>/kethane(its a notepad cfg file, in my folder its just under 'ships' folder and above the 'persistent' and 'quicksave' files)

DELETE the kethane.cfg from your save file ONLY!

When you restart KSP the currently installed .dll will recreate the cfg file in your save.

KEEP IN MIND this will reset your scan maps, and deposit spawns.

Hope this helps =)

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Additional. I've noticed on the pad that won't bring up the 'load ship' UI that the rocket parts building system isn't working. It used to, and they were building away, but no even with metals available (50 units) nothing is being built. On the right click menu it comes up with 'stop manufacturing' but it isn't doing anything. I've reloaded the game, restarted KSP but it isn't working. I don't want to delete the mod and reload incase it messes with the base I finally managed to get set up. It had three separate launches to get a miner, pad and a rover that shuttled the metal across between them. I really don't want to go through the hassle of getting all of them up again in one piece and close enough to function.

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Additional additional. Also tried pasting in the mod again ontop of the original... no luck, so it isn't from corrupted data it looks like. At least in the mod data. Probably bad save file... which is really annoying.

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I have EL 1.1 and Kethane .51 and every time I go to launch a ship with detectors attached I get the space screen of death. I replaced the MMI_Kethane.dll with the modified version and tested with debug = true as well as false. I really like the idea of this mod, but the developer needs to include precise instructions on installing the mod so to avoid simple complaints.

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I have EL 1.1 and Kethane .51 and every time I go to launch a ship with detectors attached I get the space screen of death. I replaced the MMI_Kethane.dll with the modified version and tested with debug = true as well as false. I really like the idea of this mod, but the developer needs to include precise instructions on installing the mod so to avoid simple complaints.

Answer how to fix this on page 17 of this thread. Try reading last few pages before you post.

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Man, your mod functionality promise is amazing, but i need to say. Your 3D models are dan ugly. Germalto offer you a good choice. Please be smart and add some good design in it.

You need a system modular that can be put inside the fairing of the rockets in the game (other mods).

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Man, your mod functionality promise is amazing, but i need to say. Your 3D models are dan ugly. Germalto offer you a good choice. Please be smart and add some good design in it.

You need a system modular that can be put inside the fairing of the rockets in the game (other mods).

Few things about this...

Its a work in progress, kinda silly to complain about models of something still being worked on. Also, germalto's model, while nice, was big and didn't fold up. The Launchpad module can be put into any part, I like the blast shield from HL. Lastly, not everything HAS to be in a fairing, I honestly use fairings for maybe 1/2 my launches, they just get in the way the rest of the time. Also its a little far fetched that something capable of building/launching rockets would fit ready to go in any reasonable sized fairing.

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