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The Ctrl+V thread!


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Q#1. What is it you like best about KSP?

Q#2. What makes KSP unique compared to other video game experiences?

Q#3. Would you consider KSP an educational game?

Q#4. What have you learned on KSP about space travel that you did not know before?

Q#5. What suggestions do you have for improving the game?

Hmm. From the KSP Survey thingymabob that just opened up, I guess.

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For example, the Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Boosters are equipped with explosive charges so that the boosters can be destroyed in the event that control is lost on launch and a populated area is in danger. This feature can be seen in videos of the Challenger disaster. After the initial disintegration of the shuttle, the two solid rocket boosters continued firing until they exploded simultaneously 37 seconds later. This occurred when the Range Safety Officer decided that the separated boosters had the potential to endanger those on the ground and activated the self-destruct system.[3]

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[h=2]Chapter 3: Abigail’s Arrival[/h]Abigail Darton and her mother got out of the car. They got Abigail’s bags out of the trunk. “See you on the 15th!†said Abigail’s mother as Abigail headed towards the entrance. Immediately, she saw her friends, but chose not to talk to them. They had other things on their minds. Entrance was swift and simple: just say your name. Once Abigail was in, a camp guide directed her and her friends to a cabin on the right side of the camp. In the middle of the camp, there was a smooth and shiny plane of what appeared to be fallen pine needles. Inside the cabin, it looked exactly like a normal house inside Abigail’s neighborhood, but with a few exceptions. By the door, there was a rack. It was labeled, “Boot Rack.†So, Abigail took her light pink rain boots out of her bag, and put them on the rack. Then, she saw a double wide bed, of which there was one for everyone in the cabin. She put her bags on the left side of her bed. Just as they were all settling in, one of the camp guides opened the door. “Welcome to the camp! Get prepared to learn why the camp is called Camp Mudonia!†This was exciting for Abigail. She would learn the biggest thing to know around the camp. Once she had put her rubber boots and waterproof clothes on, the camp guide opened the door again. “Let’s go!†All of her friends were as excited as Abigail at that moment.

A chapter from a story I'm typing on my PC.

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From the riddle thread.

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Abigail Darton at “Camp Mudoniaâ€Â

[h=1]Chapter 1: Prologue[/h]“It’s time to go!†Abigail Darton, 10, was about to go to Camp Mudonia, which was not its official name, but was the nickname given to it by the kids who went there. Every summer, 10 year olds from all over town visited Camp Mudonia for half of July. A visit was not required, but many parents chose to let their kids go there so they could experience the reason behind Camp Mudonia’s name. And today, July 1, Abigail Darton was about to become the newest visitor. She had peen packing and planning all June for this. And it was time.

[h=2]Chapter 2: About The Camp[/h]The supply list for Camp Mudonia included rubber boots, rubber gloves, waterproof pants and socks, and raincoats. This led many parents to assume it was a fishing camp. But, in reality, it was something far more energetic, fun, and exciting.

[h=2]Chapter 3: Abigail’s Arrival[/h]Abigail Darton and her mother got out of the car. They got Abigail’s bags out of the trunk. “See you on the 15th!†said Abigail’s mother as Abigail headed towards the entrance. Immediately, she saw her friends, but chose not to talk to them. They had other things on their minds. Entrance was swift and simple: just say your name. Once Abigail was in, a camp guide directed her and her friends to a cabin on the right side of the camp. In the middle of the camp, there was a smooth and shiny plane of what appeared to be fallen pine needles. Inside the cabin, it looked exactly like a normal house in Abigail’s neighborhood, but with a few exceptions. By the door, there was a rack. It was labeled, “Boot Rack.†So, Abigail took her light pink rain boots out of her bag, and put them on the rack. Then, she saw a double wide bed, of which there was one for everyone in the cabin. She put her bags on the left side of her bed. Just as they were all settling in, one of the camp guides opened the door. “Welcome to the camp! Get prepared to learn why the camp is called Camp Mudonia!†This was exciting for Abigail. She would learn the biggest thing to know around the camp. Once she had put her rubber boots and waterproof clothes on, the camp guide opened the door again. “Let’s go!†All of her friends were as excited as Abigail at that moment.

[h=1]Chapter 4: So this is why it’s called Camp Mudonia![/h]Abigail, along with her friends Tessa and Emma were directed to the edge of the collection of pine needles. The 3 of them were lined up side to side. “On 3, take a few steps forward!†said the guide. “One, two, three!†Abigail stepped forward. Immediately, she realized that she was not stepping onto pine needles, but instead stepping into thick black mud, which crawled up half of her boots. Tessa and Emma appeared as surprised as Abigail felt. They realized that they should’ve realized that it was a mudding camp; it was called Camp Mudonia! They were directed to keep walking forward, getting deeper with every squelchy step. Finally, they reached the center of the camp. There, the mud was less than a millimeter from getting into their rubber boots. At this point, Abigail and Emma were getting pretty nervous. The camp guides took pictures from solid ground. For a while, Abigail, Tessa, and Emma thought they were no longer sinking. Eventually, they realized they were completely stuck. “I guess this is why we have to wear waterproof everything.†They walked out of the mud. As they looked back at their boots, Emma’s boot tops appeared to snap shut, and then disappeared, signaling that the mud had filled the boots. “I’ll rescue them,†said Abigail. She stepped back into the mud, but when she reached the boots, she slipped and fell, and appeared to be waist-deep in the mud. However, it did provide a good perch for rescuing the boots. She guessed where Emma’s boots were, and pulled them up. She could hardly tell that they were even the boots, since they looked like two big lumps of mud. She threw them back to Emma. Then, she picked up Tessa’s boots and took them back to her. Now, for Abigail’s muddy stuck boots. She decided that instead of carrying them, she would try to put them on and wade out in them. As she put them on, however, she saw that she was not in the center of the mud. So, she took two steps forward. Abigail’s boots slowly sank and disappeared under the mud. “Oh no, they disappeared!†exclaimed Abigail.

My mud story that I'm typing so far.

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