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Changing music...


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Is there any way to change the KSP music?

It's not that it's bad - and I don't really want to disable it (all) - the problem is that one of the tracks is identical to a track used in Dwarf Fortress (Soundsense utility), and I've heard it sooooo many times I can't take it anymore!!! Also it kind of reminds me of Dwarf Fortresses when I should be thinking Kerbal Science...

Stupid problem, I know...

So can it be changed at all? Didn't see any obvious files to mess with.

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I would love to be able to put my own music in. I do like the current music, but it gets old after a while. I would also like to be able to add some music for stuff in the atmosphere. Something heavy sounding to indicate the pressure of the atmosphere. I just don't like the silence on Kerbin, and I don't have the CPU cycles to spare for a music player while I play KSP ;p

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  • 3 months later...

I was hoping to change the orbit music to the new star trek theme or star wars, sad i know, but it would be epic. Maybe halo instead of the wind sounds for reentry, should be easy if i could find the files in folder but i can't

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I'd prefer to be able to add sounds to Dwarf Fortress--it's such a shame the game doesn't have any!

But uh, that aside, the music isn't easily moddable at the moment. The have been various suggestions for a more dynamic and customizable system.

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  • 2 months later...

It would be nice to have an option to DISABLE music as well, rather then just turning it down to effectivley 0 volume... Unless turning the volume to 0 also disables the music, but there is no indication of this in the menu. I know many games can actually see a minor performance increase from disabling music. Just one less thing for the game to be processing. I know I know its not like this would allow you to KSP on an i486/am486 but every optimization adds up at the end of the day.

As far as customizing the soundtrack, I've had thoughts of a combination of Aes Dana music (very minimalistic, ambient, almost hypnotic) for the "space" music and out-right stealing the Sim City 4 OST for in-atmopshere music. Maybe some of the finer MIDI pieces from the Ultima series for in the VAB. :cool:

Edited by Arsonik
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  • 2 years later...
On 11/6/2013 at 10:20 AM, Arsonik said:

It would be nice to have an option to DISABLE music as well, rather then just turning it down to effectivley 0 volume... Unless turning the volume to 0 also disables the music, but there is no indication of this in the menu. I know many games can actually see a minor performance increase from disabling music. Just one less thing for the game to be processing. I know I know its not like this would allow you to KSP on an i486/am486 but every optimization adds up at the end of the day.

As far as customizing the soundtrack, I've had thoughts of a combination of Aes Dana music (very minimalistic, ambient, almost hypnotic) for the "space" music and out-right stealing the Sim City 4 OST for in-atmopshere music. Maybe some of the finer MIDI pieces from the Ultima series for in the VAB. :cool:

I believe that there is a mod called MusicMute that can solve your problem

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On 11/7/2013 at 3:20 PM, Arsonik said:

As far as customizing the soundtrack, I've had thoughts of a combination of Aes Dana music (very minimalistic, ambient, almost hypnotic) for the "space" music and out-right stealing the Sim City 4 OST for in-atmopshere music. Maybe some of the finer MIDI pieces from the Ultima series for in the VAB. :cool:

my god, that SC4 is one damn good OST !!!! I have also been using it for all my in-orbit operations !!!

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